Electric Zoo At Randall's Island In New York City On September 4
Posted 06 September 2010 - 12:09 AM
shotglass75, on 27 January 2012 - 2:45 PM, said:
Posted 06 September 2010 - 12:18 AM
1. Do you have the entire video in one continuous raw file or is it all split up like it is with the Youtube vids?
2. What did you use to record the show? Did you use a separate audio recorder? I'm working on editing that audio from your videos right now and it seems like whatever you used had some sort of auto-leveling thing built into it. Like the music will be at some normal level and then when some big bass drum note hits, then all the audio after it is significantly lower, like its compensating to automatically try and (poorly) normalize the recording on the fly.
Posted 06 September 2010 - 6:30 AM
K3N5T3R, on 05 September 2010 - 05:09 PM, said:

Since when did the other acts start touching T and E's shit! Can't they bring their own! Damn! Why Lord...Oh Why!
Hopefully Tom and Ed got paid for lending their beloved screen!

Posted 06 September 2010 - 7:52 AM
Jakobud, on 05 September 2010 - 07:18 PM, said:
1. Do you have the entire video in one continuous raw file or is it all split up like it is with the Youtube vids?
2. What did you use to record the show? Did you use a separate audio recorder? I'm working on editing that audio from your videos right now and it seems like whatever you used had some sort of auto-leveling thing built into it. Like the music will be at some normal level and then when some big bass drum note hits, then all the audio after it is significantly lower, like its compensating to automatically try and (poorly) normalize the recording on the fly.
1. I wanted to take one vid but decided against it so I could upload it easily. I don't have a mac and my camera records in quicktime so editing is time consuming.
2. The camera has an auto sound level function which I think works better than setting a manual gain. The only time you notice the levels changing is when something really huge hits or when i start a video since it reverts to the standard setting then quickly adjusts. If I set the gain to the highest level manualy (anything else would end up clipping) tons of shit would be muffled.
Posted 06 September 2010 - 8:23 AM
Posted 06 September 2010 - 10:28 AM
MadPooter, on 06 September 2010 - 10:23 AM, said:
What do you mean "he and Diplo" ? Major Lazer = Switch and Diplo. I think they're friends with Tom and Ed.
Anyway, the set will be on the FTP soon.
Posted 07 September 2010 - 1:08 AM
inchemwetrust, on 06 September 2010 - 08:30 AM, said:

