Do You Play
Posted 07 June 2004 - 4:12 PM
I play some instruments - mainly piano, that's my first love. I play some harp as well. I also have a set of glaswegian bagpipes and took lessons for a couple of years but that was over a decade ago. I'm terrible at them, god awful actually... I play some guitar too but I'm not that good.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 07 June 2004 - 4:23 PM
Playing a harp? :o I'd love to do that
My dream instrument is a double bass though, i'd love to play that.
You should get some lesson anType, I myself was self taught, it takes a lot of patience and dedication, but once you've passed that barrier and are able to play, it's great just to pick it up and play something :)
My dream instrument is a double bass though, i'd love to play that.
You should get some lesson anType, I myself was self taught, it takes a lot of patience and dedication, but once you've passed that barrier and are able to play, it's great just to pick it up and play something :)

Posted 07 June 2004 - 4:38 PM
Yes, anType, if you got an itch you gotta scratch it if you can. Go for it and take lessons. Even if you end up not taking to it, at least you gave it a shot. Being able to pick up and play is so good for the soul and it means never having to be bored. I took piano lessons for a little over 12 years and I am grateful for it, playing is something I turned to no matter what kind of mood I was in. I got a decent sized folk harp when I was around 15 and am self taught (since upgraded to a lyon & healy lever harp) I could definitely do with lessons but piano laid the groundwork for figuring out how to manage other instruments in particular the harp.
There's other instruments I've dabbled in - harmonica, bass (I just don't have the skillz and a good rule of thumb is to never, ever EVER let anyone "borrow" your musical instruments!) zithern, and my latest acquisition: a didjeridoo which I'm still having trouble with the circular breathing so I've put it down for a while. I always find myself gravitating back toward the piano though. I just love it!
There's other instruments I've dabbled in - harmonica, bass (I just don't have the skillz and a good rule of thumb is to never, ever EVER let anyone "borrow" your musical instruments!) zithern, and my latest acquisition: a didjeridoo which I'm still having trouble with the circular breathing so I've put it down for a while. I always find myself gravitating back toward the piano though. I just love it!
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 07 June 2004 - 10:55 PM
Piano piano! I took lessons for like five years or something, never learned to play any true classical classics, but I didn't have much ambition for classical music anyhow.
Learning to play guitar would be useful, but only if I could plug it into my computer. And I'm not in the mood to spend loads of money for that.
Learning to play guitar would be useful, but only if I could plug it into my computer. And I'm not in the mood to spend loads of money for that.
Posted 07 June 2004 - 10:58 PM

Posted 07 June 2004 - 11:09 PM
Me? No! You can compare my playing ability by finding someone else who has played for five years. I'm worse than him/her. Especially if that someone is some mad (possibly japanese) guru with endless time and a pricy flygel.
I've seen all sorts of mario-related videos on that Albino Blacksheep thing. There was the improvised mario music thing you posted earlier, now this and there is a famous ~11 min playthrough of Super Mario 3. (which was cheated, it's some sort of an artform)
I've seen all sorts of mario-related videos on that Albino Blacksheep thing. There was the improvised mario music thing you posted earlier, now this and there is a famous ~11 min playthrough of Super Mario 3. (which was cheated, it's some sort of an artform)
Posted 07 June 2004 - 11:27 PM
If you think that the guy playing mario on the piano is good then you should check this guy playing it on the guitar. He does the coin sounds using picked harmonics its awsome i'll see if i can find a link. Soundertow you dont have to spend loads of money to turn your comp into an amp
theres loads of freeware that can accomplish that.
theres loads of freeware that can accomplish that.
Posted 07 June 2004 - 11:50 PM
Posted 08 June 2004 - 12:35 AM
griffin Escribi�:
... Soundertow you dont have to spend loads of money to turn your comp into an amp
theres loads of freeware that can accomplish that.
Yes, it would be easy if I wanted to do that. But what I meant was that I only have an acoustic guitar and that is not very computer-compatible ... only I didn't say it :-D