I know the Brothers been playing some far away gigs lately but we seem to be suffering from a real dearth of reviews lately.Must be somebody out there who has seen them recently?!

Show reviews anyone?
#4 whirly
Posted 12 November 2007 - 11:27 PM
I agree things are a bit lonely on the review front. It would be cool to get some more gig reviews in here. Surely people went to the gigs and had a good time! I love reviews, it's one of my favorite things about this forum over the years (come for the reviews, stay for the pr0n).
Maybe the S. American folks are just shy... or don't want to post a review that's not in English.
Bless the few Russians for coming here and trying to post reviews and pics. Now we just need some S. Americans to chime in - that would be good.
Posted 13 November 2007 - 4:02 PM
Well I remember back in 04 there were a whole lot of thouse south american folks posting up a storm when they went through the area of the woods. just look at the chronicles section of the site. loads of posts in spanish from our contingent from the other down under.
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
Posted 14 November 2007 - 2:43 AM
^whirly, LOL, I forgot about that! ahh that should go down in histor aong with the huge spambot attacks last year as the threats against the forums that we survived...though we didn't mind the s americans for venting their opinions. at least it was about the chems....
As for upcoming predictions for upcomng reviews.
Went to (insert venue) with (insert person). Tom and ed played a (insert highly emotional adverb)!!! please come back and play (insert venue again)
The Private Psychedellic Reel-to-Reel
#11 whirly
Posted 14 November 2007 - 4:46 AM
:lol: Yeah, that was the Buenos Aires show if memory serves correctly. After that show there were so many people online - it must've crashed the servers because I kept getting error messages when trying to log in. People ranting about that show but the disappointment wasn't with the Chems, more directed at the organizers of the event (and the poor weather and lack of preparation for torrential rainy conditions). There was someone named Mai (I only remember the name because it was so similar to my real name) who came on and brought a lot of insight and kind words about the show despite it being cut short. Definitely one of those events - warts n'all - that spiced up the forums a bit.
Speaking of most users online and forum history. There was a time before the S. American gigs and things were pretty slow around here. I think the most users ever online at that point was somewhere around 7 registered. iguanapunk came up with the idea that all of us rally and keep our browsers set to the forum on a particular day so we could break the record for most registered users online at one time. So a bunch of us had our browsers set so we were all logged in, even when we weren't near the computer. After all that, iggy forgot to set his browser because he was stuck painting a bathroom or kitchen or something. It was one of those "had to be there" moments but really amusing because yes, we were that bored, haha! You know, that lull between albums when things go silent...
Rynostar wrote:
As for upcoming predictions for upcomng reviews.
Went to (insert venue) with (insert person). Tom and ed played a (insert highly emotional adverb)!!! please come back and play (insert venue again)
hehe, yeah - the hit-and-run posters. At least it's something, though. It sort of makes me nervous when there's been a show and nobody even comes and makes a post about it. I'm always left wondering if the show went well or not. I guess the shoutbox in the Live section is good for that sort of thing, but it's not the same as making a post that gets more views and more responses, hopefully.