General Bullshit Chat
Posted 07 June 2006 - 2:15 PM
So , i was in this waterpark with slides and stuff. And suddenly , there was Ed and Tom with his family! And we said " what are YOU doing here " " no , what are YOU! doing here ?! " and than we all laughed and had a drink in a bar that was for some reason in the waterpark.
I did listen to Chems before i went to bed, is that an excuse?!
Posted 07 June 2006 - 3:27 PM
mippio, if your dream of the Chems, spaceships and them supporting themselves comes true I'm going to crap myself!
So Jeanie, it's funny you had a dream about the Chems in a waterpark. It's weird because I had a dream once where they did this gig at some festival. The festival had a giant pool and the crowd had to get in the pool before they'd play. Then once we were in, the Chems laughed at everyone.
What's this with the Chems and water in dreams? It must mean something. X-D
Posted 09 June 2006 - 3:15 PM
it seemed like a good idea taking a 4 week break to drive across america in the middle of my last semester.
it wasnt! :P
(well, it was, but it dont feel like that now if u know what i mean ;))
10,000 words to write in 3 days, one more tune to compose and im done. and now the weathers gorgeous and the feckin world cups started!! distractions distractions!
grumble grumble
Posted 09 June 2006 - 3:21 PM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
What's this with the Chems and water in dreams? It must mean something. X-D
Maybe its a connection to Surface To Air.
hahah Then I must've predicted the future! ;) I had that pool dream a couple months after I saw the Chems during the Come With Us tour. It's that Ed presence, man!! It's in my head!!
Posted 09 June 2006 - 3:23 PM
mippio Escribi�:
time for my annual rant about my college work:
it seemed like a good idea taking a 4 week break to drive across america in the middle of my last semester.
it wasnt! :P
(well, it was, but it dont feel like that now if u know what i mean ;))
10,000 words to write in 3 days, one more tune to compose and im done. and now the weathers gorgeous and the feckin world cups started!! distractions distractions!
grumble grumble
Damn... all play and no work makes mippio too much a good time boy. It's a shame you can't write your paper on your U.S. jaunt!
Posted 11 June 2006 - 10:18 AM
TheFlamingDead_ Escribi�:
Well, I'm gonna be gone from Sunday til June 1st, just thought I'd let you guys know.
Have fun travelling back in time and we'll see you early this month! ;)
No really, hope it's a good trip and we'll see you soon (in the future, maybe July 1)!
Posted 11 June 2006 - 10:21 AM
whirlygirl Escribi�:
TheFlamingDead_ Escribi�:
Well, I'm gonna be gone from Sunday til June 1st, just thought I'd let you guys know.
Have fun travelling back in time and we'll see you early this month! ;)
No really, hope it's a good trip and we'll see you soon (in the future, maybe July 1)!
1.21 giga watts!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8O :o
Posted 11 June 2006 - 2:13 PM
Bosco Escribi�:
whirlygirl Escribi�:
TheFlamingDead_ Escribi�:
Well, I'm gonna be gone from Sunday til June 1st, just thought I'd let you guys know.
Have fun travelling back in time and we'll see you early this month! ;)
No really, hope it's a good trip and we'll see you soon (in the future, maybe July 1)!
1.21 giga watts!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8O :o
Wasn't it 2.21 ? Anyway in the french version it's "2.21 GIGOWATTS" !
Which is silly because a gigOwatt doesn't exist...
Posted 11 June 2006 - 4:46 PM
so i not been able to chat to u all. shake break bounce is always on tele now, i think fords have got the sound track right i hope they use another
chemical bros track for future ads.
Posted 11 June 2006 - 5:42 PM
It's cold by California standards, 65 degrees which is 18 C for just about the rest of the world. What the hell... last weekend it was blistering, this weekend it's like an average Southern California winter - the weather can't make up it's friggen mind.
Last night we had a nice little shindig at our house - the in-laws, stash's sister and husband and 2 of our friends we've known for a few years. We finally have some patio furniture and I went out and bought these little garden lights which I attached to my deck railing. The trees are fully grown in so it was nice to step outside last night with my smokes and my beer and just relax.
Posted 12 June 2006 - 1:21 AM
Posted 12 June 2006 - 8:31 AM
mc marsh Escribi�:
planetdust Escribi�:
I wanna be in california our winters are horrid and nasty.
*eagerly awaits Darkstarexodus post* X-D
haha, you cheeky bastard. X-D
The thing is, our summers get hot enough that every year I forget what -40 C feels like. Today it was around +30 C, I believe, and I'll take that any day over the winter. Come January I'll be bitching and moaning "Oh yeah, THIS is winter. Can't believe I forgot!"
But yeah, unless there's some Siberians lurking on the board, I think I've got the worst winters.....
hehe, I spent the coldest day in England in the past 17 years walking around London in a light track jacket and sat in the stands at Craven Cottage for 90 minutes. Granted, I froze my ass off, but I survived. :)