General Bullshit Chat
Posted 10 November 2006 - 5:52 AM
What a beautiful day today. It was nice and sunny and the temperature hit 70 (F) degrees today. However, had an embarrassing yet rewarding moment today. X-D
I was driving in my car earlier today and had to stop at a red light. There was some highschool girls (about 17-18 years old) standing at the corner getting ready to cross. One of them was quite chesty and being the guy that I am, I start to look and stare :P. I wouldn?t have been so obvious, had I realized that I wasnt wearing my sunglasses that I always wear while im driving and would usually shield my wandering eyes, but i totally forgot. So, this chick totally catches me looking at her jubblies. She gives me the finger, and my face goes bright red as I realized she caught me taking a peak. So, as the she and her group friends crossed in front of my car, they called me "perve" and other stuff that I couldn?t really hear since I had my music playing pretty loud. Then all of a Sudden the chick that caught me looking at her chest lifts up her shirts and flashes me! :D
They ran off into the next street. I should have turned my car around and chased them down to get some digits (even though they probably werent legal). But at that point, I was really embarrassed and too chicken.
I was driving in my car earlier today and had to stop at a red light. There was some highschool girls (about 17-18 years old) standing at the corner getting ready to cross. One of them was quite chesty and being the guy that I am, I start to look and stare :P. I wouldn?t have been so obvious, had I realized that I wasnt wearing my sunglasses that I always wear while im driving and would usually shield my wandering eyes, but i totally forgot. So, this chick totally catches me looking at her jubblies. She gives me the finger, and my face goes bright red as I realized she caught me taking a peak. So, as the she and her group friends crossed in front of my car, they called me "perve" and other stuff that I couldn?t really hear since I had my music playing pretty loud. Then all of a Sudden the chick that caught me looking at her chest lifts up her shirts and flashes me! :D
They ran off into the next street. I should have turned my car around and chased them down to get some digits (even though they probably werent legal). But at that point, I was really embarrassed and too chicken.
Posted 10 November 2006 - 6:53 AM
Pop singer Moby:
Make my kid 'gay'
Pop star Moby, known for his political statements as well as his music, says he'd do everything he could to make his future child homosexual should the singer ever have a family.
He's also blasting conservatives Tom DeLay, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich as "amoral/immoral" right wingers.
In an interview with Planet Out, a publication geared toward homosexuals, the musician, who is not "gay," was lamenting so-called homophobia in society when he suggested his future child should be raised to be a homosexual.
"As a matter of fact, I was talking to my friend Laura, who sings on [my latest] record, and we're both getting to the point where we want to start families," Moby said. "We're convinced that if we have children, we're going to do everything in our power to make them gay. Like maybe drinking a lot of extra soy milk while she's pregnant, or anything that would work to make that happen. I'd just rather have a really sharp, interesting, smart gay son than some big dumb hetero meathead."
I lol�d
Make my kid 'gay'
Pop star Moby, known for his political statements as well as his music, says he'd do everything he could to make his future child homosexual should the singer ever have a family.
He's also blasting conservatives Tom DeLay, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich as "amoral/immoral" right wingers.
In an interview with Planet Out, a publication geared toward homosexuals, the musician, who is not "gay," was lamenting so-called homophobia in society when he suggested his future child should be raised to be a homosexual.
"As a matter of fact, I was talking to my friend Laura, who sings on [my latest] record, and we're both getting to the point where we want to start families," Moby said. "We're convinced that if we have children, we're going to do everything in our power to make them gay. Like maybe drinking a lot of extra soy milk while she's pregnant, or anything that would work to make that happen. I'd just rather have a really sharp, interesting, smart gay son than some big dumb hetero meathead."
I lol�d
Posted 10 November 2006 - 3:33 PM
Hahahahahaa, Bosco you dirty dog!! That's funny. It is a good thing you didn't chase those girls down, they probably would've kicked your azz! (I'm joking man, but I couldn't resist).
I got flashed by a guy once (I was waiting in front of the library for my mom to pick me up and I heard a whistle from the nearby stairwell). I looked over and he had it out and was wanking. I could feel all the blood rush to my face and I couldn't stop myself so I yelled "you fucking pervert, you're gross, put that thing away!!" and I ran into the library. Not quite the same thrill as your experience Bosco but still...!
I got flashed by a guy once (I was waiting in front of the library for my mom to pick me up and I heard a whistle from the nearby stairwell). I looked over and he had it out and was wanking. I could feel all the blood rush to my face and I couldn't stop myself so I yelled "you fucking pervert, you're gross, put that thing away!!" and I ran into the library. Not quite the same thrill as your experience Bosco but still...!
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 10 November 2006 - 3:49 PM
Nah that is just discusting - not you bosco , i mean Whirly's story.
I had the same happening actually - in the middle of Amsterdam.
There was a guy walking around with his willy out. I walked by and offcourse i had to look that direction and i saw him. When he noticed i looked his way he pointed at his willy. I couldn't resist but saying " Jezus !! No wonder you're showing off you're willy. You might end up in the Guinnes Book of Records for having the smallest dick ever ! "
A bit lame , i know. But i couldn't resist.
I had the same happening actually - in the middle of Amsterdam.
There was a guy walking around with his willy out. I walked by and offcourse i had to look that direction and i saw him. When he noticed i looked his way he pointed at his willy. I couldn't resist but saying " Jezus !! No wonder you're showing off you're willy. You might end up in the Guinnes Book of Records for having the smallest dick ever ! "
A bit lame , i know. But i couldn't resist.