Since when did the other acts start touching T and E's shit! Can't they bring their own! Damn! Why Lord...Oh Why!
Hopefully Tom and Ed got paid for lending their beloved screen!
It just gets worse... It stood there for Sundays acts as well, geez this would of ruined my whole night. A blown out LED is noticeable. Not even YACHT dared to touch it by putting their weird lyrics on a 300 size font!
Yea they are, id rather just listen to reggae... was stuck in the crowd during their act but was worth the pain and suffering to see soulwax, loved their set.
shotglass75, on 27 January 2012 - 2:45 PM, said:
Posted 07 September 2010 - 1:21 AM
Another World
Horse Power
Star Guitar
Hey Boy, Hey Girl
Under the Influence
Out of Control
Escape Velocity
Technical Difficulties
Leave Home
Block Rockin Beats
The YouTube audio mostly lined up end to end, but in several cases it did not, so I took it upon myself to do some basic non-linear mixing and made the clips transition smoothly from one song to another. It turned out quite well.
Levels and Normalizing
The audio levels of the original Youtube videos varied here and there. It's almost like whatever Grannock used to record was attempting to (poorly) normalize the audio on the fly. So I did several levels of normalization and ran everything through an equalizer. The equalizing really picked up the sound quality. The levels of certain songs still aren't that great, but its not horrible. Overall the tracks might sound a little bit quiet compared to your normal ripped audio tracks. I just didn't want to boost the volume so high that it hurt the quality.
I encoded everything at 320kps mp3's. The original Youtube audio was only at 128 though, so it might be a waste of time and space to encode anything higher, but I did it anyways. The original source audio quality was already poor enough that it didn't seem to warrant encoding flac files. But if anyone REALLY wants em I can encode em for you.
The files are already up on the FTP. Go get em!
Posted 07 September 2010 - 5:14 PM
Posted 07 September 2010 - 5:44 PM
Posted 09 September 2010 - 12:04 AM
First of all, this show was the most anticipated concert I've ever gone too. I remember right after coming back from Coachella I saw some random advertisement on a music site that said the Chemical Brothers were coming to NYC. I was praying for the Bros at Lolla or some other huge festival this summer and was sort of bummed out that it didn't happen. I thought they had a new album on the way and I was sort of expecting them to do a a blowout headlining festival show. The news in late April that they were going to be right next door in Manhatten blew my mind. I called my friend, another huge Chem fiend and told him I had some news he needed to hear in person. I went over his apartment, told him to sit down, and dropped the bomb. As I was, he was floored. For the past few years we had been to a ton of great shows (Lolla 08, 09, Roo 06,07) but were always saying how the #1 on our list was to see the elusive Chems. I knew the summer was going to be a great time, but honestly, once I got my pass to the Electric Zoo I just couldn't wait to smell fall in the air.
Fast forward to Labor Day weekend. I had been sober from serious drugs for a long time, I did dose slightly for Tool a little more than a year ago, but it was barely enough to feel. I had such a great sober time at Coachella and Bisco that I was seriously debating doing anything mind-shattering ever again. I'm getting older, and like with most rockers, you get to a point in your life where the highs will never be quiet as high, and your body is telling you to stop. Despite this, I felt that I needed to go out with a bang. I knew some chemicals were going to hit me extremely hard, but I wanted to be right on that cliffs edge, perched atop something amazing but sane enough to hold on.
Me and my three other friends got to the Electric Zoo in the mid afternoon, all set to have a blowout weekend. The crowd was already slamming and while a good portion of the Zoo seemed to be filled with people who were just rolling hardcore engrossed in a 8 hour fistpump marathon, I could tell another large portion was keen to some of the amazing artists that were going to to throw down. The day flew by, all of a sudden it was getting dark out and I could see Benny Benassi causing endless builds that were perpetuated by an amateur display on the hallowed Chem Bros LED screen. It was basically a kaleidoscope of colors transforming into a never ending tunnel. Afterwards as we were walking off Randal's Island I joked to my friends that Benny had an orgasm button up on his stage that he was just mashing with his palm. As I made my way up through the dense crowd it was actually hard for me to cope. Benny was just too much, not enough subtlety, not enough peaks and valley's. The doses were hitting me extremely hard, but somehow I managed to tell myself that once the Chemicals come on stage everything will be perfect.
Galvanize - Don't hold back, the time has come, push the button. Yes! From the moment it started, prickles up my spine. What an amazing choice to lead off. The visuals were retro but the build was serious. Their use of every sound channel will never be equaled. You could hear the ticking that led to the drops from somewhere in the back of your mind clearly through the throbbing beat. I've read a few reviews of their shows this year that said it was a bit to loud. I completely disagree, the sound level was perfect, extremely loud but everything was able to stand out.
Another World - The live show really emphasized what an amazing effort Further is. It has to be held on the same pedestal that Come With Us, Surrender, and Dig Your Own Hole. The drops were just epic. Tom would come out, hold up his hands, and then BUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, bone rattling. I think my friend summed it up best when he said something along the lines of "Holy shit, this is just the beginning."
Dissolve - This is a song I didn't really get into on the album but just crushed me live. The visuals were such a masterpiece. The drops would distort the screen and some guy would stab the girl in the chest with his umbrella. This one really groped at my brain and once again I thought I might not be able to hold on. I guess Tom and Ed know this because in the lull the guy on screen stretching out and getting loosened up just put me back in the perfect place. That was me, just shake it off, its time for the next round.
Horse Power - Really nothing to say other than I knew this would hit nasty, and it made everyone go bonkers. The Chems can throw down hard, they don't have to do it every song. They do it when it should be done, other artists should take note of this and how it makes the throwdowns peak on much higher levels. The only part I wish they kept in is the funky break in the middle that for some reason they exclude from the live show.
Swoon - Everyone knew this song, its basically their new anthem by this point and I love the way the remix it live. It seemed like my camera was on acid when I took this video because the animations on the screens have insane trails. I love it =)
Star Guitar - This transition was utterly perfect. I heard it coming from a mile a way but it seemed like many of my fellow partakers weren't quiet sure. That bass line is iconic and I was so happy that they decided to play this. I had to do everything in my power to not dance to this beat so I could keep a steady hold.
Hey Boy - The biggest single, and a song that seems that they are tiring of. It was good, but I could have easily done without it. I guess some people would have been disappointed if they didn't hear it, but I think the heads all would rather hear something more rare. Tom and Ed, if you want to retire this epic smash, feel free

