General Bullshit Chat
Posted 29 October 2005 - 9:19 PM
Okay so you know when you buy something with your creditcard and you get a enevelope and it says ' on Okt 14 you used 200 Dollars ' blabla. In holland we say " The cash is AFGESCHREVEN " But this is also an expression ---> AFGESCHREVEN if somebody dies. Not used often but in the next sentence it made so much sense :
my dad calls me and said " Jeanie , Chemical brothers are AFGESCHREVEN " so i tought , they had an accident and it was on MTV news and something horrible happend...
I was like " What ? What happend ? " with a heartbeat that went 500 BPM and then i realised.
I felt so stupid.
Okay does this make any sense ?!?! X-D
Posted 30 October 2005 - 1:04 AM
If I'm right I'll have to change my sig to Darkstarexodus: English-Dutch idiomatic translator since 2005 :D
Whirly, hope the last shift went well today and with any luck, you, 'stash, and I will all be on the same flight over to Heathrow next December!
Posted 30 October 2005 - 1:17 AM
Think I did well though (on the practical; not so well on the lecture exam). Only one more exam to go and then I get a month of reprise before going through hell on earth all over again (10 exams in 18 days).
Posted 30 October 2005 - 7:36 AM
f(n) Escribi�:
Darkstarexodus Escribi�:
Only one more exam to go and then I get a month of reprise before going through hell on earth all over again (10 exams in 18 days).
that's why i'm glad i was an art major. tho now i'll never have a real job.
Some of them aren't going to be too hard (lab exams worth 10-20% of grade in course), but this semester I've got 7 courses and most of the true exams are over 50% weighted, incl. a 100% final.
*shrug* Of course, I'm going to try to work 25 hours a week during exams, too.
But after that I get to go see Tom & Ed and have them intravenously inject happy juice into the deep recesses of my skull. :D
Posted 30 October 2005 - 4:15 PM
Uch i am hungover as a mofo. The party i went to kinda sucked , it was so damn hot in that venue , and than asked me for my fucking ID to get a wodka orange 8O I mean , HELLO , i dont like like i'm 17 do i.
So me and my mates Luna and Ed sat in de bar all night and Jeanie+bar+Money = Drunkness
It ended up as a really good night. I laughed my petit butt off X-D
Posted 30 October 2005 - 4:17 PM
Posted 30 October 2005 - 9:53 PM
met some extraordinary people, did some mad shit, had an ace time :)
im knackered now, but will reveal more soone :)
so, what did i miss??!!??
Posted 30 October 2005 - 9:58 PM
mippio Escribi�:
evreyone should go to ibiza. it is one of the most amazing places ive ever been. screw san antonio, the rest of the island is one of the most beautifull places on earth 8)
met some extraordinary people, did some mad shit, had an ace time :)
im knackered now, but will reveal more soone :)
I think it's one of those things you have to do when you're young (like visit Amsterdam TICK!). Hopefully next year. Thing is, it looks like a bit of a shit hole and I imagine you'd need to save a LOT of cash if you even wanted to think about entering a big club.
Don't know if you've missed much, i've been in Birmingham. Rubbish city but we had a brilliant time :D Went to Gods Kitchen and a club called The Works with lots of foam :D

Posted 31 October 2005 - 1:37 AM
Alas, it will likely be one of those dreams that never get fulfilled....
(...... or I'll go this summer..... the way I've been blowing money on financially irresponsible trips, who knows? :D )
Posted 31 October 2005 - 5:03 PM
All in all a pretty good weekend. We took our son on Space Mountain for the first time. It's been closed for a while so they could make changes to the ride and I like what Disney did. At the end of the ride we got stuck in a black tunnel with these drifting lights on the sides and ceiling, then sat there for a few minutes and my son freaked out saying "We're gonna die here! Nobody's coming to save us!" I thought it was funny but after a rollercoaster like that for a small kid like my son, that was the icing on the cake to an experience that was frightening enough. Then the houselights came up and we were manually pushed to to loading dock. Good news is nobody died on the ride, it was probably a sensor that was tripped. At least we weren't stuck in a sharp turn, now that would've sucked!
I'd post some pictures of the day but stash hates all the ones with him in them.
Posted 31 October 2005 - 5:48 PM
And talking about getting stuck on a coaster in sharp turns....that happend to me once. it wasn't a big one but it's awesome , it's in the dark and it's really fast. Suddenly we stopped -BOOM!- in a turn. it was really funny actually hehehe. So the lights went on , and it looked so shite with the lights on. Then we continued our ride and everybody started to sing the national song. It was hilarious X-D