But I guess that ain't hard...
Posted 07 August 2007 - 11:41 PM
Posted 08 August 2007 - 2:07 AM
Yeah, Pitchfork did their predictable if-it-ain't-obscure-then-it-ain't-hip diatribe that Darkstar posted a while ago. It generated quite a few rebuttals here.
This review isn't that bad. It's actually quite positive in that it seems to respect the Chemical formula rather than blast it like so many other reviews did. And even though I disagree with what was said about Salmon Dance, I did get chuckle out of the Steven Hawking as Sammy bit.
Posted 08 August 2007 - 4:54 PM
So we are now making new threads for every goddamn 'negative' or 'slightly positive' review out there, while we have a perfectly good threads for this already?? Just put 'm in there, jesus.
Edit: I should've known this was a newb-topic. Learn to use the 'search' newb.
Edit Edit: I forgot there isn't a 'search' on this stupid-ass forum. *sigh*
Posted 08 August 2007 - 8:24 PM
Posted 08 August 2007 - 11:58 PM
Pitchfork reviews seem to come up every now and then on this board. Glako found an interesting link a few years back of a project where some thousand Pitchfork reviews were analyzed with data-mining techniques. The goal was to find the 'features' that were given positive associations by Pitchfork and to generate new musical compositions which would be most likely to get a 'good' review from Pitchfork.
We have a thread for it: