Just thought a well put together live album from this tour would be superb. Partly inspired by the fact that I've just heard Groove Armada are releasing a live album in November I thought the Chems could do something similar. I know they don't want to release a live DVD and I can sort of understand why (though I still think if it were done in the right way with some creativity it could work) Anyway a good live album drawn from recordings from this years shows would be amazing. Kraftwerk proved that it can be done so why not the Chems?

A Chems live album
Posted 29 August 2007 - 9:13 PM
Posted 30 August 2007 - 1:37 AM
What would be a good setlist to have on it? Mine would look like this: (no order)
it began in afrika
music: response
in dust we trust
come with us
leave home
galaxy bounce
we are the night
the sunshine underground
fuck up beats
one too many mornings

#8 whirly
Posted 30 August 2007 - 1:52 AM
Hmmmm. I can't think of a good set list, then again I am feeling lazy today. :P
I suppose the ideal set list would be from any gig of their choosing that, in a nut shell, they feel sums up their tour: Tom and Ed being in top form, seamless transitions between songs, manic crowd response, epic closer. All that good stuff... The problem with live albums is that they are very niche, and they can be a hard sell as opposed to a studio release. With Underworld and more so with Kraftwerk, those live albums were a long time coming. Maybe the Chems don't feel they've reached the point yet where releasing a live album makes sense. Or maybe they're just not interested right now. They like their live shows to be in-the-moment and as far as a live DVD goes, Ed came on the board once and said a live DVD would take away from the moment people share when they're at their shows.
Anyway. There should be some kind of happy medium here... It would be cool to have a live set (soundboard recording maybe) that streamed right from this site like the anti-nazi mix and whatnot. If anything, there wouldn't be the red tape surrounding an album release, there'd be nothing to lose, really - there'd just be great tunes as heard live. It would bring back memories of people that got a chance to see them on tour and it would give people who've missed out a chance to hear the Chems live.
Meh. I'm babbling again.
#9 graysquire1969
Posted 30 August 2007 - 2:32 AM
In the absence of anything official, how about doing something similar to the Underworld "Bootleg Babies", where fans of the band made up their own dream live CD with their own collection of bootlegs?
There's some amazing sounding stuff on the CD's and I imagine we could get something similar here.
Posted 30 August 2007 - 7:45 AM
Well, it would be cool obviously.
The only request I would have is ; i want to hear the audience go spastic! I hate it when i listen to live sets and it's coming straight of the decks. The thing thta makes it so special is to hear 5000 people yell " HERE WE GO!" ( Chile set, anyone!? GOOSEBUMPS! ) So yeah.
Posted 30 August 2007 - 8:37 AM
The Groove Armada live album that's coming out is apparently a dream set list made up of live recordings taken from the last ten years (its their tenth anniversary this year)
In answer to Whirly - I'm not sure the Chems could release a live album free to download from this website even if they wanted to. These sorts of things tend to be very strictly controlled by the record company.
Posted 30 August 2007 - 9:06 AM
hmm you got a point there Jeans, never thought about it that way.
So this topic is a repeatance of 2 years ago where we were begging for a live DVD from the Push the Button tour. And now there is a cry for a We are the Night live DVD.
As much as I want it, it's not gonna happen. Tom and Ed made it clear.
Still would ever such a DVD be released (and I've said this also 2 years ago) please let it be the same idea as Underworlds 'everything, everything' where you can choose between the live footage and the visuals from Tomato.
Wouldn't it be great to have hear Saturate live and your big tv filled with exploding pong paintballs??
Posted 30 August 2007 - 5:48 PM
that would be cool, but a chemical live experience is only a experience LIVE!!
didn't someone mention that they were going to release an ep? i'm pretty sure i read that before somewhere here on the forum, irishfan?
Posted 30 August 2007 - 7:01 PM
I know the Chems are best experienced live but I side with those who say that there are a ton of fans out there who cannot through no fault of their own ever experience the Chems live. It is a way of reaching fans who have to put up with dreadful quality bootlegs to get a taste of what the Chems sound like live. We all know some of the best versions of some Chems tracks are the live versions so why deny that great music a proper release? I think its a tad overly precious to say a Chems live album could never capture the magic of a proper live concert so whats the point?
A live EP would be great but I still think they should go the extra mile with a full album.
Posted 30 August 2007 - 7:15 PM
true that some people never can see them live, but it's a unique experience between the people, when everyone is enyoing the music. And also the visuals are a part of it. You can't capture that feeling. Their music brings people together, and i think that's why tom and ed are not (probably)going to release a live cd!
I wish i could see them again, holy shit the a'dam gig was so unique. You really could feel the love at the end of the sunshine underground!!
but again yeah a live album would be a good idea, but i don't think it's going to be released soon!
#20 whirly
Posted 30 August 2007 - 10:40 PM
I know the Chems are best experienced live but I side with those who say that there are a ton of fans out there who cannot through no fault of their own ever experience the Chems live. It is a way of reaching fans who have to put up with dreadful quality bootlegs to get a taste of what the Chems sound like live. We all know some of the best versions of some Chems tracks are the live versions so why deny that great music a proper release? I think its a tad overly precious to say a Chems live album could never capture the magic of a proper live concert so whats the point?
A live EP would be great but I still think they should go the extra mile with a full album.
I agree, Toby - I think having some quality live sets available would reach out to fans who haven't had the chance to experience them live. For me seeing the Chems live for the first time, I knew I was witnessing something special. Being a part of the live moment not only made me fall in love with the band but it got me excited about seeing music performed "live" again. I really do wish every Chems fan could see and experience their shows for themselves - I believe their shows are that powerful, energetic, moving... But not everyone gets the chance so having a good quality live recording is a compromise to reach those who haven't been lucky in the Live Chemicals department. Who knows, it may even generate interest in those who've had little more than a passing fancy for seeing the Chemical Brothers live.
As far as saying the Chems live album couldn't capture the moment, you'll have to take that up with Tom n' Ed. ;)
I still think having a live set streaming like the anti-nazi mix (ie not downloadable) straight from this site would be cool and accesible. At least as something to keep our ears busy inbetween albums and tours, hehe.