General Bullshit Chat
Posted 16 March 2006 - 3:25 PM
#2883 toomuchstash
Posted 16 March 2006 - 7:46 PM
Seeing this list of the most expensive private islands in the world has inspired me.
I'm going to make a fortune selling heroin to the US troops in Iraq.
I recently read an article that said at least half of the US troops overthere are abusing vicodin, so clearly there's a market niche to be filled.
I've got to learn Arabic, that's the first step, then I'll be able to insinuate myself with people like Moqtada Al Sadrs rebel group, fighting the good fight by rotting the occupation from within. That will allow me to ship cheap smack from Afghanistan through Iran, while being white and a party guy will allow me to mix with US troops and supply the goods.
I figure if I stay at my day job, I'm 100% likeley to die either from boredome induced suicide or massive liver damage and I have no chance at all of owning a private island off the coast of Ibiza, while I'm only 90% likely to die while selling smack in Iraq, but if I live there's a good chance that the CIA will buyout my organization and I'll live to see that spanish island of my dreams.
So, any thoughts, potential business partners, anything like that?
Posted 16 March 2006 - 8:08 PM
Lollapalooza 2006 Lineup :D....... :)......... :-|........ :? ........ :( ....... :'(
wow Fuck,
Im so disapointed with Lollapalooza right now. I look at the lineup and im litterally not excited. Whats unique about this lineup? All the top acts are Rock orientated, with maybe 2 hip hop artists. Wheres the electronic/dance groups? Oh thanks, Thievery Corporation they really will get me dancing ........and No DJ's what so ever!!!!!! Theres 130 bands to be booked and only one is mainly electronic. Yes, theres hot chip, The Go! Team, and She Wants Revenge...But come on.......
Damnit this is exactly what i didnt want to happen. How boring! Its just another lame Indie Rock festivle!
Now i really gotta start saving my money fast, so i can get my ass out to Coachella. }:-@ }:-@ }:-@ }:-@ }:-@ }:-@ }:-@ }:-@
you can see the full lineup here
fuck!!!!!!!!!! this really sucks }:-@ }:-@ }:-@
Posted 16 March 2006 - 9:33 PM
ive been wating for them to announce this lineup forever and im just utterly dissapointed............i feel like killing someone im so angry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its almost as bad as when i felt when they announced George Bush as President......... especially on his 2nd term.!!!!!!!!!!!!
UGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! }:-@ }:-@ }:-@ }:-@
somebody knock me out before i do something stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! }:-@ }:-@ }:-@ }:-@
Posted 16 March 2006 - 10:29 PM
toomuch'stash Escribi�:
Dude, there hasn't been a good lollapoloooza since the first one. Jane's Addiction & Ice-T, NIN, Siouxie, Butthole Surfers.... yep, only one worth a damn.
its not even the fact that lollapalooza just plain sucks now, stash.....it just sucks that, if I want to see a group that i really like, they always end up in coachella every april.....and to make a trip out to california means me blowing all my cash and making me very very poor. Its just unfair I tell ya........I wanna see Massive Attack and Daft Punk soooooooooooooo baddddd :'( :'( :'(
Posted 17 March 2006 - 12:11 AM
Bosco, now you know how I felt when I saw the Coachella line-up this year. Not a band I'd pay that much money to see playing on Saturday. Sunday's better, but I can't do Sunday. I've come to the conclusion that I cannot do Coachella unless the Chems are there. It's our ritual, our tradition. I haven't missed a Coachella with the Chems yet, and going to Coachella and not seeing the Chems wouldn't feel right. So maybe next year, or the year after - whenever Tom and Ed want to grace Indio with their musically majestic presence, I will be there.
But Bosco man, you should say "fuck it" and go to Coachella. So you'll be broke, but really but nothing - including shallow pockets - lasts forever. I don't know what kind of financial obligations you have but you're still young so how much debt could you possibly have? You will kick yourself if you miss this chance. There's so much you want to see there this year. Come on, when do you think you're ever gonna witness Daft Punk? Are you waiting for a personal invitation from Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel???
Posted 17 March 2006 - 1:37 AM
kwiddle Escribi�:
OK anyone watch the commonwealth opening ceremony. My god I have never been so dissapointed in my own city....like ever!
Bwahaha yes! It was a cringe-fest indeed. Also there were rip-offs from every opening ceremony since the 2000 Olympics. The same guy has done them all, he needs to be retired "Deckard" style.
I still love Melbourne. 8)
Posted 17 March 2006 - 8:37 AM
Consumer Escribi�:
kwiddle Escribi�:
OK anyone watch the commonwealth opening ceremony. My god I have never been so dissapointed in my own city....like ever!
