Posted 25 April 2004 - 12:03 AM
Well, I think there are a probably a few Chemical fans that weren't thrilled with the direction of their last couple of records. ;)
I think the Chemicals must pride themselves on doing what feels best when it comes to their time spent in the studio, because it shows on their records. I've read Ed say that the music is a celebration of the friendship they have with each other. I've also read they bicker while in the studio too and sometimes lock horns and don't see eye to eye, but regardless of their differences I don't think they make compromises when it's the end of the day. They both have to agree whether the finished product is good, cuz they are a team and it's a two way street.
I think what's crap and what isn't is purely subjective, a matter of personal taste and where you are with your musical interests at the time of judgement. The only way I can see their music (ie: celebration of their friendship) suck and go in a bad direction is if they have a falling out or something, or are tired and bored with each other yet they grudgingly still make music because... well, for whatever reasons. And I would really hope that wouldn't happen especially after years and years of being friends. I just can't picture them having a personal/musical fallout a la The Smiths!
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle