MadPooter, on 21 October 2010 - 01:10 AM, said:
Multiple choice HELL.
You have to read through each and every possible answer to make damn sure it's not the answer. For each question there are two answers that are technically -correct-. You have to pick the one that's more correct.
Begs the question--if I'm not wrong, what am I?
How are you doing in school?!?!!?
They seriously upped the ante with the whole 'choose the one that's most correct' multiple choice! I guess if you're not wrong, you're sorta kinda wrong but not really. Then again I never was very good at multiple choice.
My school is going great! I was a little overwhelmed last week because our creative projects are critiqued on the ideas rather than presentation and finished product. Part of the frustration is not feeling like I've fully brought the idea to fruition. Sometimes that feels counterintuitive, since my previous art schooling and being a display artist for so long was all about the finished product and the presentation. But it's good, because this sense of being overwhelmed and frustrated makes me feel slightly uncomfortable, so it in turn pushes me to think deeper. Since it's an introductory class, the coursework is designed to get your feet wet in all aspects of advertising. It's very hands on which is brilliant. Our class is tiny unlike the courses that are held in Los Angeles, so that's really cool because it means more time can be spent in-class critiquing and expanding on ideas. I can't wait until the next course. I think that's when I'll really feel I'll have more of a leg to stand on so I can get started on building my book (portfolio).