- Official Forum for The Chemical Brothers: Mother Of All Chemical Mashups - - Official Forum for The Chemical Brothers
Friends, Thank you very much for such a high evaluation of my mix. I very much want to Brothers listen to mix. I want to hear their opinion. It is very important to me.
Thanks to topikstarter that laid mix here - I have not reached the hands of all ...
The chances of The Brothers listening to your mix are as likely as me travelling to Moscow and taking your mother out for dinner at a lovely resturant, and then heading back to hers for a little night cap.
so i got put onto this after posting my mix (check my sig) and had some nice comments comparing the two. So after listening to this i have to say its great. As other people have said its a bit busy in places but as a piece of production and an exercise in sticking to the principle, hats off to the producer. the first part of my mix is a bit mashupy but then just turned into a straightfoward mix really. I didnt feel like i could pull it off for 75 minutes but Learning really goes for it and its a great and interesting listen. shame i cant download it.