Greetings to you all out west who have waited patiently for the tour to hit your town but the waiting is almost over!I've felt your pain I can tell you,so much so that instead of waiting for the show to come to Ireland on September the 1st I nipped over to Amsterdam in June to see the Brothers as I couldnt wait!And now it is almost your time,the build up,the excitement,the anticipation,oh I just love those feelings welling up inside a couple of days before a Chems show.I just wanted to say to everyone going to the San Fran and LA shows
that I am totally stoked for you and truly hope and am confident that it will be everything you're hoping for.So I'll be thinking of you (especially you Whirly!) this weekend without a hint of jealousy (yeah right!) and all I can say is have a great night,be good,and enjoy the awesome experience that awaits!ENJOY.

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Posted 26 September 2007 - 11:29 PM
Posted 27 September 2007 - 7:03 PM
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