it won't allow me to use my old account no and is harder to read we dont know who started a topic and there is no highlights of new topics.

Official site overhaul!
Posted 27 April 2007 - 10:14 PM
OK - patience everyone! This site is still fresh outta the womb and the bugs are still being worked out I am sure. Just since this morning, the Hot Tag feature on the forum has been added so we didn't lose the bullshit and buzzed topics. I have to say it really freaked me out this morning. I was replying to a topic on the old board, then bam got a 404 error message and when I hit my refresh tab the new site popped up. Good thing my desk chair has armrests because I nearly fell out of it!! I am confident the problems with listening to DJ sets (which is fantastic - thank you so much Tom and Ed and everyone involved for making this possible) and other little bugs will be improved. soundertow gave good advice. :) A lot of it is just getting used to the new layout. All in all, it's... good stuff. :)
Poor stash, though. He was upset at having to re-register as a n00b. I think the apostrophe (') in the username was tripping things up. Maybe that too can be fixed so chemd and stash can have their old accounts back... or maybe they can have their post counts transferred to their new accounts?
Anyway, I couldn't wait to get on a lunch break at work so I could come here and enjoy the site. I think it's fuckin' great - and even better people have taken into account our wants and needs and applied them here. Viva la edit button and Jerk Chicken!!!
(yes, I am still excited about the recipes, hahaha)
Posted 28 April 2007 - 5:17 AM
This is awesome! New site is fantastic, so much cool stuff, and it looks like Tom and Ed will be regularly adding to it which is ace. Can't believe they've put up some rare mixes to listen to, and it looks like if people start tagging their youtube vids and flickr photos right, the chronicles bit will be a really awesome bit of the site. Like the new forum too, the tags thing is cool and all the other bits like RSS feeds and subscribing to topics is awesome.
Top work guys!
And there's an edit button! Now, can I say shit fuck?
Yes I can 8)
Posted 28 April 2007 - 5:11 PM
JacksRevenge - this thread:
Will direct you to the new artwork. I hope you like!