I didn't write this, just found it on the net :)

OT: Studio Tech Talk
Posted 13 January 2009 - 10:18 PM
was gonna say dsi mopho, since it's getting rave reviews and like a monophonic prophet 07...
hmm, http://cgi.ebay.com/...A1%7C240%3A1318
with one cent to spare
Posted 13 January 2009 - 10:46 PM
let me extend.... this may be common-sense to some of you:
I got my Nord Modular for $350, bought an Elektron Sidstation for 600, Machinedrum for 800, and my Monopoly was like $400. All of those, however, I didn't have in mind "the only synth I want is..." The best trick I could tell you is be flexible! I've eyed a particular synth on ebay like 3 times: Roland Sh-101, Mc-202, and my well missed Spectral Audio Neptune synth, all of which I paid $500 for, which wasn't really a deal, but I knew I wanted those and had the money.
The trick it to go onto ebay, type in synthesizer and reverse the order from most newly listed down, then bookmark that and check in when ever you're on the PC. If you have a rough idea of several synths you know you'd buy then keep an eye out for those. If you know the prices synths go for, you'll be rewarded by some amazing deals when someone who wants to sell fast or has no idea the street price lists it as a "buy it now". Plus, in my situation, when I bought the Elektron Sidstation and realized it wasn't for me (not enough knobs and my nord modular makes the c64 sounds), I sold it for $500 more. Lastly, if they have craigslist.org in france and is used by many, look on that frequently too, because that doesn't have bidding and once again you can find some amazing deals. Over a year ago I found a Nord Micromodular for $200 on craigslist.org, so a when I saw the regular Modular for 350 months ago, I bought it and sold my micromodular for like 400 (the dollar was worth little in currency exchange so when a dude in italy buys it, we both think we're getting a deal). So basically in the big picture, I bought my nord modular for $150.
Of course some people are going to be saying "I never sell my synths" but you have to wonder whether it's better to have a few crappy synths or ones that are more powerful and have greater potential... just don't sell your first one.
Posted 14 January 2009 - 1:22 AM
There's some german guy who contacted me for an MS-404 that was in the ATA TAK studio in Dusseldorf, the studio where Kraftwerk used to go, for 240€. But since the guy who was supposed to buy my Rave o Lution changed his mind, I can't buy anything for the moment :( That's too bad, I'd really like to get a synth that was touched by Kraftwerk :D. I might get an MS-20 controller for Korg Legacy though.
Posted 16 January 2009 - 5:16 AM
Damn, that looks like the coolest thing in the world !
Posted 16 January 2009 - 6:49 PM
is that thing sexy or what?!
okay, here's my fuck-damnit post of the day:
I emailed him, here's to hoping. And it gets better:
Posted 22 January 2009 - 12:18 PM
My cover of Rollin & Scratchin' with the Juno and the Boss MT2 :
Posted 23 January 2009 - 4:38 AM
Posted 24 January 2009 - 6:37 PM
edit: can't figure out how to imagepost
Here's a closeup of the mopho though: http://i551.photobuc...oo/DSC02898.jpg
Posted 24 January 2009 - 7:54 PM
yeah matrix synth has a good eye out there.
designer_voodoo, how are you enjoying the mopho? I was planning to get one soon (got my old job back so that'll be all I can afford..) I wonder if they'll release a keyboard verson of the mopho, kinda like they did with the evolver, that would be sweet, although I hope it wouldn't be that yellow color...
Posted 16 February 2009 - 4:40 AM
More Juno 106 on Boss MT-2 action ! Another Daft Punk track :
I would've never guessed it was made with the Juno. but as I was fooling around I came across a sound very similar to the small sound at the beginning, and immediately thought of Burnin'.
Posted 09 March 2009 - 12:28 AM
So I was at the goodwill (thrift store) yesterday and found this: http://globalnerdy.c...maha_shs-10.jpg for sale. It is in very good condition and it only cost me $2.00. It was a great day.