adam beyer is incredible shame on you foxboy for not liking him.

General Bullshit Chat
Posted 08 May 2007 - 5:35 PM
Poor Foxboy.
You dont sound Emo at all. You sound Emotional , yes , but that is normal! Its normal to feel sad and heartbroken. Most of us on this board have been there before and we know what a horrible feeling it is. As cheesy as it sounds , Hang in there. You might feel depressed now , but really , one day soon you'll find yourself happy again. And than you wonder why you felt so bad!
As for now , dont ignore those feelings. Just let them be there. Its okay and normal to feel fucked up.
And Adam Beyer was great last time i saw him. From what i remember.
#5387 whirly
Posted 09 May 2007 - 2:34 PM
I'd really like to go to London again. Whenever I go there it feels like home, and whenever I come home from there I feel homesick.
I'd love to go to Japan one day, too. I'd like to spend a few days in Tokyo, then travel out into the countryside. I imagine Tokyo would be like visiting a different planet, highly stimulating, non-stop all day all night.
I'd also really, really like to visit Turkey one day before I die. It seems like a fascinating place and just once, I'd like to see it for myself. Actually, there's so many places I'd love to have a chance to visit before I leave this earth.
My folks did lots of travelling and now in their retirement (my dad is too sick to travel for any length of time) they stay in and watch the Travel Channel non-stop. It's interesting because when I visit them and we're watching tv, I get two narratives - the show and my folks reminiscing about their travels.
Posted 10 May 2007 - 1:11 AM
Mhm I know Jeanie, I'm holding tight :D
As for Adam Beyer. I never said I didnt like him! I meant others were saying he wasn't that good of a headliner, whereas I disagreed! I thought he was really good. It was just talking to other people who thought he wasnt :P
Posted 10 May 2007 - 7:01 PM
I had a shitty day.
Its raining , i had a stressfull day at work. My supervisors love me but the boss doesnt like me. I dont like her either tbh. My supervisors told me that everyvody the boss loves they dont like and vice versa. So its cool cause my supervisors and everybody from my department likes me and even my supervisors say this woman , the boss , is a strange woman. But she is the one who could this this temporary job into an actual job so i'm quite bummed about that.
She doesnt like me because i am to "Out-there" and to straight forward and to tornado-like. Like when i went to the job interview , well , i wanted to get the job and i got it. I dunno, i'm not overly impressed just because people have a higher function than me and that was quite obvious i guess. Ah well.
Than a went to the chiropractor and it was never that painfull.
Than i got home and i heard my neighbour who i know for 21 years died.
On top of that i am still single after 2.5 years and most of my friends live outside of Holland and i miss them and i find i hard to believe i will stay in Amsterdam forver , because i still wanna go to England but i have no idea how yo do that.
And its pissing it down all day.
Okay rant over.
I will listen to Das SPiegel and think of the Gigs. Thats the only thing really cheering me up now!
#5391 irishfan
Posted 10 May 2007 - 7:12 PM
hey jeanie you work will sort it self out everyone has bosses that dislike them for no reason and it might be harder for you as didn't have a office job before but it won't be long before you get settled into it and your boss becomes nicer it just someone take longer to warm up to people than others as for your neighbour that really bad news. as for your friends being away from amsterdam it hard to deal with as i am in the same sitauation as some of my best friends are away but try and talk/visit them if you can and and as for being single well it is only a matter of time before you meet someone and enjoy the quiet time.
Posted 10 May 2007 - 10:51 PM hahaha that's a photo from Amon Tobin's phone. And guess who's on the forground whith his hand in the air ? ME ! :D
#5397 whirly
Posted 11 May 2007 - 2:13 AM
Hey Jeanie Beanie, when it rains it pours and it never feels like it's going to stop... I'm really sorry to hear about your friend. It's always difficult to deal with the loss of someone who had their whole lives in front of them. If you need to let it out you know where to find me. And I think with your job, you will be OK. Work is all ups and downs and the only thing you can do is greet a new day and hope it'll be better than the day before. Just keep on keepin' on is what's been seeing me through the last couple of grueling weeks at my job while I've been filling my supervisor's shoes and training a new person... but that's something I like to leave at work when I'm unwinding at home. Just look at it like it's good practice for moving on to the next thing should the opportunity present itself.
As for being single, you won't be single forever and love will find you. I believe love finds everyone, eventually.
I'm sorry you're so lonely, but nothing's forever. Things have a way of coming full circkle and your friends will find their way into your life again. And nothing is forever if you don't want it to be. Amsterdam doesn't have to be forever... If there's anyone that can do anything they put their mind to, it's you so if you want to move to England bad enough I know you will find a way. So tomorrow's upon you, keep you chin up and turn your stereo up too while you're at it!
#5399 whirly
Posted 11 May 2007 - 5:21 AM
So I got a bug up my butt and decided my piano was in dire need of tuning. Thankfully it's a small upright wurlitzer spinnet, a small piano (it's not a full sized keyboard). I honestly don't know what the hell I was thinking - perhaps a combination of idle hands and a supremely annoying day at work. So yes. I've re-discovered why I only tune the thing once a year. What a pain in the ass!! I had to tuck my son into bed so no more piano tuning for the evening, instead I have a 3/4 of the way tuned piano. Grah!
Posted 11 May 2007 - 7:10 AM
my first post here, a lazy friday at work - can't wait for evening to be back with my girl, and pump some das spiegel! :)
someone recco some good film to catch over the weekend, i've seen too many clunkers recently except grindhouse.