I absolutely hate people who bore other people with their vacation pictures, but I thought there might be some interest in seeing a drunken Whirlygirl learn some basic hula moves at a luau.

Poll: Who wants see Whirly learn to hula?
Posted 02 September 2008 - 9:35 PM
Who here wants to see Tom and Ed Hula?
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#15 whirly
Posted 05 September 2008 - 12:32 AM
haha - not much going on with this thread now, is there! :lol: Just a couple of inside jokes. Balls are funny.
stash is currently incapacitated and doesn't have access to a computer (he does however have access to his testicles which is a good thing)
My foray into the hula world is really not that exciting. It's not like I'm wearing a grass skirt and coconut shells on my boobs ffs - now that might be worth seeing. In fact it's really lame and my movement is stiff and uncomfortable. When I was asked to follow the cute hula girl (who obviously took advantage of my drunken state and didn't say "hey, wanna learn to hula"), I didn't want to be a party pooter so I went along... but I intensely dislike being in front of a crowd when people are watching - and it's painfully obvious I'm overcompensating for being tipsy *hic*
But everyone needs a good laugh so it may as well be at my expense. :P I'll see about posting this later on.
Posted 08 September 2008 - 9:09 PM
Das' ja geil :lol: - that's awesome. Hula lessons.
Har har, did he say Sauerkraut?? Marvellous moments. Poor whirls, her husband planned this, dare you stash!!! :lol:
It's too funny, I fall about laughing- but I'm laughing with NOT at you, whirly ;)