As much as this speculation is being thrown around, nothing I can really see points to them calling it quits. (It honestly didn't cross my mind 'til Whirly brought it up in a fog of tipsy concern.) We have B-sides coming out, concerts galore - over all, it just seems like they're keeping the energy going.
Gigs in 2008?
#21 VorpalStorm
Posted 18 December 2007 - 11:56 AM
Posted 18 December 2007 - 4:05 PM
I totally could understand when they'd reduce their live presence. Looking to the amount of shows they did this year and will do next year they defo. need a rest and getting some private life. But I do hope album-wise it's not the end rather the beginning! As a musician you can never stop making music.
E(argasm) = m(usic) x c(hemicals)²