hahahah Pooter, thats a fatherly moment ive always imagined im going to have with my future children. Like bringing out my collection of chemies cd's and showing them to my kids :D
Btw nice rant inchem :P

General Bullshit Chat
Posted 20 June 2009 - 8:56 AM
ha, you guys nailed it.
Thanks for all the kind and positive words peeps. And thanks Jeanie, its nice to hear the opposite side experiences the same problems. Well, not nice to hear, but it puts my mind at a little more ease.
any who, after a rough week, time to "snap out it". Got to relax, it's the weekend :)
PS. Congrats on passing 1k Inchem!
Posted 20 June 2009 - 8:33 PM
Hey Boss,
You know, one of the things that really helped me the past month (my bf broke up with me) is knowing that i'm not the only one!
Everybody i know had a broken heart once or twice, or is going through it right now. It's easy to think you're all alone and nobody knows how you're feeling because you feel so shit, but just listen to all the lyrics on the radio...90% is about heartbreak! It really helped me to know that everybody will deal with this sooner or later. And that it's one of the hardest things you'll ever experience in your life.
Unfortunaly this is not my first break up, but my fourth, but this is the first time somebody else ended a relationship that i didn't want to give up yet.
It sucks - but it really really helps me to know I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE - and neither are you!
Take care Boss!
Posted 21 June 2009 - 2:06 AM
"You know, people worry about kids and guns, as if there's some sort of culture of violence that is going to take them over. What people don't worry about is kids listening to thousands, literally thousands of records about heartbreak, rejection, pain, and loss.
Did I listen to pop music because I was miserable, or was I miserable because I listened to pop music?"
#6926 whirly
Posted 21 June 2009 - 5:12 PM
"You know what you gotta do bro! I'm counting on you.... actually all the men in this country are counting on you."
Hey Bosco, no pressure man! :lol:
I hope you're taking time to chill and get your bearings.
I hope everyone is having a nice weekend!
Posted 22 June 2009 - 11:17 AM
So, i'm going to follow my passion and i'm trying to become a TV-host or at least do something on the TV.
two weeks ago i was a drill instructor, last week i was a nurse, and tommorow i'm........a hooker! HAHA.
I'm gonna shoot the new heineken commercial - a reaction to the 'walking fridge'. If we win the pitch everybody can see Jeanie the Hooker on TV!
Hahahaha, frigging funny XD
Posted 22 June 2009 - 11:43 PM
Hungover at work again today. Mmmboy. But it was a good night last night. :D
Uggh... I've made the decision to stay here in San Francisco and have to talk to my girlfriend about it at some point in time. It's not going to be a good conversation... And it's not like I'll -never- move to Portland, but right now I'm getting the impression that A. I need to keep building my resume and B. my home is here in this city, for now.
Why is it that the person I know I'll be most happy with doesn't seem to be willing to be flexible... ::sigh::
#6932 inchemwetrust
Posted 23 June 2009 - 8:04 AM
I'm sure she'll understand bro! SF is your home!
I'm in the same boat about the job security thing too. My company is in the red and is going to be like this till next year, plus the hiring freeze has been going on for like 6 months now. I did some job hunting today though.
You deserve better. Sorry bout the breakup you just went through.
I would never do that to you! :)
Good luck on the pitch!
Posted 24 June 2009 - 1:19 AM
didn't you learn as a kid that if your going to count you have to go to 12.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 24 June 2009 - 3:46 PM
You have seen enough of my grammar errors strewn across the site by now. I don't think it should even phase you anymore.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel