- Official Forum for The Chemical Brothers: : Please download my album, Chemical Burn - - Official Forum for The Chemical Brothers
electric ramjet, hope you get a site soon. i am a web designer, if you ever need some help. meanwhile, i'll check out your music at (i'm actually on there as the simpleman from a LONG time ago).
hey electric ramjet. i'll check all of your stuff out in a little while. i lost my info for logging into, so might have to start a new account with them.
e ramjet, liked your latest song. very mellow (not what i expected). esp liked the reversi towards the end and the cool fem singing. i'll check the others later. clean work!
Cool job jason 8). I liked it, it was awesome (!) . It does have a chemical brothers feel to I reckon. And i also like the music your making at the moment as well done (!) 8)