Fooking sensational stuff! Thanks so much for the footage sneaks. just bloody brilliant. cheers too for the upload Csar! Monumental moments all 'round.

BBC Electric Proms (October)
Posted 27 October 2007 - 1:34 PM
First of all here is a review lifted from somewheree my mate...Dave the Rave...some of you may remember him from Traf Sq...yes the VERY drunk fridn of mine...anyway...
set list
Burst Generator
Do It Again
Hey Boy Hey Girl
Don't Fight Control
It Doesn't Matter
Star Guitar
Surface To Air
Under The Influence
We Are The Night
The Boxer (with Tim Burgess)
Where Do I Begin (with Beth Orton)
What happened
What happened on stage minute by minute
22.39 - The Chems enter stage right and start a low rumble. Someone throws a pint in the air.
22.42 - 'Galvanise' bursts into life. No one makes a noise quite like The Chemical Brothers.
22.45 - The entire back wall is a screen of light currently filled with spinning dots.
22.48 - The noise and lights are astounding. It's an anthemic beginning.
22.51 - The hook for 'Do It Again' goes down a treat. A man in electric colours demands we do it again from screen.
22.54 - A horrific, terrifying clown screams from the wall.
22.55 - The squeal of hey boy hey girl begins.
22.56 - The beat kicks in a everyone's jumping.
22.58 - Lasers are bouncing off of Koko's enormous glitter ball and the crowd are moving as one.
23.00 - Seamlessly we move into control. The lasers have turned from green to purple.
23.03 - There's a very good reason someone coined the phrase big beat. These beats are ENORMOUS.
23.08 - 'Out Of Control'. Bernard Sumner's disembodied voice accompanies the silohettes of dancing members of the gistapo and bowler hatted busine
23.10 - Monkeys tigers and elephants adorn the wall.
23.16 - It doesn't matter. There are balconies of people dancing and punching the air. Euphoria is everywhere.
23.18 - Giant eyes blink at us from the back wall.
23.19 - The sound cuts out to disappointed cheers.
23.20 - Tom chem looks at his knobs and shruggs. The crowd are clapping expectantly.
23.21 - A single beat echoes around Koko. The crowd cheer. Nothing else happens.
23.25 - Someone announces that the show will recommence in a couple of mins. The crowd are clearly agrieved at having their dancing interupted.
23.26 - The chems are back on stage and making noises!
23.28 - We're back in action. Tom acknowledges the crowd. A butterfly flutters onto the screen.
23.33 - The party goers have refound their dancing mojo! Tin robots stride from the screen.
23.38 - Someone is playing a massive beautiful game of pong on the rear wall. It turns into exploding paint.
23.40 - The crowd are waving euphoric hands in the air to 'Believe'.
23.44 - Blueprints of religious buildings adorn the walls. 'I need you to believe in something' rings out.
23.49 - We are entering a 'Doctor Who' style time vortex. 'We Are The Night' begins.
23.51 - The lasers are going mental. It's too early for fireworks night.
23.52 - Ed chem takes a bow. Tom chem nods at us like a vicar. And they are gone.
23.54 - And they are back!
23.57 - And Tim Burgess has joined them for... 'The Boxer'.
23.58 - Tim punches the air. The mosh pit mirrors him.
00.01 - And with a clap to the crowd Tim is gone in a sonic hail of noise artillery.
00.02 - Silence. Apart from the cheers. The loop of 'Where Do I Begin' starts and Beth Orton joins the stage.
00.05 - Clapping builds. Bubbles skitter up the screen. More and more.
00.09 - Beth leaves to the squeltchy sound of a landing tardis.
00.11 - Suddenly it's got noisy again. At high speed we travel through a castle to block rocking beats!
00.13 - Forays of extreme dancing is breaking out everywhere. The lasers flutter across the seething mass.
00.16 - The lasers go mental. Knobs are turned to eleven. The noise ends to flood light and the chems leave the stage with their arms a loft. The crowd want more but that's it.
NOW...for my review...
BIT of a shock when we arrived to find that show was actually going to go on until at least midnight...bit of a fecker seeing as my last train was at 23.45 at Chraing Cross...
therefore missed Annie Mac cos I was trying to figure out what the feck I was going to do...needless to say...I stayed oF COURSE!
Justice were french perfection, bloody excellent crowd of all ages absoutely loving it.
Zane...when is that man going to be stopped being allowed to carry on playing his bad wedding pop music!? !NOT to mention his appalling mixing!!!
And the Brothers...we made our way to the second balcony cos the view was much better than from the floor...and as all the other shows I have seen this summer have been in a field...watching from above was definitly a novelty!'s me filled with anticipation that we MIGHT ACTUALLY get a DIFFERENT show from the one that has not changed since JUNE!!! But NO! And therefore the night was bit of a dud for me as well as garethm? As the set list above shows...apart from the reappearance of We Are the Night it was exactly the same show that has been roled out all summer...and at this rate at Brixton this December too and DEFINITLY overseas I wouldnt be surprised.
The sound failure/amps blowing happened barely 2 mins into Starguitar which was very upsetting. But it was stupid of teh crowd to boo cos it was merely a techincal fault that people just had to be patient about over. I did get a bit worried when the alarms started to go off...echos of the Roundhouse in my mind!
When they returned with Surface to Air I actually got into the show a bit more than the first half and Saturate/Beleive was as bloody awesome as it has been all summer.
I hadnt heard WATN since Glasto and teh visuals were utterly mindblowing...and Koko has tv screens all over the place so it looked like that bit in 2001 when it all goes acidy and swirly...v weird watching the Chems on tv whilst being in the same tho.
And so to the encore with the eagerly awaited 'live' vocals...Tim Burgess looks about 12 years old...and I was REALLY disappointed they did the Boxer and not Life Is Sweet...basically what was the point of getting Tim along to warble not that well over just a backing track....hardly midblowing. But Beth...the R1 footage from last night didnt obviously have the long wait on audio. They plugged her in and there was a tantalising wait to see WHICH song she was goging to do and when Where Do I Begin started...there were a LOT of happy bunnies in the room! I am one of the hundreds of thousands out there who NEVER EVER thought they would actually ever see this moment.
It was ace...if a bit out of tune....could hvae been better rehearsed and in fact being couldnt really hear the live guitar that was very clear on the audio on Tong yesterday. BUt to be WAS history and the end of the tune..which is one of the best endings of any Chems tune out there...fecking brilliant!
The final encore was the same as Traf Square...I wasnt honestly that surprised but it was good to hear BRB again.
So all in all...a disappointment considering the 'uniqueness' of this potential show and I as Gareth have concerns over the Brixton shows.
The PTB tour was different in the 3 times I saw it across the world so I REALLY hope Brixton is a totally different show to what is now becoming a very very predictable set. was good to be there and the lasers were INCREDIBLE!!! The boys definitly looked like they had a great time and where I was standing high above the main floor of the audience...EVERYONE WAS LOVING IT! The crowd reacted very well to everything...especially Saturate which was cool...even heard a bit of Saturate Karaoke going on ;) !!!
SO there you go...if I can get guarantees from the horses mouth that Brixton IS going finally be a different set...then I'll get me tix...BUT saying that...every Chems show is still special isnt see y'all on the 15th December!!!!
#183 Thandeka
Posted 27 October 2007 - 2:00 PM
Thanks for the review! Gutted i missed Beth Orton, listening to it right now on Pete tongs listen again. I've seen em 3 times this year, and loved all of them. The 3rd being trafalga, i also was expecting more of a different show than what they did. I thought it was just me being unreasonably demanding but now you've said their PTB tour changed, it got me wondering! Obviously brixton will be the highlight of the UK tour, i'll be seeing it in liverpool. Fingers crossed for a change!!!!
#184 marziemcg
Posted 28 October 2007 - 4:52 PM
NOOOO! I cannot believe it! Pete Tong with a full hour of Chems on Electric Proms..I never thought the Beeb would air so much given the flippant output on Thursday night! So I didn't bother to record it. Some-one must be able to put this hour up.....please.........
Posted 28 October 2007 - 7:40 PM
While I was desperately looking for an appropriate recorder on Thursday night I came across "No23 Recorder" which is freeware and absolutely decent. Very good recording quality.
Btw, I'm currently uplaoding the Pete's broadcasting.
Posted 28 October 2007 - 7:52 PM
Posted 29 October 2007 - 7:47 AM
I love the first part you recorded with all the spec information of their gigs. nerd porn for tech freaks
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#194 Jay-C
Posted 29 October 2007 - 9:17 PM
There is a 60 second clip of the brothers show at koko with block rocking beats to accompany the visuals
Posted 30 October 2007 - 4:51 PM
on csars' recording it has tom and ed talking about their equipment they use on stage for like the first two minutes. at least it was on the copy I downloaded.....
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#200 musiktexte32
Posted 31 October 2007 - 12:11 PM