Posted 13 July 2011 - 10:21 AM
October 1 & 2 IBYM, Asbury Park, NJ
October 4 Hammerstein Ballroom NY
October 5 Hammerstein Ballroom, NY
October 7 Jacques Cartier Pier, Montreal
October 9 Sound Academy, Toronto
October 10 Sound Academy, Toronto
October 12 Aragon, Chicago
October 15 Mexico, Corona Festival
October 18 Shrine LA

October 21 Greek, Berkeley, SF
October 23 WaMu, Seattle
October 24 PNE Forum, Vancouver
October 27 1st Bank Center, Denver

Posted 13 July 2011 - 12:43 PM
I saw them live at main square festival this year, they KICK ASS ! A mindblowing experience, they sure are as awesome as Massive Attack.
Posted 14 July 2011 - 11:39 AM
Posted 21 September 2011 - 8:15 PM
"I don't know when Beth's gonna start or when Adrian is gonna start, but I'm gonna get my head together for January basically to start writing," he said.
Posted 22 September 2011 - 5:20 AM
ThePumisher, on 14 July 2011 - 5:39 AM, said:
I'm going to see them on Oct. 12th

It's going to be a 3 hour drive, but it's going to be so worth it, yeah? Fuuuuuck, I'm excited. It's so soon!

Posted 23 September 2011 - 3:25 PM
Probass, on 22 September 2011 - 7:20 AM, said:

Bootleg please!
Probass, on 22 September 2011 - 7:20 AM, said:
I don't know for you. For me it was a 20min drive with the local subway. I think you have seen the Roseland NYC DVD - so that's what is going to happen there (without the orchestra). Geoff & Adrian are playing their instruments/synthesizer/whatever and Beth is going to sing (and smoking cigarettes one by one). But it has this special atmosphere which is priceless. For me it was well-invested 37,40€ and i would pay it again if they come nearby.
Probass, on 22 September 2011 - 7:20 AM, said:

19 days ! 19 DAYS !

Posted 07 October 2011 - 11:47 PM
Posted 08 October 2011 - 7:38 PM
inchemwetrust, on 08 October 2011 - 2:14 AM, said:
4 Days! Ah jeez, I'm so tired right now. Saw Ladytron on the 4th, and yesterday I had to drive 1.5 hours to work a 12 hour shift, so the prospect of traveling to see Portishead too is a bit tiring to consider. But... PORTISHEAD! Legends, and I shall be in a cozy venue to see them

Posted 08 October 2011 - 9:10 PM
Probass, on 08 October 2011 - 12:38 PM, said:
We've all done it Probass! Most of the time I've been to gigs is when I just got off from work or i'm as tired as hell to even walk into the venue, but since I already bought the tickets, I might as well finish what I started........right!
At least try to get somebody to go with you! Let them drive, take a nap in the car, then wake up when you get to the parking lot!

Posted 09 October 2011 - 4:01 AM
Posted 25 October 2011 - 8:18 PM
I guess L.A woke up for this show cause everybody showed love! Crowd was really into! (L.A. just lacks motivation sometimes in cheering for bands or singers) They did Chase the Tear, Machine Gun (BLEW ME AWAY), etc. Really Really wish they did Humming though!
Beths posture and tone got the crowd to dig deep to her words. Threads brought out such scatterness and hollowness to the lyrics. Her singing was similar to a woman grabbing your head by the hair and letting you know how that she has your soul while singing you ardent lullabies!

The first night they did Nylon, but switched it the next night to Hunter!

Posted 26 October 2011 - 12:05 AM
Posted 26 October 2011 - 12:31 AM
inchemwetrust, on 25 October 2011 - 2:18 PM, said:
Nice, that must have been something to see Nylon live, but Hunter is also quite good!
Okay, here is my review/ramblings concerning the Portishead show at Aragon Ballroom, Chicago.
I cut my timing between getting off work and traveling to Chicago short, since I felt more comfortable getting to the venue and knowing how long it would take based off my experience the previous week seeing Ladytron. However, I just barely made it in time to see the show. After driving around the inevitable traffic jam that is Chicago's I-90 into the downtown during the evening, and navigating the spindly downtown streets for 5 miles, I made it to the venue. Parking was a problem, but I was ready - I headed off into a residential area nearby, and I found some street parking 7 blocks away. A brisk backtrack to the Aragon Ballroom brought me to a busy sight -- A grand hall tiled like a subway. On the left is a line for beer; on the right is a line to buy Portishead shirts. To the back were the bathrooms, and I was in a bit of a panic to use one. I bought a T-shirt - I had to buy a T-shirt both to represent and clothe, but also to support them. Back to the other side, and I successfully got a cup of Miller. A grand staircase at the end opposite from the entrance leads up both to the right and left - the floor to the stage sits, spaciously, above the subway-esque tunnel below. It's filled with people, and for good reason. I moved about the side of the audience and followed a man bigger than myself into the crowd, around the middle.
Not five minutes after arriving at my spot, Portishead was on stage and my beer was finished. I'm ready. Like Third, the show begins with Silence; swift and beat-filled, it is over as soon as the guitar riffs swoop in. The Portishead "P" formed on the screen, and now the song ends in a swirling, echoing vision of a member of the band - perhaps it was Beth. Hunter begins: "And if you should fall, would you catch me? Or would you pass me by? Oh you know that I'd ask you for nothing, just to stay for awhile." One of the more despairing, worrying songs on Third, but beautiful and heartfelt.
Mysterons! An oldy, the first of many that would be played! But it is overshadowed in many ways by The Rip; certainly not a better song, but the visuals! A crudely animated, bizarre scene featuring macabre skulls with worms. But then, we're soaring and skydiving and an orgy is below. It fascinates and the soaring synthesizers that arrive match it quite well.
Posted 26 October 2011 - 12:58 AM

The powerful Machine Gun eventually plays. The audience is walking down a small, impoverished urban street; the architecture is foreign, as it older than the United States, but also less claustrophobic than many of the older European cities. Slowly, we march, and then the enemy open fire and we're pounded by sonic bullets and our ribcages shake. It's hard to breathe, and we examine condition in which we live, the choices chosen for us. The assault has finished, and it's Over.
Glory Box, lovely Glory Box. I sing along, regardless of whether I'm a man or not.
A winding synth-line - what is? I've heard this lately. I had, on their first TV show in over 10 years on Fallon. Chase the Tear! That's it! And it is superior live, but it's hard to remember, as it the studio recording never held my interest for long. I appreciate hearing it now.
Cowboys and glorious record scratching! Yes! One of my favorite tracks from my, likely, my favorite album. The crowd becomes excited - this track may be the most energetic track that they played, and it's great. Threads, and it seems to be the end. I love this track, and it's quite good - Beth tries to twist the final verses of it to 11, and it reminds me of the sinister ending to Sour Times which I earlier referenced, but I did not get the sense and feeling that the studio recording gives.
They're gone, but the clapping does not stop and the floor begins to rumble as the crowd stomps. Water is placed strategically on stage and it becomes apparent that the encore is soon.
Roads begins, and the light on stage shines down into the crowd - it's right on me, and I'm surrounded and blinded by it. The light rises back up and so begins We Carry On. Quite an epic finisher. Where is Beth? The band goes into a Jam interspersed with Solos, and the light is once again in the audience, but now the front. Beth is in the audience, and she is touching those who were lucky enough to be in the front, and she receives hugs, and she looks... joyous? This is quite the contrast to the chain-smoking, solemn Beth whom I've known, and yet it's triumphant to see her enjoying the experience of being consumed by the audience, and the omen that the song and their actions reveal is good - Portishead will remain strong for some time, and another 90's gem will remain entertaining. I love it.

Posted 26 October 2011 - 12:59 AM
The bloke off the internet, on 25 October 2011 - 6:05 PM, said:
I would like this recording!
Posted 26 October 2011 - 10:01 AM
I was shocked she did Wandering Star! Good acoustic! I think that song brought the show to the 'hey bro, you should of been at last nights show' status!

Did a lot of headbopping to Over! Nasty-ass Scratching that was sick! Overall, the show was intimate and immaculate!
But after all these shows that are left on the tour, I can only hope that they wont pull another 'Sade'....if you know what i mean!