Whats in a name?
Posted 05 April 2004 - 9:06 PM
So, any anime fans out there? ever see gundam wing? did you pay attention to it? well i did and i just came to respect trowa, the pilot of heavyarms.
like wing gundam, deathsythe, sandrock, and shenlong, heavyarms is a giant robot that was built to help execute a plan designed by space colonys to take controle of the world and its people. when the colonys felt like they had had enough of the people of erf dictating their lives, they decided to drop an abandoned colony on the planet and send these five machines to aid in the destruction of the remaining erf forces. the plan went wrong and the colony was never droped to erf, but the machines were.
the original pilot of heavyarms was executed by the machines designer because of a conflict of intrest and a whitness called no name opted to pilot it in his place. he also took the dead mans name as his own. trowa was his first name ever. the pilot had lost his family in a bomb raid when he was 5 or so and found alive wandering a field in the middle of a battle. a man saw him and "saved" him from dieing. since then he trained as a soldier and knew nothing else, even what his birth name was, so he called himself no name.
i like the name trowa, but it doesnt fit for some reason, trowa is more of what i am, not what i do which is why i choose heavyarms. heavyarms is a machine controoled by a person, which is how i view my personality here. not what i am, but what i do. sorry for the long explination, but it wouldnt do the name justice if i had'nt
Posted 05 April 2004 - 9:15 PM
Posted 05 April 2004 - 9:17 PM
It's fairer on everyone else, who probably can't be arsed to retype what they did only 3 weeks ago!
If you want the answer to your question, read the previous thread.
Btw, if you can't guess where my name from you need your head examined. :D
Posted 06 April 2004 - 6:59 AM
Heavyarms Escribi�:
yeah but i dont like to dig up old shit, my wife does enough of that. so it you dont mind typing it again then go ahead, if not dont worrie about it... but dont post a link like im gonna read all the way through it, cuz i wont and you probably already knew that. (t
Heavyarms, just so you know, there's no shame in digging up old threads it happens quite often and nobody gets ragged for it. If we bore you with previous threads, well, not much I can do about that. I don't think people would want to rewrite what they already did anymore than you'd want to rewrite what you just did. ;) But anyway, because I'm lazy and don't want to rewrite what I previously wrote (and the husband beckons right now... hehe) I'll just cut and paste from the link chemicalreaction posted:
whirlygirl Escribi�:
As for my name... Well, in 1996 before my son came along, my husband and I went to visit my folks who were living in London. We picked up a book beforehand called "London By Night." It was actually a decent guide to what was going on, mentioned lots of restaurants, night tours, clubs and stuff. There was one club called "Whirlygig" and from the description, it seemed like a hippy sorta place where people brought their kids and danced or sat around in drum circles. I don't know why, it's not like I went to the club or that I wanted to go particularly - but the name kind of stuck with me. When I hear the word "whirly" I remember how excited I was being able to take my husband to London for the first time, because I knew he'd love it as much as I do. Anyway - flash foward a couple of years. We got a computer and a few months afterward I was thinking about setting up an e-mail account. I didn't go on messageboards or chat or anything like that. But I did want to keep in touch with family plus sign on to the Chemical Brothers mailing list. My husband and I were talking about maybe one day getting back to London, and what would we do with our son if we wanted to go clubbing and my folks couldn't watch him - and he mentions that club "whirlygig," but he slips and says "whirlygirl" instead. So I thought, that would make a great e-mail address. And it sort of went from there.
I've had a couple other screen names but I like everything that surrounds the "whirlygirl" one. Lots of good memories.
Posted 06 April 2004 - 10:53 AM
I couldn't have a kid at 19, I love to do the practice of child making, but I put a helmet on.
Posted 07 April 2004 - 7:56 PM
Posted 08 April 2004 - 5:25 AM
Posted 08 April 2004 - 5:30 AM
Posted 08 April 2004 - 10:38 PM
Plus, on a slightly more stupid note, there's no way I want to put my g/f through that yet, pregnancy is tough, having a parasite growing inside you for 9 months takes it out of you, and it's not something I'm ready to take the blame for yet.
Posted 09 April 2004 - 3:12 AM
When my husband and I were early 20's, if someone told us we'd be parents before we were 30 we would've laughed in their face and told them to fuck off. We were so *not* the parental types... and we didn't think we'd ever have kids really as we were incredibly self serving and horribly irresponsible. But anyway, as the saying goes, times change and so do I...
Posted 09 April 2004 - 4:29 AM
Posted 09 April 2004 - 6:37 AM
Yes, agreed that kids can be annoying. Well, *other* people's kids can be annoying. When they're your own, somehow they are more like angels and less like the little rug rats they are in other people's eyes. ;)