Krystal Rae's Profile
- Group:
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- Active Posts:
- 710 (0.19 per day)
- Most Active In:
- Chemical Talk (546 posts)
- Joined:
- 09-March 05
- Profile Views:
- 8471
- Last Active:
17 Apr 2015 6:15 AM
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In Topic: All Good Things Must Come To An End
Posted 16 Apr 2015
MadPooter, on 16 April 2015 - 6:59 PM, said:
I know that those of us that have connected through here will keep in touch, but nonetheless, I feel like this is a breakup of sorts.
Thank you everyone for all of the moments here. Thank you for sharing, and thank you for all of the wonderful responses, support and love.
You know this place is old when you can't "like" or "heart" a post but these words exactly!
I'm going to miss you all! -
In Topic: All Good Things Must Come To An End
Posted 16 Apr 2015
I've only just come on here when I read your FB message, Mia.
I'm very sad to see this place go, but it's expected. Forums are an extremely old model. Especially the smilies!!
I can see that I've bee a member for 10 years! I started coming here after the live show in 2005 and it's been great to interact (only a little by my post count) with you all and MEET some of you, even though I've posted probably 5 times in two or so years (I'm sorry)!
We still have FB, although I generally hate it.
You guys will have to wake me up again through FB messages when a new track is played on Radio1 though. That was fun.
Going to miss the infamous "Buzzed Posting" and "Now Playing" threads the most I think (I love to know what people are listening to, especially when they are 'buzzed').
I'm not sure If I can commit to another social networking site but it would be a shame if we didn't have any discussions about the new album!
So sentimental, much nostalgic. -
In Topic: News From Ed
Posted 7 Jan 2015
I'm late to the party (again). This is sad news about the live shows, but I'm glad Ed is pursuing a new direction in his career (most people have 8 different careers in a lifetime so I'm not surprised?). I can't imagine T/E performing live through to their 60s to be honest.
Besides, with the bullshit they have to deal with here with the Aus crowd, I'd be surprised if they came back at all. Maybe I need to travel overseas to see them instead. I know Ed is always pissed at the comments they receive when they are here.
Yay to new music though ey!(btw, these smilies are so fucking old)
My Information
- Member Title:
- fell asleep from day
- Age:
- 30 years old
- Birthday:
- September 17, 1984
- Gender:
- Location:
- Melbourne AUS
Contact Information
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- Click here to e-mail me
13 Nov 2010 - 10:23Probass
19 Jun 2010 - 05:53You look kute (buzzed posting) ;]
Krystal Rae
10 Jun 2010 - 02:10WhiteNoise
05 Jun 2010 - 23:39Ben_j
02 Apr 2010 - 03:49