mmmm!!! Milk bottles! My mouth waters thinking about those delicious little heavenly pieces of goodness! :D

General Bullshit Chat
#5901 whirly
Posted 03 November 2007 - 1:13 AM
#5902 makeskidskill
Posted 04 November 2007 - 11:15 PM
I just spent 6 days having my ass kicked by the flu... 4 days of a fever, running up to 104 degrees, I didn't eat for almost 72 hours, I don't remember ANYTHING about wednesday and thursday... not fuckin' fun at all.
#5903 Jennyk
Posted 04 November 2007 - 11:29 PM
aww. Sound intense. Hope ya feeling better.
#5904 whirly
Posted 04 November 2007 - 11:57 PM
Thanks Jenny - we're feeling better, just very drained. This flu has kicked our butts. Our son missed a week of school, and I've likely infected everyone at work because I dragged myself to the office and worked half days because I've used up all my sick time. Get your flu shots now, everyone. That little shot will do you a world of good. I wouldn't wish being this ill on anyone. This strain going around is nasty!
Posted 05 November 2007 - 6:26 AM
One week roaring fires are threating to take your house, the next week your sick as hell with the flu. Shit. :(
Hope you guys are feeling better and something good comes your way!
Posted 05 November 2007 - 7:00 AM
So remeber How I said I was going blind back a few weeks ago. Well Today I got my glasses and I'm freaking out!!! I think there awesome! I'll try to get a pic up tommorow at school. It's funny cause I can really tell now that I was blind like the dark of night, I was the night.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 05 November 2007 - 7:25 AM
#5908 TJtheDJ007
Posted 05 November 2007 - 3:43 PM
i had to turn all my clocks back an hour, and by the time i was done my ASS turned to jello.
Posted 05 November 2007 - 7:34 PM
^bosco, and essentially everyone else.
judge for yourself (I might get this wrong in terms of photo posting)
before....and with hair
after....without hair, and with 1up new item
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#5910 whirly
Posted 06 November 2007 - 2:53 AM
The glasses look sharp, Ryno!! :)
Thanks for the well wishes, Bosco - we're all on the mend, not 100% but feeling better. It's back to work and school. I'm missing my appetite, though. I haven't had much of one for a week now and I know I must be hungry...
#5911 Sethful
Posted 06 November 2007 - 4:35 AM
lookin good ryno...
and glad that you are doing better whirls and family.
Posted 06 November 2007 - 6:15 AM
haha nice one Rynostar. Upgrade fo sho.
Posted 16 November 2007 - 9:12 AM
Big Ups to Madpooter. Started a new job early this week, in which he recieved his OWN office (with a view :P).
He also mentioned he's using his first paycheck to fly everyone on the messageboard out to Coachella next year( Yes, this includes you Tom and Ed!!!)
Very mint, indeed. :P
Congrats Man!
Posted 16 November 2007 - 12:03 PM
A funny story :
I was bored before going to school, so I decided to look for a girl I talked to on the street a month or so ago. The only think I knew was that she was a big fan of Enter Shikari (and that she was damn pretty). So I typed "Enter Shikari" Paris in Google and looked on every profile, and I think I just found her :D
Am I a professional stalker or what ?
PS : God bless Myspace and Google
Posted 16 November 2007 - 6:12 PM
Awesome that's indeed her :D
Now I feel like a psychopate though :S
#5916 whirly
Posted 18 November 2007 - 5:39 PM
woohooo!! MadPooter, congrats on the new job!
Ben_j, I'm now going to listen to the song "Stalking You On MySpace" in your honor, hehee.
Posted 19 November 2007 - 2:46 AM
I'm watching Wayne's World . Whirly I think it's the movie you appear on ? :p
#5919 whirly
Posted 19 November 2007 - 7:50 PM
Heh - no I was an extra in Wayne's World 2, but you were close! Can't believe you remember... I appeared for something like 1 second walking past Christopher Walken and Tia Carrera. So if you blink, you'll miss me! :lol: Nothing much to write home about but I am only 1-degree from Chris Walken so that's my claim to fame.
You guys, I am having a shit Monday. Worst Monday at work I've had in months as our internal network has been down for an hour and I know the work is piling up. So that's why I'm on here at an odd hour.
Say something amusing and cheer me up!! :mrgreen:
#5920 irishfan
Posted 19 November 2007 - 8:04 PM
not really amusing but i tell about the time the chemicals stopped me being involved in a armed robbery,
so the chems were playing belfast and it was on a saturday evening so i took the sunday morning off work for the chems gig as i wouldn't be able to work straight after the gig, as i usually worked the sunday shift for the previous three years without taking a single sunday off, so sunday morning after chem'd up dropped me home after the gig i went to get some breakfast in my workplace which was a shop and i see tons of police cars around the shop, as i enter the shop the manager and the person covering for me told me what happened, three armed men with shotguns entered the shop and tied up my boss and co worker and put the barrel of the gun to the co workers head and threatened to pull the trigger if the manager didn't give the safe code, after they realised that the safe was on autolock and takes 15 mins to open they ran out of the shop with whatever money they could, so cause of chemicals gig in belfast i wasn't the one who was gagged and tied up and had a gun to there head.