General Bullshit Chat
Posted 09 April 2005 - 10:20 PM
Boy with the Golden Eyes Escribi�:
anType Escribi�:
we have indoor theme park in one huge mall over here. damn scary, lemme tell ya - if you're too tall, riding the `coaster is damn dangerous - chances of you hitting the wall is high 8O
probably i should not ride it :o
No kidding, man! It would be awful if we had a forum casualty!
Our friend Todd (6'7") came to Disneyland with us once and we were riding the Matterhorn coaster, and there were times I thought his head was going to hit the low ceilings and fake icicles - and he was hunched down the entire time! The thought of one of those low ceilings taking off his head scared me more than the rickety ride did.
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 09 April 2005 - 10:22 PM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
Boy with the Golden Eyes Escribi�:
anType Escribi�:
we have indoor theme park in one huge mall over here. damn scary, lemme tell ya - if you're too tall, riding the `coaster is damn dangerous - chances of you hitting the wall is high 8O
probably i should not ride it :o
No kidding, man! It would be awful if we had a forum casualty!
Our friend Todd (6'7") came to Disneyland with us once and we were riding the Matterhorn coaster, and there were times I thought his head was going to hit the low ceilings and fake icicles - and he was hunched down the entire time! The thought of one of those low ceilings taking off his head scared me more than the rickety ride did.
i am not kidding. i hurt myself several times just cause of being that tall. you know, doors, busses, trains, whatever is made for "average tall" persons. for sure i would not ride this thing anType mentioned no no no
love is all.
Posted 09 April 2005 - 10:26 PM
Boy with the Golden Eyes Escribi�:
whirlygirl Escribi�:
Boy with the Golden Eyes Escribi�:
anType Escribi�:
we have indoor theme park in one huge mall over here. damn scary, lemme tell ya - if you're too tall, riding the `coaster is damn dangerous - chances of you hitting the wall is high 8O
probably i should not ride it :o
No kidding, man! It would be awful if we had a forum casualty!
Our friend Todd (6'7") came to Disneyland with us once and we were riding the Matterhorn coaster, and there were times I thought his head was going to hit the low ceilings and fake icicles - and he was hunched down the entire time! The thought of one of those low ceilings taking off his head scared me more than the rickety ride did.
i am not kidding. i hurt myself several times just cause of being that tall. you know, doors, busses, trains, whatever is made for "average tall" persons. for sure i would not ride this thing anType mentioned no no no
And I thought I had it tough being so short!
We used to live with Todd, back when 'stash and I were first married. Our kitchen was really tiny with little cupboard space, so we got a rack and hung all our pots and pans in from the ceiling, sort of out of the way but near the fridge.
Todd used to deliver pizzas at night, since he was going to school during the daytime. He kept these crazy hours and would come home at 3 in the morning after delivering pizzas all night. The first thing he'd do when he came home was go to the fridge for a snack. And *every single night* he'd bang his head on all the pots and pans! Eventually we learned to sleep through all the racket he made. X-D
be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle
Posted 09 April 2005 - 11:00 PM
Posted 10 April 2005 - 12:25 AM
wow, a morning lemon, what could be better!?