KING KONG (2005)
Posted 17 December 2005 - 1:20 AM
Just saw this movie yesterday..... amazing special effects 8O ........the story is freakin corny as hell but some of the coolest action sceens i ever seen. i give it 3.5/5.......the best part of the movie for me is when they find skull island and confront with the natives who were freaky as hell!!!!!!!!! Peter Jackson does amazing things for the eyes 8O
Posted 17 December 2005 - 1:26 AM
o yeah......i forgot to add naomi watts is hottttttttttttttttttttttttttttt as hell
#5 toomuchstash
Posted 17 December 2005 - 2:05 AM
We'll be seeing it in 3 hours... Pete Jackson is my god.
after Kong, the next movie to watch for is V for Vendetta... this thing is gonna r00l
after Kong, the next movie to watch for is V for Vendetta... this thing is gonna r00l
Posted 17 December 2005 - 8:52 AM
I thought this film was a great ride and a high trippin dose of eye candy.
Yeah, some parts were corny, but the acting was good and the comedic relief parts were where they needed to be. Pete Jackson nailed the fear factor down - which is the whole premise of the original story. And he is a true horror film maker at heart so this movie is true to form in that aspect.
The scene with the giant bugs. God, everyone in the theater squirmed and shifted in their seats.
The scene where Kong takes on the t-rexes was ace.
We wanted to take our son to see this but I'm glad we didn't. There's no way he would've survived the end - he would've been inconsolable.
The biggest downfall of the film wasn't it's length or the dashes of creamy cheese factor - it was the fucking crowd in the theater. I paid $9.25 to see and enjoy a film not to hear peoples' inane chatter for 3 hours.
Yeah, some parts were corny, but the acting was good and the comedic relief parts were where they needed to be. Pete Jackson nailed the fear factor down - which is the whole premise of the original story. And he is a true horror film maker at heart so this movie is true to form in that aspect.
The scene with the giant bugs. God, everyone in the theater squirmed and shifted in their seats.
The scene where Kong takes on the t-rexes was ace.
We wanted to take our son to see this but I'm glad we didn't. There's no way he would've survived the end - he would've been inconsolable.
The biggest downfall of the film wasn't it's length or the dashes of creamy cheese factor - it was the fucking crowd in the theater. I paid $9.25 to see and enjoy a film not to hear peoples' inane chatter for 3 hours.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
#7 toomuchstash
Posted 17 December 2005 - 9:03 AM
yeah, and the people where we live have absolutely no class... there's no other way to put it. I seriously wanted to smack this bitch sitting behind us, and the guy next to me was some sort of latin european, one of those countries where they don't believe in deoderant, or regular bathing.... it was kind of cool though, cuz it was like you could actually smell Kong.
I'm too fried right now to review it, just go see it, and remember, If you King to me, I'll Kong to you.
yeah, and the people where we live have absolutely no class... there's no other way to put it. I seriously wanted to smack this bitch sitting behind us, and the guy next to me was some sort of latin european, one of those countries where they don't believe in deoderant, or regular bathing.... it was kind of cool though, cuz it was like you could actually smell Kong.
I'm too fried right now to review it, just go see it, and remember, If you King to me, I'll Kong to you.
Posted 17 December 2005 - 9:07 AM
toomuch'stash Escribi�:
yeah, and the people where we live have absolutely no class... there's no other way to put it. I seriously wanted to smack this bitch sitting behind us, and the guy next to me was some sort of latin european, one of those countries where they don't believe in deoderant, or regular bathing.... it was kind of cool though, cuz it was like you could actually smell Kong.
I'm too fried right now to review it, just go see it, and remember, If you King to me, I'll Kong to you.
hehehehehe X-D 8)
I'm getting more interested in this movie as I talk to ppl who've seen it. Maybe I'll get wrecked and go see it if I get a chance next week. My sched's pretty busy, but when I can't spare the time to get fucked up and watch a cool movie, I'll pack it all in......
Posted 17 December 2005 - 9:19 AM
That guy's odiferous scent wafted over to where I was. X-D
I laughed during the bug scene. Not because it was funny, but more of a nervous, tense laugh.
Pringled, it's a good popcorn flick with tasty eye candy. For a long film it moved pretty fast. It's not oscar material and it's not revolutionary (except for the special effects) because the story's been done before - but it is what it is and that's entertainment.
I laughed during the bug scene. Not because it was funny, but more of a nervous, tense laugh.
Pringled, it's a good popcorn flick with tasty eye candy. For a long film it moved pretty fast. It's not oscar material and it's not revolutionary (except for the special effects) because the story's been done before - but it is what it is and that's entertainment.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 17 December 2005 - 5:46 PM
Jeanie Escribi�:
King Kong makes u think of me ?
I don't know if thats good man 8O
"Hoe Ha Ha!"
No, not like that!!
It's just that you always say you're going to go ape, or you went ape - the "going ape" phrase has become synonymous with you and your party-like ways. And when I'm confronted by massive ape staring at me on a movie screen, I kept thinking, "any minute, he's gonna go completely ape!"
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 18 December 2005 - 4:03 AM
Ok, i probably get banned writing this . ..
This was absolutley shit! Was in the cine few hours ago and had to fight my tiredness... Well all i could say is, this movie is typical American (sorry but i have to state this) holywood production and all what you're associating with, effects effects, action, effects, ahhh, and action... Well the first hour i thought, hey cool this is going to be a nice thing, you know this thirties spirit was promising something but what followed was, how can i describe it, predictable . . . The production seen technically was awesome (cool details such as King's eyes and so on) but the rest . . . They could had delivered a better thing and make it shorter. Was laughing about the dinosaurs scenes and these insect ones...and was i was looking like this
But i think the story is a very good parable and a mirror of humans behaviour in lots of its facets (love, hate, treason, fearing the unkown, greed, foolingness, ignorance and so on).
The only glimmer of light was the femal actor (don't know her name). Unfortunately she hadn't much text but a lot of screaming and crying . . . X-D
This was absolutley shit! Was in the cine few hours ago and had to fight my tiredness... Well all i could say is, this movie is typical American (sorry but i have to state this) holywood production and all what you're associating with, effects effects, action, effects, ahhh, and action... Well the first hour i thought, hey cool this is going to be a nice thing, you know this thirties spirit was promising something but what followed was, how can i describe it, predictable . . . The production seen technically was awesome (cool details such as King's eyes and so on) but the rest . . . They could had delivered a better thing and make it shorter. Was laughing about the dinosaurs scenes and these insect ones...and was i was looking like this
But i think the story is a very good parable and a mirror of humans behaviour in lots of its facets (love, hate, treason, fearing the unkown, greed, foolingness, ignorance and so on).
The only glimmer of light was the femal actor (don't know her name). Unfortunately she hadn't much text but a lot of screaming and crying . . . X-D
E(argasm) = m(usic) x c(hemicals)²