I know you guys probably have a list of tracks you wanna try and keep to when it comes to the "live show". But I figured I might as well try and ask you guys to please bring back the "b"-side 'Flashback' to one of your live shows for one the 3 dates I will be attending (Chicago, San Francisco, or LA {Nocturnal Wonderland}). See you guys in less then a month now! w00t!!!!!!!!!!

Ed and Tom PLEASE!!!! FLASHBACK!!!!!
Posted 29 August 2007 - 8:25 AM
#3 whirly
Posted 29 August 2007 - 3:18 PM
I am so hungry for a Chems gig, that I will eat up whatever they put in front of me.
But yeah, Flashback live is a really intense, soul sucking and explosive tune. It's freaky! When I heard it live in 1999, I hadn't quite moved into hyperdrive as far as being a fan goes so I didn't have the single or recognize the tune. It was blurred right into the set and it was absolutely nuts. I remember those "flashback... flashback' samples and the way the song bloomed in waves, in intensity like some alien, psychadelic and sonic flower. Then I picked up the song a few months later, and the memory of hearing it live came flooding back to me.
*sigh* Good times.
Posted 29 August 2007 - 4:34 PM
I second the request for Flashback (at SF). I absolutely *loved* the live treatment of Flashback at Red Rocks. When they brought in the Byrds sample... damn - that was probably the most psychedelic moment in my life.
Now what would be perfect? A Snooprah/Flashback/TPPR encore.
Posted 29 August 2007 - 7:33 PM
I'm loving any changes they're making to their live set.
Hearing them in Amsterdam and then the set from Munich like 754 times, it's awesome to have the surprises. But I guess surprises isn't the right word. I would imagine moments of inspiration kick in that make them say, "Yeah, this would be smashing!" And then they bring in something new and it rocks the house.
Tom, Ed, you're geniuses with creating an amazing space with your live set and I can't wait to see what you do next.
Posted 30 August 2007 - 6:54 AM
I know some people from the Coachella board who are attending Nocturnal Wonderland (who Im also meeting up with) that think Daft Punk "Live" is the best thing since sliced bread. And I feel FLASHBACK would be the perfect tune to burst their little bubble. All of them are unfimiliar with the Chems B-sides so they will cream their pants if they heard it. Well at least I know I would... :P