General Bullshit Chat
Posted 11 June 2009 - 5:31 PM
Paul Van Dyk is like the synthesized sugar-substitute, e.g. Splenda, of electronic music. Widespread, artificial, an acceptable substitute, and a lot of people do mistake it for the real thing.
Don't get me wrong, I love me some Diet Coke. A little bit of caffeine in my afternoon never does me wrong. But if I'm looking for something to mix with my Maker's Mark in the evenings, I'll leave his music on the shelf. Or in the garbage...
Posted 11 June 2009 - 6:35 PM
My thoughts on the PVD issue.
There was a time when I liked him back from 1999-2003. I was into the deeper trance sound that he put out with "Out There And Back" in 2000. I also liked his remix of his own track "Time Of Our Life" that he put out back in 03. Since then the whole trance aspect has lost its appeal like an old crush. Exciting at first till you see the flaws. He played last year at Fuji rock which was a lack luster event from what I hear. I decided that Dan Le Sac Vs. Scroobius Pip and Grandmaster Flash were more appealling (which has since turned into a wise investment on the DLSvs.SP edge).
It baffles me how Trance is viable in the marketplace of electronic music. I don't see how Tiesto, PVD, Armin Van Burren, or Oakenfold are still so big.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 11 June 2009 - 6:51 PM
Thing in Holland is;
We have two types of parties in Holland (like there is two types of everything)
Bad i consider "Sensation", very trancy or hardstylish parties. Everybody who likes a beat goes there. It's like, how can i explain...very commercial and shit imo.
BUT, i am also extremely lucky to live in Amsterdam as the techno/minimal scene here is booming at the moment. Esp the scene i enjoy the most is really big, but big in a good way. Big as in: only the real lovers go there. Big as in: I've got Hawtin playing literally in my backyard in the end of August for only 2000 people on an old shipyard. The scene is 'big' but the parties still have quite an underground-not everybody is part of this feeling.
And i looooooooove it.
Bring on te summer whooptiedoo!
Posted 11 June 2009 - 8:02 PM
And I see Wink is playing Awakenings this month...
How I wish things would work out a little better for me for my music scene. :-(
I think I'll catch Adam Freeland DJing next month and call myself lucky. And I suppose James Zabiela won't be bad, either.
#6871 whirly
Posted 12 June 2009 - 6:29 AM
Ryno said:
It baffles me how Trance is viable in the marketplace of electronic music. I don't see how Tiesto, PVD, Armin Van Burren, or Oakenfold are still so big.
I'm not so much in the mood to trash anyone's taste, bash any one artist or put one act over another (I already did that a few posts back and god knows I've bitched my piece about Oakie in the past) - but you bring up a good point Ryno that has been puzzling me since, oh, about 2001. Annd that is I am baffled not so much of the viability of this type of music in the marketplace but rather... how big this music still is after all this time yet the music itself doesn't seem to have gone through as noticeable of an evolution as other types of music within the realm of electronic music. Or maybe I'm missing something (which is quite possible, since I'm quite out of the loop). When I think of Teisto, PVD and Oakie - I don't so much think of music that's evolved or fresh even, but rather I think of musical formulas clinging to the same ideas that made the music appealing back in the day when electronic music was breaking big time. Or maybe I'm just being biased, and the music just hasn't evolved the way I wanted it to or hoped it would.
That said, I think it does have a viable spot in the marketplace. From what I observed in my time working in the record store, it's usually the first type of electronic music people gravitate toward when discovering "hey, there's this certain type of music that's played at clubs and raves and you can dance to it and it makes you feel pretty good dancing to it and it's aesthetically pleasing too so it won't bug mom and dad too much when I listen to it!" Trance at one time infiltrated so many aspects of our lives (here in the states): soundtracks, commercials, tv shows, filler in department stores, shit that was pumped softly through the speakers at the dentists, etc. so much so, that trance sort of become like a muzaq inspired soundtrack to our day-to-day lives.
On that note - it's been nearly over 3 and a half years since I worked at the record store, trance isn't in every car commercial you see on television and it's not in action films anymore and damn.... 3 years is like an eternity in terms of trends and such - and people are so fickle. I wonder how much of that music is more of a piece of nostalgia and a living history of the genre than anything else.
#6873 inchemwetrust
Posted 12 June 2009 - 9:19 PM
Cafe Del Mar - Energy 52 comes to mind for some reason.
SIDE NOTE:I almost forgot! Most of the mentioned music that I have posted and recommended to in the form of reviews,shows,the 'Now Playing' thread, mixes, have gotten postive feedback, so I was bound to 'fuck up' at least once and accidentally open The Seventh Seal of the Apocalypse on this forum =a.k.a PVD!
I remember when 'Electronica' came out the 90's.I pretty much listened to anything that was associated with it: Trip-hop,Techno, Trance, Ambient, Drum-n-Bass,Big Beat. You name it,everything.
But today, the music is still here, but you just gotta know where to find it. I still enjoy those types of music today but not everybody may agree with me. But the point I was trying to make was that PVD still attracts crowds. But as for 'trance' music itself, it's still here (It may not be as big as before but its still here). It's people like me that keep it alive and come to World Electronic Music Festival in Canada, The Love Fest in San Francisco, or Dance Valley in the Netherlands,or the Global Gathering in UK.
In my opinion, alot of people think that these DJ's just play trance music. Your right...But also wrong too! What happen was that at one point in time (late 90's to 2005 at least),these Trance DJ's such as PVD, Tiesto, and others continued to play this same type of music everytime they spun records, not realizing that later in the future,their fans grew up and no longer just listened to trance, but these fans also listened to electro, minimal, and house as well.
So then these DJ's listened (Well..some of them) and now these these DJ's can be well-rounded and diverse when playing DJ Sets and reach a better and bigger crowd. Case in point..Armin van Buuren, a trance loving DJ himself, not only plays this type of music in his sets, but incorporates other music as well when he spins. But PVD still sticks to his old formula because it still works for him but he also knows that he is risking his fanbase and the 'Trance' genre. So far, he's still in good shape,and still playing to big crowds.
Obviously, this will be the last mention of PVD from me ever because this is a Chemical Brothers forum, and I strayed too much away from it. I also want to mention that I will soon (sometime this year hopefully) start DJing with vinyl. I would like to play ALL forms of electronica without prejudice: House, Breakbeat, Drum-n-Bass, Electro!
..And PVD of course!
#6874 Jittem
Posted 12 June 2009 - 11:52 PM
wow the lakers game was good....some tensions on the court though :P
i'd recommend seeing Adam Freeland when you can pooter. I saw him in canberra a couple months ago and it was the best DJ set i'd heard in ages. But more he probably more likely to be touring with his band "Freeland" since they just released their new album. Imo that would probably make it even more appealing to see him!
in regards to trance. it needs to evolv, needs diversity. I had a guy at school pumping Armen Van Buuren at school and each song was the same formula. However i guess some trance would be sweet for late night driving.
#6875 inchemwetrust
Posted 13 June 2009 - 6:39 PM
I guess I know now who your rooting for Jittem? ;-)
Man, we had 3 of our guys in foul trouble in the first quarter, we were down by 12 points, and we still won the game!
If we take the title on Sunday, there's going to be alot of flipped cars on the Eastside, but mostly public drunkeness around my house.
Too rowdy for my tastes!
#6877 whirly
Posted 14 June 2009 - 2:13 AM
Hahaha! :lol:
"The Seventh Seal of the Apocalypse on this forum =a.k.a PVD!"
I don't think of him as the 7th Seal of the Apocalypse but... I don't think I will ever be able to think of Paul Van Dyke now without thinking of that statement. heh.
By the way inchem, good post and good perspective all around on the what's happening nowadays in the world of trance.
#6878 inchemwetrust
Posted 15 June 2009 - 4:45 AM
Posted 15 June 2009 - 9:12 AM
Absolutely tired--just drove 10 hours and didn't sleep enough this weekend. I helped celebrate my girlfriend's graduation from the University of Oregon. She graduated with honors. I graduated with little more than dignity, which is to say I got a piece of paper like everyone else. She makes me look like a fucking lazy bastard.
I'm swearing more than usual.
I just got an iPhone. I haven't f*cked around with it yet because it's still charging.
I don't know why I censored that last f*ck, and that one, too.
I really like Josh Wink's When a Banana Was Just a Banana. I listened to it 5 times on the drive there and back. It's a great journey, and a great accompaniment to a journey.
A close family friend has stage IV lung cancer. He might die soon if the chemotherapy doesn't work.
I have work soon.
I have love for you all, and the best along with it.
#6880 Jittem
Posted 15 June 2009 - 9:30 AM
congratulations to your gf pooter =)
unfortunate about your family friend. My grandma died from lung cancer a couple of years ago...tough times.
For me it is 18 days till my 18th birthday and things are looking sweet. I only have two pieces of assessment between now and my birthday. To add to it, my birthday is on the last day of school before holidays. I've planned to have a small gathering of friends come over to my house and dance all night to chemies, myagi etc.
wooooot for the finals win :P