I wuvs you guys, every last one of ya. :cry:

General Bullshit Chat
Posted 30 May 2008 - 4:39 AM
It feels weird to be seeing you guys posting about stresses in your lives right now....
I say that cause I have expressed my chalenges in the recent future and yet.....I've had a great few weeks all of the sudden...sorry to shines rays of sun on everyones dark parade.
EBW10 was just the start......or middle......
Big Hugs to all those accept in our international family!
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#6104 VorpalStorm
Posted 31 May 2008 - 10:27 AM
Noooo! The rays of hope and happiness burn ussss!
Nah it's all good. The thing about rough spots is that they are SPOTS. They aren't the whole thing. You get through them and then look back and see how small they really are in the whole scheme of things.
Back atcha, too, Whirly!
#6105 whirly
Posted 31 May 2008 - 5:46 PM
#6108 whirly
Posted 31 May 2008 - 9:39 PM
I hope you're resting up and feeling better Pooter! Food poisoning sucks the big one.
Haven't had it in years (knock on wood) but last time was a double whammy for me and stash. It was so bad that we had to have his mom to watch Connor for 2 days because we literally couldn't move.
Word to the wise - never, ever, EVER eat at Chili's. Even seeing commercials for that hideous chain restaurant are nauseating.
#6110 inchemwetrust
Posted 01 June 2008 - 8:40 PM
funny shit!
I rememeber eating there a year ago. my friends and I went for the first time and when we left, one of the poor bastards was still in the bathroom yakking to death! i think it was an appetizer!
other places to avoid are Olive Garden( at all costs),Rubio's, and Denny's! i guess its better to cook at home more!
Posted 02 June 2008 - 6:34 AM
Ew--Denny's is just plain bad.
I had vegan soulfood on Friday night, believe it or not--soulfood, as in collard greens, mac and cheese, and crispy fried tofu. It could have been good, except now my memory is tainted by the food reversing on me three and a half hours after eating it, probably contaminated by a dirty hippy who didn't wash his hands after going to the bathroom.
Another amazing vomit memory involved me on a plane flight back from Amsterdam and hacking up the contents of a salmon rissoto that I was served on the plane. Plane food is bad enough, but the worst part is that as they were serving the food on the plane, the alternate dish ran out one person before the cart reached myself and my girlfriend. And worse still, the only reason they ran out of the pasta is because the stewardess was moving painfully slow serving people in our row, and other stewards and stewardesses came over and kept on getting the lasagna because no one wanted the fish. I was so pissed, but I was absolutely starving. My girlfriend avoided the fish, mostly, and only felt slightly nauseous.
As for my experience, I will never forget how it feels to be dry heaving into a barf bag while seated in front of random strangers as you're landing at SFO.
#6113 whirly
Posted 03 June 2008 - 10:56 PM
^ :lol: hahaha, yes - fair warning for Tom and Ed. And the same goes for their crew. Avoid cut rate US chain restaurants like Chili's and Olive Garden... though Denny's is somewhat passable if you're sticking with breakfast. It's extremely difficult to fuck up scrambled eggs and hashbrowns! It was even better when I was in my late teens and early 20's because it was open 24 hours and you could smoke in there. The coffee tastes like crap any other time of day but there is that gutterpunk appeal of a shitty cup of coffee to accompany your pack of Marlboro Reds at 3am.
Speaking of Denny's. It's like the home of orange food - everything is orange or burnt umber. Even the veggies have a slight tint of orange to them. It's so weird! About 13 years ago stash and his sister, me, our roommate Todd and this random (and rather fragrant) homeless Canadian we befriended took a midnight road trip and ended up in Tijuana. We were thirsty and the pangs of hunger from not having anything to eat for a good 12 hours was setting in. The only familiar place to in TJ eat at that ungodly hour was Denny's. So there we all were at Denny's on Ave Del Revolucion, watching the pale morning sun rise over the filth that is Tijuana... The pictures of the Denny's food on the menu in TJ looked quite different than the menus here. At least here, the food may look orange but it's a vibrant orange at least. In TJ, the food appeared on the menu a bit more brown (I'm not kidding) and even more shocking was when the food came - it looked *exactly* like the pictures on the menu! We're talkin the garnish was in the same place, the shape of the french toast was exactly the same and positioned on the plate exactly like how it was pictured in the menu. I got scrambled eggs and they were just like the damn picture. We were so tired and delirious we just laughed and marvelled at our meals comparing them to the menu pictures.
Pooter - next time you fly, request a special meal. I always book a vegetarian meal when I fly. They aren't great but the veggie meals greatly reduce the risk of onboard illness caused by nasty plane meat. :lol:
#6115 inchemwetrust
Posted 04 June 2008 - 11:38 PM
I think 'orange' supposedly makes people hungry! I remember eating there (before the 'vomit' incident) and drinking lots of coffee at a 24hr Denny's at around 2am during my college days cause I was a late crammer for my tests in my classes! I would be there till 730am and head over to my class at 8am to take Calculus or other required-to-graduate classes.
Then, on that dreaded day, I ordered the infamous 'Moons over Myhammy'! It took an hour later for my food to go 'in reverse' from my mouth! I haven't been there since!
I now carry TUMS when I go out and eat!
#6117 whirly
Posted 05 June 2008 - 10:33 PM
hahaha, I can't believe we're still on the food thing!
I used to refer to Moons Over My Hammy as "Moons Over My Heiney" instead. It's much more fitting and just flows a little better.
There's good food to be had where I live but it seems like the smaller places are going under and giving way to big nationwide chains. Laguna has some pretty good fare - snazzy restaurants along with more hole in the wall type places - but it's gotten really pricey in recent years. I hardly eat at one of my favorite places Taco Loco these days because it's not a good value anymore. I am jealous of Pooter's food options. You're so lucky, Pooter - you have Zona Rosa up in San Francisco. They make the most awesome burritos!
Posted 05 June 2008 - 11:30 PM
Zona Rosa's!!! HAHAHA...
Whenever my old roommate and I would eat there, which was pretty often as we lived about eight blocks away, we would ask each other if we wanted to go there by saying, "Dude, do you want the chicken on first?"
Once when my friend at there, there was this belligerant homeless woman who was in line in front of him who demanded a burrito with both chicken AND steak. She wouldn't take no for an answer. After a moment, the burrito-maker obliged and began making the Mexican creation, putting the steak on a tortilla laden with beans and rice. Immediately, the homeless woman cries out, "NAW! I want the chicken on FIRST!"
To make an even longer story shorter, she ended up being dissatisfied at the end with what was made and threatened to leave. With a line out the door, the restaurant obviously didn't need her patronage, so it ended up being one of the more hilarious threats one could make. It makes me laugh to this day.
On the subject of Mexican food, if you're ever in downtown SF, stop by Orale Orale, which is on Sacramento near its intersection at Drumm St. Amazing Mexican food.
#6119 whirly
Posted 06 June 2008 - 1:51 AM
^ :lol:
As if putting the chicken on first makes a damn bit of difference when all the ingredients are being chewed simultaneously. Being that it's Zona Rosa, and their burritos are easily, as they are, the size of a 5 year old's forearm - I can't imagine how it would be humanly possible to pack them with anymore stuff.
There's a small 4-restaurant chain here called Chronic Taco and their burritos are so freakin good I salivate just thinking about them. Mahi mahi, black beans, guacamole, green sauce, cheese and a pinch of cabbage and cilantro FTW!!
Damn, now I am so hungry reading about burritos. stash should be back from his Del Taco run (I'm far too lazy to cook this evening) so I'll be getting my burrito. A far cry from Zona Rosa's, but Del Taco will do in a pinch.
On another note - what's everyone paying for gasoline these days? I know we got nothing on European fuel prices, but the cheapest gas round here is $4.39 a gallon for 87 oct. We're up over 25 cents from last week, nearly topping a $1 increase overall over the past 3-4 weeks which is insane as I don't recall inflation at such a quick rate (except maybe during the late 1970's). I thought barrels of crude went down or did I miss something? I am grateful that I get really good mileage but it burns pretty bad at the pump when it costs a little over $40 to fill up my Yaris. Pooooo.