And it's gonna be sooner than you think. Apparently, it's already finished and will be released in January 2009. At least, it will be on the beginning of 2009.
Vitalic said it would be very different from his first album.
I can't wait !

New Vitalic album on the way
Posted 05 December 2008 - 6:52 PM
Wow--I was just listening to Vitalic, -last night- as a matter of fact, thinking to myself that it was about due time for him to come out with something new.
I do hope he sways more toward his straight hard-electro-house style and less toward his trying-to-be-artsy-and-ending-up-weird-and-annoying style.
Posted 05 December 2008 - 8:26 PM
Now we have to start a 'What were looking forward to in 2009' topic. Not another Year! This one was good for me.
But it is Vitalic. He still makes me cream my shorts (figureatively). His Hard as nails electro/techno/house is awesome. Another set that will be forever etched in my mind.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 19 October 2009 - 6:59 AM
I just want to say right now....The new Vitalic album, Flashmob, is doing insane things on my headspace.
See The Sea (Red)
Terminateur Benelux
And I swear I have heard Flashmob somewhere else before. Have Tom and Ed been playing it out recently?
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel