hi!I need to know a song (chemical brothers) that speak about the problems of the world ( for example,the hunger,the maltreatment,the poverty,please! and I need also the lyric and if is in spanish better. thanks and apologized me my bad english
help about a debt
#6 whirly
Posted 12 March 2008 - 1:31 AM
mmmmm... the Chemical Brothers aren't really known for protests songs, or making songs about poverty, debt, inhumane treatment and social injustice. That's more U2's bag baby.
The closest you're going to get to something like this in the Chemical realm is their song Left Right.
Good luck!
Posted 12 March 2008 - 2:49 AM
was that the one that was turned into a death metal cover a few years ago?
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 12 March 2008 - 5:46 AM
I respectfully disagree, Block Rockin' Beats, although commonly perceived as the pioneer of the genre "electro-moshing," was actually a song written about the urbanization of low-income groups. This song, in it's early stages, had samples discussing how suburban housing has created a vacuum for middle to upper class white families (also see "Elektrobank"). Furthermore, the song added samples of Schooly D's "Discourse on Critical Race Theory concerning the Public Education System." But unfortunately, the samples didn't clear and we have todays version... Which is still pretty good.
#17 chemdup
Posted 12 March 2008 - 5:45 PM
there was that 12" they did as the dust brothers, there was only 3 of them and i have one!!! hahahah screw you all!.......erm sorry........anyway.......it was basically about the de-centralisation of manchester in the late 80's,causing mass population movement from the city to the suburbs leading to many area's of the city becoming derelict. its a pretty good tune, back when they were in their industrial noise-core phase, so imho it deals with the issue very well.....
i reckon thats their most political tune to date (sorry biff)