does anyone know what time the gig is likely to finish? i need to book train tickets but the last train back to exeter is at 11.50! dont wanna miss any of it!

TRAFALGAR - ticket updates anyone?
Posted 21 August 2007 - 4:24 PM
I have heard the whole thing is due to be over by 9.30pm!!! Whatever time it finishes it aint gonna be that late.
Cant figure out at this moment which way round the screen and where the boys will be performing from...either with their backs and the screen against the column and lions (like when I watched Holy Grail on St Georges Day) or against the gallery with everyone dancing down below.
I havent ever been to any of the other music shows at Traf Square before so am clueless.
But hey...we're going so who cares!!??!!
Posted 21 August 2007 - 6:31 PM
there was an article about the gig on one of the free papers in london few days ago...there was even a computer created image of what the set up will look like.. if i can remember the stage is against the gallery(similar as when scissor sisters played there if anyone familiar with that..)
#26 graysquire1969
Posted 21 August 2007 - 7:18 PM
A quick google found some photos from Scissor Sisters gig last year - try on
Posted 28 August 2007 - 4:35 PM
Go on ebay if you must, there are loads of evil feckers selling their WON tickets and making a lot of very rude profit when they should just be giving them away for free! One tout is asking £130 for a pair!!!! FFS!
And you can tell the proper touts...they are the ones who have changed the wording of winning email to say 'lucky ones who HAVE tickets' instead of WON tickets! thus making it appear to those hapless fools who want to pay for a free gig that it is their only way of going!
Sorry but I am not a happy bunny about this at all. I know I cant do anything about it and some people are just rude and evil and moneygrabbing! But saying that...if people ARE silly enough to part with £100+ for a free be it!!!
But I WILL laugh in your face if I meet you!!! Honestly!
Scuse the rant but grrrrrrrrrrrr!
Posted 28 August 2007 - 4:39 PM
It was a case of going onto a very publicly accessible website, signing up, it was very clear how to do it and this competition was available online for over 2 months or so to anyone and everyone.
Ok, perhaps it wasnt exactly hugely common knowledge but it was there...and there were links on here...but it most certainly wasnt something organised by the forum...Becks Beer kinda had the monopoly on the website!