Um, the original thread was about the new album not being full of this minimal crap...

Message to Miloco2forum
Posted 30 April 2007 - 6:42 PM
No Slipvin poor boy u said it all wrong.
The original topic was about how nobody really gives a shit anymore about any of youre posts. And the fact that i take the time to post this and Ed posts "Yawn" is simply to let you know , that we dont really give a shit.
Thats all i'm gonna say on this matter.
Posted 01 May 2007 - 1:09 PM
Nope Ben_j, it was here http://www.thechemic...d=13567&page=27
Right in the middle of the thread.Look for "yawn" :mrgreen:
Posted 01 May 2007 - 8:57 PM
Galvanize was pop by our standards in the us. it won a grammy, therefore it's pretty much certified. guess i agree with irish there is a pop element to it, but that of course is not really a bad thing unless you think that word is an insult.
yeah it's not the chems biggest album but galvanize for the us was the most played chem song since let forever be or block rockin beats (the most unpop pop song that too won a grammy)
Posted 01 May 2007 - 9:07 PM
pop generally doesn't take much talent aka: Brittany Spears, Christina Agulera, etc. It's all about marketing with pop.
FYI: I don't think the chems are pop, galvanize was electronic/hip-hop, i wouldn't call them pop at all. Heck, music stores generally classify them under rock!

Posted 01 May 2007 - 9:11 PM
Hm.Pop basicly means POPULAIR music.
The Kaiser Chiefs can be classified as pop. Madonna. Outkast. N.E.R.D. Timberlake. All very populair artists. I agree a lot has to do with the marketing - the way the artists present themselves , and yes usually it pissed me off to.
I just dont think its fair to say " All pop music is bad" , thats massive generalisation ( Am i making up words again !? Sorry! ) because just because its all been labeled the same doesnt mean its all bad.
Offcourse , whats good and whats bad is up to the listener. Its like those alto-kids who say " I am anti commercial" but still wear the latest converse.
Posted 01 May 2007 - 9:18 PM
The beatles are as well popular but would you call them pop music? Maybe it's a point of view but i'm always connecting pop music with some superficial songs such as boy groups or girl groups are doing. Ya know, those lalala rackets with no appealing point. I sometimes call it background music. And I do think chems are no backgroundmusic, are they ;-)?! It's rather a personal feeling not a hard fact. At least you're right and it's just popular music as we learned it at schools music lesson.
Posted 01 May 2007 - 9:18 PM
Well , *IF* Prochem feels that PTB is pop he has every right to do so! I dont share the opinion , but i am not 100% suprised by this statement. In fact , i can see where he's coming from.
I just dont think pop = bad.
I think music should not be classified under POP or ROCK , but under "ARTISTS" and "MUCISIANS"
Pharrel Williams , just an example , i would qualify under mucisian. ( Well , he is also a bit of a bling bling boy but when he first started nobody really knew who he was )
Madonna , i would qualify under artist.
They are both pop.