General Bullshit Chat
#2941 toomuchstash
Posted 23 March 2006 - 8:21 PM
Posted 23 March 2006 - 11:30 PM
chemicalreaction Escribi�:
All the MDMA...Hmmm..*sings Dr Dre. song I just took some extacy! Ain�t no tellin�what the side-effects could be* :D
is that all yours stash or just some random pic ?
Yeah yeah, those are all ours!
*then I woke up*
Posted 23 March 2006 - 11:36 PM
toomuch'stash Escribi�:
it's funny, I smoke dope every night, but there's only like 1 or maybe 2 occasions every year where I get to get baked in the daytime... saturday is gonna be one of those times... shit, they do a weekly protest against the war down there, I should go down and be one of those filthy loaded hippies that FOX News warns people about.
Best ever wake n' bake session was Coachella 2002. Good morning, it's 9:00, you got 4 hours of sleep, smoke this and have some pancakes and beer. Oh, and the magic muffins just arrived. Whee!!
It was a drag having to walk (in a sort of Jar Jar me-sa-so-stoned sort of way) in the heat to the venue, but had we driven we wouldn't have been capable of pulling that morning session off.
#2947 toomuchstash
Posted 23 March 2006 - 11:47 PM
chemicalreaction Escribi�:
Going to a proper rave this weekend for the first time. what stuff should i be worried about ? Avoid ravers with glowsticks ? what ?
no no, get a glowstick, they're really helpful for pitchblack toilets... uhm.... don't eat the brown acid? oh yeah, unless you wanna fry, don't drink any Kool-Aid
Posted 23 March 2006 - 11:54 PM
chemicalreaction Escribi�:
Going to a proper rave this weekend for the first time. what stuff should i be worried about ? Avoid ravers with glowsticks ? what ?
Yeah, watch out for the ravers that have glowsticks with strings on them. When those kids get going, it's like a fuckin glowstick windmill. That can put an eye out, y'know. Glowsticks are handy for the toilets but don't dance with them, that's so 10 years ago! ;)
Just bring yourself and have fun! Use your head, don't overindulge, drink plenty of water but not too much, chat it up with the e-tards. It'll be a blast!
Posted 24 March 2006 - 12:09 AM
Posted 24 March 2006 - 12:13 AM
The point that was made at the end was substantial given that Isaac Hayes actually had a stroke, couldn't speak for himself so his Scientology folks quit South Park for him. I also liked how South Park equated Scientology with child molesting.
#2951 toomuchstash
Posted 24 March 2006 - 12:14 AM
Bosco Escribi�:
did anyone catch the new southpark last night?........it was funny, but not over the top funny.....to tell you the truth i was kinda dissapointed :? , i think they let chef out kinda easy.
No way man, they turned him into a child molester, than had him catch on fire, fall off a cliff and get dismembered by wild animals, and you think they let him off easy?
that was by FAR the most graphic death they've ever had on that show, and then the whole bit about 'it's not really him, that fruity little club he joined has scrambled his brain' was brilliant... not to mention that all his lines were pasted together from past episodes, and it was all done in less than a week.
I thought it was maybe a 7 out of 10, with 1 being the Barbera Striesand/Robert Smith episode and 10 being the Sex Ed episode.
Posted 24 March 2006 - 12:20 AM
toomuch'stash Escribi�:
Bosco Escribi�:
did anyone catch the new southpark last night?........it was funny, but not over the top funny.....to tell you the truth i was kinda dissapointed :? , i think they let chef out kinda easy.
No way man, they turned him into a child molester, than had him catch on fire, fall off a cliff and get dismembered by wild animals, and you think they let him off easy?
that was by FAR the most graphic death they've ever had on that show, and then the whole bit about 'it's not really him, that fruity little club he joined has scrambled his brain' was brilliant... not to mention that all his lines were pasted together from past episodes, and it was all done in less than a week.
I thought it was maybe a 7 out of 10, with 1 being the Barbera Striesand/Robert Smith episode and 10 being the Sex Ed episode.
yeah i loved the cut up part, but at the very end they were saying how the community is gonna forgive him and what not. I thought that was cheezy.......and i didnt even think the darth vader transformation was funny :?
Posted 25 March 2006 - 4:03 PM
I turned up to my mates, and he was already on the downward spiral that drinking can make happen. I knew this because he was walking around trouserless. That night he had a bottle and a half of Jameson Irish whiskey 8O plus some other drinks here and there.
Party got a bit out of control in the end. He had one of those big excersize balls and people kept wacking it around the house and it was smashing things etc. I was soaked in beer because it'd hit me and my pint. They fed beer to the goldfish, and poured beer into the pasta.
It was a very funny night, my mate Oli got me and said he wanted to talk to me about something important (he was fooked). He was about to speak and then he ran to the sink and puked. I haven't laughed that hard in ages X-D blocked up the sink and puked all around the place too
I actually walked to Olis house to pick up a bottle of JD and was dying for a piss. Found the toilet but I couldn't find the pull cord for the bathroom light. I looked outside of the bathroom and saw what to me looked like a pull cord but was in fact speaker wire linked to downstairs that I was pulling out the wall :-//
I was in the garden, down a darkened ally and my mate goes to me "punch me as hard as you can in the chest". So I say ok and went for it because it looked to me like he was holding a cushion. In fact, it was a concrete paving slab. Yes, that hurt A LOT.
The guy who'd done all the Jamesons had lost it, and attacked his missus. Bit her arm so everyone held him down and someone knocked him out.
So yes, a good night but i've paid for it today :vomit: