Pop trance
Posted 25 November 2002 - 12:53 PM
Am I the only person in the world who hates pop trance? I can't stand all this stuff by Lasgo, Ian Van Dahl, Kelly Lorenna etc. All my friends listen to it and I'm the only person who doesn't like it :( :? . I say to them that I'm into progressive house and they're like: "What's that?" Anyone else think the same?
Posted 25 November 2002 - 11:02 PM
I don't think it was even neccesary to even ask us. HEADLINE: "chemical brother fan sinks down to pop trance". sorry if that insulted anyone (damn - was that neccesary?)
He put on a turn-down collar, a black bow, and wore his Sunday tail-coat. As such, he looked spruce, and what his clothes would not do, his instinct for making the most of his good looks would.
Posted 10 December 2002 - 11:18 PM
ARGHHH! I hate fuckin pop trance. I wish lasgo would just fall off a cliff and get impaled on a very sharp rock. People who drag down the reputation of dance music should be shot. Once upon a time if I had said "I listen to techno music" people would stare at me in awe and amazement wondering what experiencing the phenomonon would be like. Instead the average person will associate the word dance music with pop trance shit which sucks
Posted 10 December 2002 - 11:44 PM
I was once seen by an acquaintance, while listening to everything everything on my headphones. When asked what type of music I was listening to, I replied "Its techno". She jumped and said "Really? I love techno. Here..." ***she pulls out a cd, switches it with everything everything. A few seconds later, I died. And was resurrected by a nice dose of the Private Psychedelic Reel. Go die, pop trance producers. Or listen to tPPR.
He put on a turn-down collar, a black bow, and wore his Sunday tail-coat. As such, he looked spruce, and what his clothes would not do, his instinct for making the most of his good looks would.
Posted 11 December 2002 - 10:42 AM
Seems like we here in Germany are not yet affected by pop trance that much... or I completely missed it (what wouldn't be that bad after all, reading all your posts). Could you give some more examples ? Maybe one name rings a bell...
Until then, I will listen to some more Chem's, TCM, Leftfield and the likes.
Until then, I will listen to some more Chem's, TCM, Leftfield and the likes.
Posted 11 December 2002 - 2:17 PM
GLAKO-FAHN Escribi�:
I was once seen by an acquaintance, while listening to everything everything on my headphones. When asked what type of music I was listening to, I replied "Its techno". She jumped and said "Really? I love techno. Here..." ***she pulls out a cd, switches it with everything everything. A few seconds later, I died. And was resurrected by a nice dose of the Private Psychedelic Reel. Go die, pop trance producers. Or listen to tPPR.
Shite, sorry anType, wrong quote button :)
Posted 11 December 2002 - 3:26 PM
chemicalfan Escribi�:
anType Escribi�:
nice one X-D
Hey man, underworld are still good, you can't put those in the same catagory as Lasgo! That does NOT do them justice!
I second that opinion (!) I wish Tom & Ed would release a proper live CD in the style of Everything:Everything.
Posted 12 December 2002 - 11:38 AM
As I mentioned the live DVD anyway... how do the Chem's live tracks sound like ? Do they play them just as they are on the albums, or are they arranged differently ? (I suppose the latter, but I never seen them live... yet ;-) )
Underworld's "Pearls Girl" on the DVD has a more powerful arrangement than on the album for example, and blending Rez into Cowgirl made a perfect outro for the CD. The DVD has another track after them... kinda ruins the end of the show, but not too much.
Underworld's "Pearls Girl" on the DVD has a more powerful arrangement than on the album for example, and blending Rez into Cowgirl made a perfect outro for the CD. The DVD has another track after them... kinda ruins the end of the show, but not too much.