bon anniversaire vieux ;) si tu veux lire en fran�ais ce que je pense de cette histoire en r�gion parisienne, lis ce que j'ai post� l�: http://www.planetemu...showtopic=10865
well I totally agree with jeanie. I live in Paris and I have to say, Sarkozy did nothing wrong. The two young men who died tried to escape and they got into an electricity transformer. The police has nothing to do with this. They are just doing their job! If they did not try to escape, they would be alive.
But in France, people like to find someone guilty... I really hate this french mentality...
then all the riots who are destroying thousands of cars are just doing this for fun! they are destroying their own goods! they burn schools, buses, cars... they even attack firemen who save lifes! they are criminals.