Maboul59, on 22 June 2010 - 07:43 PM, said:
I, as a fan, consider that I shouldn't be prevented from expressing my opinion just because it's negative.
So I think we should create a thread where everyone could evacuate the negative feelings in oneself.
So instead of creating a new thread every time you want to blow off steam about some really awful song the Chems made or that they didn't put your favorite track on the setlist this year or whatever, just come in here and post about it. You can talk about it with others and maybe even work out the problem. It'll help, trust me. Why don't I start things off?
Why does every Chems track featuring Beth Orton get so much better once she stops singing? For instance, The State We're In. The first four minutes of that track is folksy shoegazer nonsense. Then Beth's vocals drop out and we get a heart-rendingly beautiful coda. I don't listen to Denmark that often because by the time I get to it I'm usually too angry about it interrupting the coda. Why couldn't they have just done six minutes of that?