Under the Influence - They really started to demonstrate their mastery on this. When the chemicals were good, and the chemicals were bad was tweaking me out hardcore, somewhere in the back of the crowd you could hear something coming. ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRr WOMPWOMWPMWOWPMWWOWMPWWMOWMWP LOL what a drop. I can't believe that my camera could capture such a crushing blow. Despite how good it sounds on the video it sounded a billion times better there. Superb job. This song blew out my friends 12 inch subs 2 days after he bought them like 11 years ago and its still blowing minds today.
Out of Control - Yet again, the Chems show why they are on top of the pyramid. Remixing their own songs into such a frenzy and when the guttural womp of Setting Sun hit somewhere in the middle I basically shit the bed. I was really hoping for at least a teaser and we got more than that. They did the entire grinding drop and it was perfection. The show was already blowing whatever hyped anticipation I had for it out of the water. It didn't matter what setlist they played, everything was perfect.
Saturate - I'm glad they are sticking with this one from We are the Night. Everything hits so hard and the bass sounds perfect while the balls of liquid are eviscerated on the screen. They were the perfect symbolism for my mood, just flailing to the beat and then exploding into a gooey mess.
Believe - Again, another great pick from Push the Button. This song hits so hard and the visuals are madly intense. The undertones of the lyrics are perfect for a trip, it makes you realize that the full sphere of creativity is going into this music and this live show. Everything has its place, and is executed flawlessly.
Escape Velocity - Like I put in my video's description; The greatest thing that has ever happened. From the unreal bass toying at the start to the greatest refrain in the history of electric music, I've never seen anything better than this, and likely wont unless its at a future Chemical show. I can't even express how amazing this song is, it proves that the Bros are only getting stronger and they have albums and years left in their brilliant careers if they wish to keep making music. Thank you so much Tom and Ed.
Technical Difficulties - They were too great for their own equipment. They actually teased Sunshine Underground for a second and it kinda made my heart drop a tiny bit because I knew that meant they weren't going to play the entire song. Honestly, it didn't matter, like I already said, they could have played whatever they wanted and it would have been unreal. The show was already perfect and I'm an incredibly tough critic. If they would have dropped the TPPR after I yelled for it I most likely would have seized right there, so I'ts prolly good they didn't. Now I just have more reasons to see them again =)
Block Rockin Beats - Great way to end it, everyone knows this song and it slams. By this point I knew everything was coming to an end and I was just so happy. What a night, what a concert, the best ever, completely legendary.
The Chemical Brothers were already my favorite electro based group and this has just entrenched them in that position forever. Once again, thank you so much Tom and Ed, you are the maestros of new music and hundreds of years from now after we are all dust in earth, your names will be uttered with hallowed reverence.
Posted 09 September 2010 - 12:39 AM
Such a good read Grannock for someone who's just been to this forum for a short while!

Posted 09 September 2010 - 2:29 AM