What does foul play mean ?

Electric Picnic review!
Posted 03 September 2007 - 7:33 PM
So no murder for sure.
Thats a good thing than.
I wonder what happened. Because u know, people die all the time. Offcourse usually old people but it does happen that young people die suddenly. Maybe it's just coincedence. Maybe if he didn't went to electric picnic he wouldve died at home.
U know what i mean ?!
Maybe he OD'd on something.
Maybe he was crushed like those people at that Pearl jam gig at Roskilde in Denmark ( and like me almost in Dublin gig 2005! )
I just think it's sad. It could be anyone of us you know.
Posted 03 September 2007 - 9:56 PM
Undetected myocardial arrhythmia can sometimes be a cause...you think you are healthy, go on a run, party, whatever and a heart murmur/wrong heartbeat you didnt know you had can kill anyone at any age.
Not wanting to be too morbid, but as an example look at the last but one Great North Run, 26 year old died right at the end. It was an especially hot day too. So who knows, any combination of factors can strike down a boy or girl at any age...
and OD's, can be any combination too cant they? May have been a silly guy who mixed way too much of whatever together and well, we know the outcome anyway. The papers wont really give much away, they never do. And festivals and rumours...well we all know how far fetched they can all get.
If anyone is local a very watered down version of what happened may get released in the press.
Jeesh, listen to me. Keep thinking happy thoughts folks but huge condolences to the guy's family. Never nice to hear of anyone dying at a festy no matter what the reason is.
Posted 03 September 2007 - 10:00 PM
Was aware of the tragic death of a fan at the Chems gig Saturday night but didnt include it in my review for the precise reason that Jeanie mentioned,it could have happened anywhere anytime.Wasnt aware that he had been taken out during the break before the encore so it must have happened behind where we were coz I didnt see an ambulance.Obviously the Chems themselves couldnt possibly have been aware of what happened or they wouldnt have come back out.Latest news is a bit strange as it says that the results of the post mortem WONT be published.That I fear seems to suggest fairly strongly that it WAS drug related.A very sad end to the Picnic.
#29 whirly
Posted 04 September 2007 - 1:56 AM
Tragic is the right word, BUFFETT. I couldn't stop thinking about this all day. God damn... going out at a Chems gig. You know how elated and happy we are to take the memory of a Chems gig home afterward, to bask in that afterglow and tell all our friends - but this poor fella didn't get that chance. If it was an OD or natural causes, what's done is done - someone lost their son at a gig on Saturday, and when I think of it like that it makes me so sad.
This thread sure turned out bittersweet. I need to take LusciousLucy's advice and think happy thoughts. It was a great gig, the response from BUFFETT, Foxy and irishfan have been awesome. Life keeps on.
We need some more positive reviews... and pictures of the gig!!
Posted 04 September 2007 - 2:49 AM
Lucy, you're very right about the arrythmia. Last weekend a promising and talented 22-year-old midfielder playing football in the Spanish primera league, for Sevilla, one of the top teams, collapsed on the pitch during a game. He walked off the field under his own power but had a heart attack in the dressing room a few minutes later and died a couple days later. Was later determined to be caused by a previously undetected arrythmia.
Best wishes to the family and friends involved.
#32 chemdup
Posted 04 September 2007 - 8:34 PM
yeah amazing set at the picnic....visuals are incredible....even better than before. wasn't right up the front as usual, had a nice raised platform to see it from! highlights from the weekend?.....didnt really see many bands but drinking with primal scream and irvine welsh until 5am was a pretty good buzz....metting the beasties,dj craze and rahzel was alright! got a photo shoot done on sat night, ill put the pics up in a n album when the cd arrives....hilarious buzz......
Posted 05 September 2007 - 9:24 PM
One other thing I meant to mention was that during Star Guitar an incredibly bright white "star" appeared in the sky above the crowd.I suspect it was a gimmick on the part of Electric Picnic organisers to appear during that song as it looked like a flare of some description but it did the trick,it had a lot of people looking to the heavens while it lasted.
#34 chemdup
Posted 05 September 2007 - 10:56 PM
it was just someone letting a parachute flare off in the crowd. it did look good tho....it passed right over our heads where we were standing. hope i manage to get to london to see them now....really need 3 gigs in a row to finish off the year....as always, once is NEVER enough!
#36 whirly
Posted 06 September 2007 - 12:54 AM
Flares! Someone let off a flare, hahaha nice. That's just one step away from an improv fireworks show. Mmmm. How cool would that be to have fireworks going off during a Chems show a la their gig at Trieste. MmmMmmMMM!
Keep the bits and pieces about this excellent gig coming and I might combust before I get my chance to see them. :lol: