Posted 06 April 2012 - 7:26 PM
Cool topic.
I also spent some years working in a record store, which helps explain this organizational obsession. Get ready for a strange post...
I have about 500 CDs left. Non-electronic artists are grouped together, as are soundtracks and compilations. I then have a section specifically for electronic music, which includes a small sub-section at the end of 80's and 90's remix singles (stuff I don't listen to but keep around anyway). The main electronic section is pretty diverse, including the usuals as well as artists like Enigma and Delerium, and altogether makes up about half of the collection. These sit in a cabinet that hold about 300 titles.
I then have a second unit for featured discographies of my favorite artists, with highest rotation collections in the front. Why, yes, The Chemical Brothers ARE top shelf.
Soundtracks produced or composed by specific artists will go with the artist, such as Hanna or Trent Reznor's Natural Born Killers production. On rare occasion I will do something similar with compilations, such as the notorious Chemical Reaction CD
Every section of the entire thing is alphabetical 0-9, A-Z. I then order them chronologically left to right: Hey Boy Hey Girl singles is in front of Surrender. I follow this method for every subcategory of my entire collection (even the "feature wall").
My vinyl 12" crates were organized by BPM with favorites toward the front, but I did have one "hot" crate that would always contain my best stuff for "travel easy " nights.
My MP3 collection is a mess. Over the years I have changed my naming convention so many times and never cleaned it up. Fixing it is actually this year's "resolution" project. It's going slowly but I'm giving myself the full year to avoid burnout.
I also have 5 "books" of burned CDs buried in storage. Not sure why I keep these souvenirs from my CD-DJ era, but I can't imagine how much crap I burned at 192 or 256 back in the day. I'm embarrassed to admit I spun with some of this stuff, but for a short time, the original Napster changed my life.
The main collection is currently a mess since we are prepping for a big move. I CAN laugh at it but am very uncomfortable when it becomes...disorganized. My family and I are starting to notice a lot of autistic tendencies in me that were never diagnosed. I live a normal life, but yeah, I get weird about my music and toy collections. Yeah...definitely a little Rain Man in me.
Gonna work it out...