Posted 30 May 2003 - 6:57 PM
mc marsh Escribi�:
After hearing that remix I was wondering the definition of a 'remix' actually is. Does it have to be similar to the original song?? :?I think the idea behind a remix is to take an idea of another arist and put in your imput, not implying improve but see what you can do with the stuff. Some get carried away, all the Life is Sweet remixes tend to, seeing how they take out poor Tim's singing. Some tracks, like Dave Clark's remix of chemical beats seem to stay very loyal to the song. I think Fatboy Slim's remix of Come With Us is a great example of remixing, it still has the vocals and the mood of the song is relatively similar but not identicle.
to answer antype's question, the Daft Punk Remix features a background vocals sample from Life is Sweet (it's kinda high pitch and sounds like the guy is saying, "tack", which is thanks is swedish, hmmm....). Also remix 2 of life is sweet uses the same sample. These remixes are so far away from the original tracks that they should've just given them different names, kinda like sunshine underground to studio k, even though those are way more similar than life is sweet and the remixes
Posted 04 July 2003 - 8:47 AM
I AM QUITE MAD WITH THE PRODIGY. One if my fave bands, and after all these years, they come out with crap (Babys gota temper) I hate it, and everything about it. Who knows, maybe they could be going through some problems about the split, but c'mon, they need to do something for the future. Something as good as Jilted Gen or Experience.