a few thousand ? Then get a couple of Technics SL1200, a Pioneer DJM Mixer, and Serato Scratch

OT: Studio Tech Talk
#662 brother_ging
Posted 27 July 2009 - 11:53 PM
-macbook pro 15'' (17'')
-allen & heath mixer xone 62 (92)
-native instruments audio 8 dj interface (soundcard)
-traktor pro (dj software)
native instruments traktor pro for me is the most powerful dj software with a lot of effects and other things, where you can nearly play live or do live remixes and so on and so on...
with that dj software and a nice midikeyboard you don't need to buy turntables, because you can mix together mp3's (or other digital formats). traktor allows you to mix at least with 4 digital turntables.
if you want that vinylfeeling you can buy final scratch or serato scratch where you have timecode vinyls where the software sends your digital music on your two vinyls.
i also do my sets on livegigs or in the studio only with traktor pro. for djs like us (mixing together rock, hiphop, breaks even songs with different speed) traktor pro is perfect, because it allows all these combinations (delay effects, freeze outs and so on)...
#669 brother_ging
Posted 28 July 2009 - 5:51 PM
you can digitalize your vinyls in traktor pro as well...but that takes a lot of time. in the native instruments forum some users have problems with traktor and especially windows vista...so in my opinion a mac with osx is better. but i also think that macbooks are a way too expensive, but they work. i will buy a new macbook pro (15'') next month...
iphone: my iphone 3g has been sent back to apple because after 2 months i can not phone via my headphones and yes, there are some software problems as well. my iphone is my first mobile i had to send back after only 2 months. shame on you, mr.jobs and his dudes at cupertino...
Posted 28 July 2009 - 6:24 PM
Mixing mp3s is so unsexy though... I'm with Biff on this one. ;)
(Of course, I do prefer CD decks.)
also, lol @ OS X being overrated.
Posted 28 July 2009 - 7:11 PM
people having problems with Windows just don't know how to use it. And Vista is just the worse Windows ever. I never have any problems with XP.
I hate Macs. The keyboard is lame, the OS is lame, the mouse is lame, the hardware is not lame but is too expensive and you almost can't upgrade it.
The place where I work only has iMacs. I only lasted 2 days before bringing my laptop at the office to work on it, because after 4 days I think I would have broken an iMac.
Let's get back on topic : my advice to you is mixing mp3s but with serato.
#673 inchemwetrust
Posted 28 July 2009 - 9:31 PM
I wanted to do the laptop thing but I have Vista 64 on it and pretty much have my entire life of my graphic design files on it as well. No Go for me!
Good for you Pooter! Congrats on scoring your Mac!
Now you need a controller. I found this as one option:
Posted 29 July 2009 - 6:38 AM
Agreeing with Ben_J
[turns to the tv camera:]
Apple is part of the reason this country is in such debt, because macs when from a thing that only pro photographers, musicians, and wierdos had to being a must have for every beard-toting pseudo-intellectual hipster that fails every cliche that stuffwhitepeoplelike.com calls them on. second, they have a phone that cost a fuck-wad of money and requires a 2 year contract.
their success reflects the whole false sense of entitlement to "buying stuff you cannot afford but have a false sense of entitlement to" spitit that we saw on steroids esp in the real estate market. this is what happens when consumerism and identity have an incestuous relationship.
damn, i'm in such a good mood and we had to change this topic for me to look like a grumpy bastard.
Posted 29 July 2009 - 9:00 PM
I forgot that people don't know how to discuss operating systems with civility and intelligence. (Here, it's 100% clear that it's due to an fair lack of Computer Science knowledge or actually understanding of either Windows or OS X.)
But, wow, I'm sorry for helping to derail! :o
Have any of you guys played around with Mackie's Onyx series of mixers? I have one; it's truly sexy. One purchase gave me a very nice sounding mixer as well an excellent computer interface with good AD/DA. Worth looking at when you're considering a new setup or replacing an old one. (Ben_j, sorry to hear of your circumstances. I hope things look up soon!)
Posted 13 August 2009 - 10:09 PM
I found a nice video of Krazy Baldhead in his home studio with Ableton Live.

#678 ThePumisher
Posted 25 January 2010 - 11:54 PM
Posted 04 February 2011 - 6:10 PM
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel