Favourite Parts Of Further
Posted 06 June 2010 - 6:59 AM
So thought would check with folks who have decided to not wait till cd release - any one particular tune that really gets u wet?
I love all the tunes, they will go through a lot of dynamics over thousands of hearings in the next few months, but I get so excited when Horsepower kicks in - there's something so cool and evil about it. it's got baaad written all over it. I think it'll destroy dance floors.
K+D+B reminds me in someway of Das Spiegel - only it's bigger.
Posted 10 June 2010 - 4:16 PM
But there's definitely something really intriguing about Horsepower. It's like Ed slipped Tom some coke one night while Tom's wife n kids were away, n they had a blast making this steroids crazed monster! it's a pure battle weapon, - simple, heavy dark groove - the ole skool meet new production techniques kind. It's evil but really cool.
It was a bonus pleasure to find out that the horsey sample's comes from worthy lineage.
Posted 10 June 2010 - 5:09 PM
but really the whole thing flows so well, i think this is their most cohesive album to date
it makes me happy
Posted 10 June 2010 - 6:38 PM
Also Dissolve and K + D + B are cool too.
Posted 11 June 2010 - 2:09 AM
I woke up this morning with the pulsating sounds of Another World coursing through my brain.
The oceanic Wonders Of The Deep took my breath away unexpectedly this afternoon on my way to pick up my son from school.
Snow gives me chills that run from the tip of my head down to the soles of my feet.
I admit I am partial to Escape Velocity for personal reasons I don't care to get into right now.
I could go on, at great length (and I will, muahaha) about every song and how they make me feel, and the images they conjure up in my mind's eye.
I love them all!
I was never any good at choosing just one Chems song, anyway.

Posted 11 June 2010 - 2:28 AM
example: every chems album has this track on it, which you can feel/understand after quite few listens for the first time
the fact that this chems album is SO easy to enjoy makes further a grower for me to find some difficulties in it...hopefully someone can understand my point

Posted 11 June 2010 - 2:45 AM
I'm not sure if that's a disadvantage yet (to me, personally, anyway) but I can see your point. It's easy to burn out on an album - it's happened to me with Chems albums, and other albums by other bands I love. Right now I'm trying to look at the advantages, though. I can say I am 100% without a doubt pleased with this album. I find that refreshing for a change. There's no growers, there's no "oh I heard that song when they played it at Coachella and I 'get it' now" or "I gave that song a few more listens and now I enjoy it". As much as I love the Chemical Brothers, there have been songs that I was initially on the fence about. But this is different. Love comes easily with what I'm hearing on Further since the first listen. I haven't felt that way at first listen since - I really can't remember! So it's been a long time.

Posted 11 June 2010 - 3:20 AM
All of Further was like that. It's one 51 minute journey through euphoria. Horse Power took a second listen, but beyond that the whole thing blew my mind. When listening to other music, it feels so strange. I think, 'there should be groundbreaking visuals to go along with this, why aren't there any?' Further, even after listing to it for about the 16th time (I think, I've lost count), is still beyond comprehension. It's still so far above
anything I've heard before.
I'm really liking Dissolve right now. Awesome 60's psychedelic style, and downright trippy visuals. I'm sure it'll change soon.
I think I'm going to start working on my jumbo size review of Further. We'll see how it turns out (though I doubt I can top that one Bosco posted).
Posted 11 June 2010 - 5:26 AM
My face clenched up so tightly in anticipation for the beat to finally drop in Escape Velocity, going through the bars in my head i thought i may be able to guess when it would explode, turns out when I guessed and when it actually dropped were about 18 bars apart (though I cant remember exactly because when it did I forgot all about counting and just burst out laughing with happiness)
Then Another World came on and i didn't know what to think.
when its nostalgic yet futuristic and almost sad breakdown comes in with that pulsating kick and the vocals.
my gosh I didn't want to move ever again.
and the second listen a couple of hours later was coupled with the visuals and at that same point of the record I tear'd up.
just sat there in with my eyes encased in my own tears.
also fuck yes Horse Power
that's all that comes to mind now I'm gonna try and sleep more with Further.
best yet.
Posted 11 June 2010 - 7:25 AM

Whirly - this is really strange but I've never had a problem with almost 99.9% of chems songs - never didn't like anything first and then grew to like it, yes grew to like a lot of songs much more with repeated listening.
let me be honest, I was looking at shameless fanboy appreciation for Horsepower when I started this thread - it's not my "fav" song - but it's something that stands out on Further. Just like Swoon does.
I'm still not settled completely with Wonders of the Deep - if you are talking of just the audio experience it leaves me a bit unsatisfied - not a very typical chems ending.
Posted 11 June 2010 - 2:55 PM
I expected a mass, progressive, euphoric ending in the same mould of "Surface to Air", "Private Psychedelic Reel" or "The Test".
I was hoping that something huge would come out of the twinkling last seconds of this record and take us somewhere else, not the case,
however I have absolutely nothing to complain about. It was perfection.
Posted 11 June 2010 - 10:40 PM
letittakeyoutothestars, on 11 June 2010 - 03:55 PM, said:
I expected a mass, progressive, euphoric ending in the same mould of "Surface to Air", "Private Psychedelic Reel" or "The Test".
I was hoping that something huge would come out of the twinkling last seconds of this record and take us somewhere else, not the case,
however I have absolutely nothing to complain about. It was perfection.
It's really strange how one moment can make a change sometimes in how u connect with something or not - my connection with further happened today evening, i was hearing it in full at peace the first time in 6 days- and I swear I was plain stunned by Wonders of the Deep ending to the Further trip. It's just gorgeous. It still feels like something bigger is beginning again, It's perfect.
Infact this topic is so fucked up. I'm playing it the second time now, n I love every moment of the album - it's a complete album experience to me just like every other chemical brothers album now. the magic has struck! fantastic! wish I could take a week off from work.
n the euphoria strikes big in Swoon.
Posted 12 June 2010 - 6:22 AM
letittakeyoutothestars, on 11 June 2010 - 09:28 PM, said:
Doing that chronologically would be completely awesome.