jesus school is killing me..
I didn't make it last year, so I needed to do this year again. And somehow this year is even more difficult, and its not looking good at the moment. aww i'm in trouble if i'm not making it.. :(
Posted 15 January 2008 - 6:54 PM
jesus school is killing me..
I didn't make it last year, so I needed to do this year again. And somehow this year is even more difficult, and its not looking good at the moment. aww i'm in trouble if i'm not making it.. :(
Posted 16 January 2008 - 12:56 PM
Youll be sweet lad! I did pants last year too and Im still livin the dream.
Posted 22 January 2008 - 7:30 AM
*I own all rights for the 6 thousand and First bullshit post*
Posted 05 February 2008 - 2:31 PM
Oh Ben! :( Thats sad.... are you okay ?! How long have you been going out togheter ?
( Yeah peeps i'll be online much more this week , i've overworked myself and now i'm @ home with a very bad bladerinfection and, as the docter says. a very un-relaxed body that protests cause i'm not giving it enough rest... I thought the rules are ' work hard, play hard ' but i guess i work a little to hard! )
Posted 05 February 2008 - 3:19 PM
Aww Ben_j, I'm sorry to hear that man. Love stinks sometimes... I hope things get better for you as each day passes.
Jeanie, feel better soon and get lots of rest!! Bladder infections are the yuck.
Posted 05 February 2008 - 7:09 PM
It was just a month, she's 25 and I'm 20. She works and I'm still at school, that's the main reasone she broke up.
Thanks for the support, I'll be ok, don't worry :)
Posted 05 February 2008 - 9:58 PM
relationships with (slightly) older women, yah they can be fun most of the time.
Jeanie, Get WELL!!!!!
I swear we need a permanent support team around here to remind everyone why we love the chems. To many downers lately (including myself)
Posted 05 February 2008 - 11:02 PM
Look! The noob is talking again! OH NOES
Pats to Ben. Even if it was for only a month, it's still tough.
Yes! Jeanie! Get well! Infections in any form are not good.
We DO need a support team. This probably still constitutes an emergency rave, huh. :D
Posted 06 February 2008 - 12:17 AM
Super Tuesday here.
I registered republican :::ducks from heaved tomato:::
Deffensive tactic. Ron Paul it is.
Jeanie, hope you get better.
Ben J, nice catch. Sorry bout the dumping...
Posted 06 February 2008 - 12:29 AM
It's Pancake Tuesday here. I'm well fed.
Hope all gets better for you Ben and Jeanie, neither are great situations.
What's so bad about the Republicans? Are they prone to having tomatoes heaved at them?
Posted 06 February 2008 - 6:32 AM
Tomatoes confuse people. You throw one at an artist and they think your doing it to give them some food. Some are starving you know.
SUPER PANCACKE TUESDAY!!!!! now what are you giving up for Lent? And don't resort to no food cause jesus has us all beat on that one.
Posted 06 February 2008 - 12:38 PM
Hahahaha @ Stash :lol:
My god, ive never been as sick as i was last nite. I had 40 degrees fever. I wasn't nauchious or anything, i just had such high fever that my whole body was in pain. Even my hair was hurting. And i was hallucinating some weird shit. I had just watched Harry Potter 4 before i went to bed and u know how when your really ill and you kind of are half awake half asleep you don't know whats real and whats not ?
I kept on thinking i was ill because of some magic spell. I'm not kidding.
Now the fever went down thank god. It's alway worse at nite.
So yeah, i've been better hehe.
Posted 06 February 2008 - 5:35 PM
If you were worried, even slightly, that you were sick cuz of some bad mojo cast on you, burn some sage.
I don't believe in that hippy shit, but it never hurts to be too careful.
Posted 06 February 2008 - 9:41 PM
yeah nothing is more fun that a high fever that causes hallucinations. I actually had some sort of flu last week and went through the same thing, I had a crippling migraine for 24 hours, had to get my boss to cover my shift, and then was in bed from 10pm to 5pm the next day. Woke up ate two bowls of cereal and felt great. You know that feeling of euphoria you get when you've felt like shit for so long that feeling normal is like some sort of drug? Yay for normalcy!
Posted 07 February 2008 - 8:44 PM
I almost always hallucinate with a high fever. Last time, I thought light cycles were dashing around my room. Yeah...
I want a super pancake tuesday!
Posted 08 February 2008 - 9:14 PM
Funny story. I decided to talk to all my MSN contacts that I don't really know. So I talk to a girl, that I know is French. She begins to speak English, says she can't speak French, and she's from Brighton.
I play the game, and I ask her questions about Brighton. What's her favourite club, what's the sponsor of the football team (it's Skint Records), does she know Fatboy Slim... That kind of things. She couldn't answer anything. I sent her "You're not from Brighton" by Fatboy Slim and then she blocked me :D
Posted 08 February 2008 - 11:55 PM
haha, nice one. I guess technically I could've convinced you I was from there. Here in Santa Cruz we actually have a new Brighton Beach, seems to be a couple of connections with this place
I am having a strange month or two. Ever since I moved into my own studio, it's felt like 2003 to me. It's because its the first time I've been both single and had a quiet place. There is some sort of emotion I associate with spring/summer of 2003 that feels like a mix of euphoria, good weather, and peaceful isolation. Tough to describe but during that time I was listening to the I think I'm in Love remix, along with golden path over and over. Think those two get at the feeling I'm trying to describe.