Oh and they had played about with the tune that normally comes out of 'Sunglasses at Night'(although they didn't play sunglasses) using the Chemicals are bad vocal.

Boys @ Sankeys
#42 Oscillate
Posted 23 November 2009 - 2:11 PM
I felt the need to come and join this forum after friday night. yeah im a fan of the chems iv seem them live twice so i was expectin a bit of old school-ish big beat and sort of hip hop and breaks etc. along with a bit of techno.
how fuckin wrong was i. from the spine tingling intro to the fucked up sgt peppers trip-out at the end i didnt stop dancing to piss, or drink or smoke once. iv been goin to sankeys and other techno nights for years but never in my life have i ever seen the atmosphere like that, or, for that matter, ever heard techno like that. Im a DJ and i thought i roughly knew what is out there, music wise... again, wrong.
From around 1:30am to 3:15am they played relentless, balls-out, sonic techno, none of which i have ever heard before (apart from Saturation and that awesome looping section of Hoops).
I also noticed that very very rare once-every-few-years-or-so phenomenon where every single person, from the front of the room, to the back of the rear stage, to the people at the bars, to those stood on top of the speakers, were going fucking nuts... all night.
does anyone have anything that even closely resembles a set list? i would kill for it. and it would also make my life if i got wind of a recording.
My name is Sean by the way and i reckon you may be seein me quite a lot round here since last Friday
Posted 23 November 2009 - 11:52 PM
@Oscillate/Sean: Nice!!! Wow, I love reading people's reactions to the set!!! Glad it was an amazing time.
I'm sure they played new material, and I would have LOVED to have been there... ::sigh:: Do the boys want to DJ Coachella again? :-/ That's the best chance of getting them back over here to the States, probably. :-(
Posted 24 November 2009 - 8:03 AM
@ Oscillate/Sean: I am in bed about to go to sleep and I just screamed out after reading your post YESYESYESYESYESYESYESYESYES!!!!!! That post was eargasmic!
That is part of why I stick around this place. To pump me up for my next T and E show......which will hopefully be something in regards of a tour this summer and my semi/tri annual jaunt over to fuji rock. I am almost half way there.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#49 Oscillate
Posted 24 November 2009 - 10:00 AM
haha! thanks for the warm welcome!
@ChemicalChris : whoosh! power!... that absolutely had to be a chems track. it sounded like it was the same robot-like vocal effect as was on the Sgt Peppers track.
@london_dust_explosion : make sure you let us know what they are like @ Fabric!
as i gradually regain my short term memory i will try to describe other stuff about the night. also i will try to get the very few videos i took posted on youtube.
Im scared of looking at those vids at the minute as i just know i will be overcome with the crippling realisation thats its a wet tuesday morning and im not in sankeys watching it live.
#52 inchemwetrust
Posted 25 November 2009 - 1:31 AM
You summed it up very well Oscillate! ( And glad you had a kick-ass time at Sankeys.) You fired up the forum with your perspective of the show. It doesn't matter how small or big the venue is, it's the impact it leaves on its fans. I like what Ryno said about the part of why we stick around this place, but evidently, we breathe, sleep, and eat the music of the Bros. Sometimes I wish it was in a cereal..
..and I call it Dusted Flakes!
#56 Zarious
Posted 26 November 2009 - 1:37 AM