#4427 irishfan
Posted 10 November 2006 - 4:10 PM
Jeanie Escribi�:
Nah that is just discusting - not you bosco , i mean Whirly's story.
I had the same happening actually - in the middle of Amsterdam.
There was a guy walking around with his willy out. I walked by and offcourse i had to look that direction and i saw him. When he noticed i looked his way he pointed at his willy. I couldn't resist but saying " Jezus !! No wonder you're showing off you're willy. You might end up in the Guinnes Book of Records for having the smallest dick ever ! "
A bit lame , i know. But i couldn't resist.
ha not a bad comeback.
Posted 11 November 2006 - 12:46 AM
:o oh my lord! Consecutive, super, weird days for me. But this time the weather was on the not so sunny side of things, about 35 degrees (F) :? . But anyways, back to the story....
I might have just experienced the coolest thing ever. It has been raining on and off all day and been pretty cold. I was working my second shift of the day and was making a delivery. I headed out on the delivery and the rain started to pick up. Keep in mind, its very meek out and sun goes down early at this time of year so it was pretty dark out. So as I go along the route to make my delivery the rain just keeps coming down harder and harder. Oddly (especially for temperature wise) , I see a few flashes of lighting, but heard no thunder. Rain starts to come down faster and harder. I get off at one of the side streets to complete the delivery and come upon the house to deliver to. Low and behold here is this big black, huge ass, mixed, breed pitbull sitting outside the front door with only a leash, violently barking at me. Luckily the owner hears the dog barking and comes out and puts him back in the house, I give the guy the delivery and he hands me a tip ($2 sweet 8) !). But that?s not even the story......
I get back in the car soaked from rain and begin to head back to the shop. As I head back to the main road to make the trip back to the shop, the rain continues to come down at incredible speed and strength, Almost as if a fire hydrant was aimed straight down on top of the van I was driving. My windshield whippers could not keep up with the amount of rain that continually slapped the car loudly. Huge Flashes of lighting struck about 500 ft away from the car, lighting up the entire area. The rain just got harder and harder and came down faster and faster. All the cars were just about stopped on either side of the road. The streets were flooding quickly, but thanks to the elevation in the part of the road, it did not affect me. Fire trucks came barreling down the main road splashing huge amounts of water all over my car and the cars around me. Again, the rain just keeps pouring and pouring, till eventually I crawled my car out of this hell-storm. More and more emergency vehicles fly into the streets maneuvering around cars coming close to making a major crash! Then finally, the rain begins to give and i finally get to drive the car a little bit faster. Half of the street was flooded and every one had to drive in left lane. I came upon the major river in my city and it was just about topping over at the bridge! 8O. I get lucky with some green lights, and finally get back to the shop. I was just about speechless, when my co-workers asked me what happened. And really I?m still speechless, my words that I used to describe the event aren?t even powerful enough to describe what I just experienced. I know it?s a cliche, but, you had to be there.
The amount of rain and how hard and fast it came down was just, unbelievable! Im still shaking my head....I love Mother Nature.
I might have just experienced the coolest thing ever. It has been raining on and off all day and been pretty cold. I was working my second shift of the day and was making a delivery. I headed out on the delivery and the rain started to pick up. Keep in mind, its very meek out and sun goes down early at this time of year so it was pretty dark out. So as I go along the route to make my delivery the rain just keeps coming down harder and harder. Oddly (especially for temperature wise) , I see a few flashes of lighting, but heard no thunder. Rain starts to come down faster and harder. I get off at one of the side streets to complete the delivery and come upon the house to deliver to. Low and behold here is this big black, huge ass, mixed, breed pitbull sitting outside the front door with only a leash, violently barking at me. Luckily the owner hears the dog barking and comes out and puts him back in the house, I give the guy the delivery and he hands me a tip ($2 sweet 8) !). But that?s not even the story......
I get back in the car soaked from rain and begin to head back to the shop. As I head back to the main road to make the trip back to the shop, the rain continues to come down at incredible speed and strength, Almost as if a fire hydrant was aimed straight down on top of the van I was driving. My windshield whippers could not keep up with the amount of rain that continually slapped the car loudly. Huge Flashes of lighting struck about 500 ft away from the car, lighting up the entire area. The rain just got harder and harder and came down faster and faster. All the cars were just about stopped on either side of the road. The streets were flooding quickly, but thanks to the elevation in the part of the road, it did not affect me. Fire trucks came barreling down the main road splashing huge amounts of water all over my car and the cars around me. Again, the rain just keeps pouring and pouring, till eventually I crawled my car out of this hell-storm. More and more emergency vehicles fly into the streets maneuvering around cars coming close to making a major crash! Then finally, the rain begins to give and i finally get to drive the car a little bit faster. Half of the street was flooded and every one had to drive in left lane. I came upon the major river in my city and it was just about topping over at the bridge! 8O. I get lucky with some green lights, and finally get back to the shop. I was just about speechless, when my co-workers asked me what happened. And really I?m still speechless, my words that I used to describe the event aren?t even powerful enough to describe what I just experienced. I know it?s a cliche, but, you had to be there.
The amount of rain and how hard and fast it came down was just, unbelievable! Im still shaking my head....I love Mother Nature.
Posted 11 November 2006 - 12:54 AM
bwahhh!!!! its storming again. Not as bad as earlier, but still.
And O Yeah, its suppost to snow later tonight X-D
And O Yeah, its suppost to snow later tonight X-D