I still love Melbourne. 8)
Yeah me too...I can't be mad at my city for too long ;-)
Bosco Escribi�:
its not even the fact that lollapalooza just plain sucks now, stash.....it just sucks that, if I want to see a group that i really like, they always end up in coachella every april.....and to make a trip out to california means me blowing all my cash and making me very very poor. Its just unfair I tell ya........I wanna see Massive Attack and Daft Punk soooooooooooooo baddddd :'( :'( :'(
That really sucks about lolla! I know how you feel...you wanted to party but whats there isn't gonna motivate you :'(
Big day Out wasn't too bad this year...We have the boiler room so theres always gonna be something funky....you should just go to Coachella man and have a blast, thats if you can finanically get there.
Posted 17 March 2006 - 3:13 PM
Cheers jeanie and Whirly for your kind words, luckily shes getting better. I woke up drunk this morning, and I think I will be until after mylo tomorrow.
Right on ACID, glad to hear your nan is on the mend!
Isn't it your birthday!!??
Posted 17 March 2006 - 4:07 PM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
But Bosco man, you should say "fuck it" and go to Coachella. So you'll be broke, but really but nothing - including shallow pockets - lasts forever. I don't know what kind of financial obligations you have but you're still young so how much debt could you possibly have? You will kick yourself if you miss this chance. There's so much you want to see there this year. Come on, when do you think you're ever gonna witness Daft Punk? Are you waiting for a personal invitation from Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel???
So true, Bosco. I felt the same way you did when I decided to go last year, and it was probably the best decision of my life. Get in touch with ElectronicBattleWarrior and see if he's going and is up for splitting accomodations.
Like I said above, if it weren't the only weekend to see Mips, Jeanie, and Marsh, I would put the cash together and go just so it would make getting you to Coachella easier. It's that worth it, dude. And the lineup is pretty kickass, the more I look at it. I want to go.
#2898 toomuchstash
Posted 17 March 2006 - 7:54 PM
irish fan Escribi�:
it is st patricks day . time to be irish and get drunk and start fights with people i don't know .
I'm on call tomorrow morning, so no going out... just gonna stay home, put away a pint or 6, maybe some Bushmills whiskey, and listen to the Pogues.
#2899 toomuchstash
Posted 17 March 2006 - 8:44 PM
The battle between "South Park""South Park" creators Trey ParkerTrey Parker and Matt StoneMatt Stone and Scientology is escalating.
The dust-up gained steam last week when Isaac Hayes, a practicing Scientologist who has long been the voice of the character Chef, quit after objecting to a "South Park" episode called "Trapped in the Closet," which lampooned both the religion and Tom CruiseTom Cruise.
The skirmish continued this week, when Comedy CentralComedy Central abruptly pulled a repeat of that episode that was scheduled to air Wednesday evening. Showing instead was another memorable segseg which featured Hayes's character, called "Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls."
Blog reports pegged the mysterious episode switch to objections raised by Cruise, who, the reports stated, threatened to not promote "Mission: Impossible 3," the summer tentpole for ViacomViacom-owned Paramount.
A spokesman for Cruise denied that Cruise had ever made such a threat. "He never said any such thing about 'Mission: Impossible 3," the spokesman said.
While the "South Park" creators didn't directly comment on Comedy Central's decision to pull the episode, they issued an unusual statement to Daily Variety indicating the battle is not over.
"So, Scientology, you may have won THIS battle, but the million-year war for earth has just begun! Temporarily anozinizing our episode will NOT stop us from keeping Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man-bodies. Curses and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble bid to save humanity will fail! Hail Xenu!!!"
The duo signed the statement "Trey Parker and Matt Stone, servants of the dark lord Xenu."
Posted 17 March 2006 - 9:33 PM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
But Bosco man, you should say "fuck it" and go to Coachella. So you'll be broke, but really but nothing - including shallow pockets - lasts forever. I don't know what kind of financial obligations you have but you're still young so how much debt could you possibly have? You will kick yourself if you miss this chance. There's so much you want to see there this year. Come on, when do you think you're ever gonna witness Daft Punk? Are you waiting for a personal invitation from Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel???
kwiddle Escribi�:
That really sucks about lolla! I know how you feel...you wanted to party but whats there isn't gonna motivate you :'(
Big day Out wasn't too bad this year...We have the boiler room so theres always gonna be something funky....you should just go to Coachella man and have a blast, thats if you can finanically get there.
Darkstarexodus Escribi�:
So true, Bosco. I felt the same way you did when I decided to go last year, and it was probably the best decision of my life. Get in touch with ElectronicBattleWarrior and see if he's going and is up for splitting accomodations.
Like I said above, if it weren't the only weekend to see Mips, Jeanie, and Marsh, I would put the cash together and go just so it would make getting you to Coachella easier. It's that worth it, dude. And the lineup is pretty kickass, the more I look at it. I want to go.
thanks guys for the support.......after being depressed all day yesterday about the lollapalooza lineup, I think Im really gonna try and make the Coachella thing happen. I don't have enough to commit myself as of right now. So cross your fingers for me that the tickets will still be available for awhile and that the air far/bus fare doesnt get too espensive. Since I will be probably going alone I guess ill be camping. But if ElectronicBattleWarrior, or anyone else you know thats going, thats willing to share the price of a hotel/motel room let me know.
gonna make it, gonna make this work :)