General Bullshit Chat
Posted 07 January 2006 - 2:02 PM
Hey I had a weird dream last night. Jeanie was at my flat, I don't know why, but she was there. THe strange thing is that she had red eyes, like on 3/4 of te pics of her X-D I was asking : "so it was not because of the pics ? You really have red eyes ?" X-D Another strange thing : she were incredibly calm... Not at all the image I had formed of Jeanie :P
But the rest is really vague, I just remember of a free pizza @ Pizza Hut
But the rest is really vague, I just remember of a free pizza @ Pizza Hut
Posted 07 January 2006 - 5:04 PM
Ben_j Escribi�:
Hey I had a weird dream last night. Jeanie was at my flat, I don't know why, but she was there. THe strange thing is that she had red eyes, like on 3/4 of te pics of her X-D I was asking : "so it was not because of the pics ? You really have red eyes ?" X-D Another strange thing : she were incredibly calm... Not at all the image I had formed of Jeanie :P
But the rest is really vague, I just remember of a free pizza @ Pizza Hut
Hahahaaa!! You know you're in need of psychological help when you start having dreams with the forum people in them. ;)
You're not alone, I had a dream with forum peeps in it the other night. It was really surreal.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 07 January 2006 - 5:24 PM
I'm really really excited.
I am going to meet in person my first chemical sister, her name is Nicole, this coming Thursday. I'll share a little background because with all the meet-ups that's happened over the past year, I think you all can relate:
We met online as a result of the Chems (thank you Tom and Ed) on their mailing list back in 2000. The first words we exchanged with each other were NOT GOOD! X-D We got into this little flame war over what constitutes a "real" musician and it was one of the first times I lost my cool on that old mailing list.
Anyway, for some reason, we started chit chatting off list and at first it was all apologies - her for making the comments and me for going off on her. That was sorted int he first off list email. Over a few short weeks we developed this really awesome bond and I could talk to her about anything. At that time I was on the up and up putting some pieces of my life back together and it was really refreshing to have a pen pal friendship with this amazing woman who I could relate to in a lot of ways. Shortly after writing stupid long emails back and forth (imagine how long my posts are here and triple their length and you get the picture) we exchanged phone numbers and we've been talking steady every couple of weeks for the past... nearly 5 years now! Over the years she's been there when I needed to talk and she's been a gem, through thick and thin. My son was not even 2 years old when our friendship transpired... and my son will be 8 at the end of March.
Ever since our first conversation she's told me that it's always been a dream of hers to come out to California. She lives out on the East Coast and has never travelled far out west, and as financial luck would have it she had to arrange to come for a visit later rather than sooner.
But this Thursday, she's coming for a quick visit through the weekend and up til Tuesday! I can't wait! I hope I don't freak out at the airport!
I am going to meet in person my first chemical sister, her name is Nicole, this coming Thursday. I'll share a little background because with all the meet-ups that's happened over the past year, I think you all can relate:
We met online as a result of the Chems (thank you Tom and Ed) on their mailing list back in 2000. The first words we exchanged with each other were NOT GOOD! X-D We got into this little flame war over what constitutes a "real" musician and it was one of the first times I lost my cool on that old mailing list.
Anyway, for some reason, we started chit chatting off list and at first it was all apologies - her for making the comments and me for going off on her. That was sorted int he first off list email. Over a few short weeks we developed this really awesome bond and I could talk to her about anything. At that time I was on the up and up putting some pieces of my life back together and it was really refreshing to have a pen pal friendship with this amazing woman who I could relate to in a lot of ways. Shortly after writing stupid long emails back and forth (imagine how long my posts are here and triple their length and you get the picture) we exchanged phone numbers and we've been talking steady every couple of weeks for the past... nearly 5 years now! Over the years she's been there when I needed to talk and she's been a gem, through thick and thin. My son was not even 2 years old when our friendship transpired... and my son will be 8 at the end of March.
Ever since our first conversation she's told me that it's always been a dream of hers to come out to California. She lives out on the East Coast and has never travelled far out west, and as financial luck would have it she had to arrange to come for a visit later rather than sooner.
But this Thursday, she's coming for a quick visit through the weekend and up til Tuesday! I can't wait! I hope I don't freak out at the airport!
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 07 January 2006 - 5:53 PM
That is so awesome Whirly !!!
I am seriously so happy cuase of all the awesome people i met - and all the people turn out even cooler irl than online !!
Awwww whirly , soon we will meet to! I think if that happends i am actually gonna cry !!
And Ed man , i am not always hyper. This week was just full of stuff that made me fucking loose my mind !!
I am seriously so happy cuase of all the awesome people i met - and all the people turn out even cooler irl than online !!
Awwww whirly , soon we will meet to! I think if that happends i am actually gonna cry !!
And Ed man , i am not always hyper. This week was just full of stuff that made me fucking loose my mind !!
Posted 07 January 2006 - 7:36 PM
Yeah I'm not too worried, but I just may get emotional at the airport.
Thank god airports are condusive to that sort of thing so even if I were to have a sort of joyous melt down, I won't be the only one!
And Jeanie... likewise. It might be emotional, I can feel it. Hell, it might be a teary eyed giggling freak fest when we meet!
Girls are so girlie like that sometimes.
Thank god airports are condusive to that sort of thing so even if I were to have a sort of joyous melt down, I won't be the only one!
And Jeanie... likewise. It might be emotional, I can feel it. Hell, it might be a teary eyed giggling freak fest when we meet!
Girls are so girlie like that sometimes.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 07 January 2006 - 9:20 PM
Ugh. Called in sick for work today which was supposed to be my first shift back. It's probably only the 2nd time in the five years I've had the job that I've called in.
Went out for a night on the piss last night and that went fine (good night!), but I'm still not over my cold yet and while I was sleeping it migrated from my chest to my head. Woke up feeling like my brain was swimming in the ocean. Didn't think it would be a good idea to drive to work, so I slept until 1 PM and have been laying on the couch, a mess ever since.
On the other hand, I'm not at work and I booked tomorrow off, so I'm actually rather happy! :D
Went out for a night on the piss last night and that went fine (good night!), but I'm still not over my cold yet and while I was sleeping it migrated from my chest to my head. Woke up feeling like my brain was swimming in the ocean. Didn't think it would be a good idea to drive to work, so I slept until 1 PM and have been laying on the couch, a mess ever since.
On the other hand, I'm not at work and I booked tomorrow off, so I'm actually rather happy! :D
Posted 09 January 2006 - 12:53 AM
I was telling Jeanie this earlier, but I thought I'd bore you all with this little story too because it's Chemical related and I'm ina typing mood just killing time.
Last night me and the fam went out to dinner and we were testing out my new ipod and fm transmitter in my car. I had a few songs set on shuffle and Sunshine Underground came on. My son says from the backseat... "Mommy... this song makes me so happy. Happy like when I was a baby..."
So stash and I told him, "Well buddy, you grew up with this song. When you were about a year and a half old we used to play it for you when you were crying in the car, and it was the only thing that would make you stop. Later on, the Blue Song (my son's name for the Private Psychadelic Reel) became your favorite song..."
So my son started singing the melody as Sunshine Underground was playing, and I wanted to cry. Because my son is the most adorable little person in the world and it's so cool how he already associates happy memories - even memories that are faint because he was so young at the time - with music.
Ah, the power of the Chems and their ability to ingrain their ways into the subconsciousness of children.... I blame myself, really. ;)
Last night me and the fam went out to dinner and we were testing out my new ipod and fm transmitter in my car. I had a few songs set on shuffle and Sunshine Underground came on. My son says from the backseat... "Mommy... this song makes me so happy. Happy like when I was a baby..."
So stash and I told him, "Well buddy, you grew up with this song. When you were about a year and a half old we used to play it for you when you were crying in the car, and it was the only thing that would make you stop. Later on, the Blue Song (my son's name for the Private Psychadelic Reel) became your favorite song..."
So my son started singing the melody as Sunshine Underground was playing, and I wanted to cry. Because my son is the most adorable little person in the world and it's so cool how he already associates happy memories - even memories that are faint because he was so young at the time - with music.
Ah, the power of the Chems and their ability to ingrain their ways into the subconsciousness of children.... I blame myself, really. ;)
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 09 January 2006 - 11:02 AM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
So stash and I told him, "Well buddy, you grew up with this song. When you were about a year and a half old we used to play it for you when you were crying in the car, and it was the only thing that would make you stop.
That is so awesome, even young kids can respect the emotional power of Chems music! It's cool that, as young as your son is, he is into the Chems - you guys are great! 8)
Posted 09 January 2006 - 12:40 PM
thats a wicked story whirly - just goes to show u how impressionable young minds can be, and the fact he equated it to an emotion as well from when he was younger!! wah! thats fuckin cool 8)
when my sis was pregnant with alfie i used to make her stand her bump against the speaker while i played chemical beats into it hehehe. gotta start em young! :D
when my sis was pregnant with alfie i used to make her stand her bump against the speaker while i played chemical beats into it hehehe. gotta start em young! :D