loz its sarah go in ere k?
Posted 17 December 2005 - 5:20 PM
xxsarahxx Escribi�:
Dear whirlygirl,
I'm very sorry for upsetting you just because of the way i type...
:? clearly you are very disturbed about this and well, it's tough titties because im goin 2 type lyke diss 4 aslong as i want 2 du... so, looks like your gonna have 2 just sit back, n watch me type 'gibberish' X-D
so, anything else anybody want's to say to me whilst "whirlygirl" is at it???
all yours faithfully :x
ps- 'dig your own hole' whirlygirl n that goes for all the rest of you who have a problem just because im 13 years of age and i type wrongly (in your eyes...) :x
xxsarahxx, ^^ that's more like it! Ace rebuttal, contains Chemical Brothers reference, nice work! X-D
btw, I've got no problem with you or anyone for the matter being young. If you will show me where I said that, I'd gladly apologize.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 17 December 2005 - 6:31 PM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
xxsarahxx Escribi�:
hey loz! u ok? u dnt like da chems do ya? ojn ojn xxx neways soz i g2g offline now cyaz xxxxxxxxxxxxxx :D
Dear xxsarahxx,
It appears your keyboard is broken and you are only able to type in text.
Unfortunately, your post(s) makes very little sense and it is with regret that I inform you we are unable to decipher your gibberish. We are not grammar police nor are we all sticklers for proper spelling, however it would truly help us if you would write plainly so we may all engage in further discussions with you. We believe all who come here have something to add to the forums, including you.
If you wish people to stop making a mockery of xxsarahxx, may I suggest you type coherant sentences. We have a number of foreigners on this board who have a better grasp of the English language than your posts suggest.
Thank you so much for your cooperation. It is greatly appreciated.
young girlies, what to say . . .
E(argasm) = m(usic) x c(hemicals)²
Posted 17 December 2005 - 9:29 PM
Sarah , when youre older and your going for an interview for a job , and they ask you " What are you're talents " are you gonna say " I am a master in typing Gibberish " ( or whatever the name ) cause honestly girl , THAT IS SO COOL! That would actually make you get the job !!!
Posted 19 December 2005 - 11:43 AM
xxsarahxx Escribi�:
hey loz! u ok? u dnt like da chems do ya? ojn ojn xxx neways soz i g2g offline now cyaz xxxxxxxxxxxxxx :D
hey keep in mind there are no other 13 yo girl in there. There are english speaking good english, and foreigners, like me, who speak english too (maybe not as good but anyway). And I didn't get a fuckin word of your post...
#54 toomuchstash
Posted 19 December 2005 - 6:10 PM
xxsarahxx Escribi�:
Dear whirlygirl,
I'm very sorry for upsetting you just because of the way i type...
:? clearly you are very disturbed about this and well, it's tough titties because im goin 2 type lyke diss 4 aslong as i want 2 du... so, looks like your gonna have 2 just sit back, n watch me type 'gibberish' X-D
so, anything else anybody want's to say to me whilst "whirlygirl" is at it???
all yours faithfully :x
ps- 'dig your own hole' whirlygirl n that goes for all the rest of you who have a problem just because im 13 years of age and i type wrongly (in your eyes...) :x

Posted 20 December 2005 - 6:06 PM
sarah go take a typing class and grow up some . then come back and type your little heart away .. or just do us all a favoure and jump off a building somewere..
btw what happend to pink shoes.. she was kinda cool .. with her broken english
btw what happend to pink shoes.. she was kinda cool .. with her broken english
"The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there"- Leslie Poles Hartley
Posted 20 December 2005 - 8:31 PM
Nerdcore Escribi�:
sarah go take a typing class and grow up some . then come back and type your little heart away .. or just do us all a favoure and jump off a building somewere..
WTF! Who do you think you are? This is a 13 yr old girl you're telling to jump off a building. I suggest you take a long hard look at yourself and what you've done. I'm appauled.