With RW so close comming up I was curious if there are any other die hards comming to Belgium.
On thursday the 3rd the Chems will start their gig around 00:30 hours!
This will without a doubt be a great way to end the first day of RW!!
I really hope that Tom and Ed made some significant changes in their set comparing to what they did last year on tour.
I would love to be surprised with some other, not so much live played songs.
I guess we will see and hear that on the 3rd of July.
Maybe we will see eachother there or at least be part of the magnificant crowd on the field!
I will let you all know how it was after the festival!
Greetings from Holland!

The Brothers at Rock Werchter
#1 Denman
Posted 13 June 2008 - 9:27 AM
Posted 02 July 2008 - 6:46 PM
Again a delegation of Dutch Chemheads will be off To Belgium to see the Chemical Brothers. After 3 years Tom & Ed will be closing the first day of Werchter. Lets hope for dry weather and Midnight Madness.
And this time if it rains Tom & Ed don't tease us with your raincoats. Don't think I didn't remember :)
Posted 07 July 2008 - 3:06 PM
Yes back from Werchter. The whole festival was KICK-ASS! With bands as Underworld, Justice, Moby, Digitalism, Hot Chip, Gnarls Barkley, Radiohead, Editors, Roisin Murphy, need I go on???
Anyhoe, this being a Chems forum let's stick with whats important: Hot Chip!!! What an amazing set. Boy from school, ready for the floor and over and over where amazing. Great live set, nice little band. And Justice. They seem to like to mash up their album. We were wondering how they would do an 75 minute show with an album which doesn't last for an hour. Phanthm prt. 2 is the new dance anthem.
Oh yes, the Chems were great aswell. Man, those visuals keep on getting better and better. Tip: with a Chems gig don't stand too much in front, cause then you're missing the big picture. New tracks off course in the We are the night tour part 3 (I think) the Pills... which gets a proper dance treatment and sounds amazing and yes Midnight Madness. Didin't expect to hear a full version of EBW 10 in de set but they played it and is was good. Unfortunatley it took over the spot of All rights reversed which means that "breakbeat" are down to a minimum of 1 which is the closer of the show. An superb live version of Chemical beats. F#*king Awesome.
Oh and it did rain that day but NOT during the Chemical Brothers.
Posted 09 July 2008 - 2:06 AM
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#11 Denman
Posted 09 July 2008 - 9:35 AM
Oh what a weekend it was, with (unfortunatly) one of the biggest highlights on the first day. The brothers worked it out very well with (again) a smashing visual show and those hard blocking beats! I must say that the videowall seems to be getting bigger at every new gig! Ofcourse they had more space on a podium like Werchter than in for instance a concert hall like Heineken Music Hall, but still it impresses more and more. (Who says size doesn't matter?) The set was again unbelievably good, with the live preview of Midnight Madness, what a superb new song by the way!
It was again a great pleasure to have been witness of another live experience from the boys, thanks for a great ending of day 1 at Rock Werchter!
Posted 11 July 2008 - 8:13 AM