- Official Forum for The Chemical Brothers: Coachella 2011! Here We Go Again! - - Official Forum for The Chemical Brothers
No need to be mad Ed. Show was great, and heard other festival goers really liked it!
I was actually gonna blame UVA thinking maybe they supplied the chems the screen ... but then kings of leon did have alot of jibberish on the stage... what i did dislike was the team who set up were not really reacting quick enough to get the problem fixed. and were fixing parts of the screen as the show went on...
But Meeting fellow forumites made up for the short set! thanks again everyone It was surreal ...
We all had enough glow to have covered the several dead pixels on screen hehe.
will talk more tomorrow
shotglass75, on 27 January 2012 - 2:45 PM, said:
"Everyone should have an hbhg button to press at some point in their lives. Walk through a door, press the hbhg button. Don't agree with something someone says, press the hbhg button."
I don't know the exact details on the delay and the visuals, but I don't want T and E to feel bad at all because they did their best out there for the crowd! They persevered and they followed through!
Things might have not gone the way they wanted, but the Chems still didn't lose their professional consistency in their performance from show to show. They'll take tonight's show as a learning experience and apply it to future shows.
As always, it's time to move Further ahead! Let's move on to the next show shall we!
In my opinion, it would be unfair for me to give a full review of this show! I just can't grade someone's performance that was unfinished, when it wasn't even their fault! That's not my style.
I'm a humble fan, so I'm glad all of us forum members got together again that night for being there thick and thin for our brothers!
<3 you guys and can't wait to meet up with my chemical homies at some point later on today to discuss. I should be asleep but I'm not because I am thinking about what I saw and experienced last night... which is still a jumbled non-linear barrage of thoughts, not helped by fatigue. Also, it's kind of hard to sleep when Don't Think is playing in your head. That song was nothing short of mental. There were sounds coming from it that felt like their were being pulled up through the ground because the earth underfoot was shaking!
And this show was loud. I mean, loud!! I was a little worried during the day that it would be too intense bass-wise for Connor, but the Chems have a magical way of pushing the sound to it's maximum all while not making you feel like you're going to go deaf or crap out your spleen (sorry for being crude, but erm it's true)! Plus the crowd, bless em man. They are so friendly and the Chems crowd at Coachella is always awesome and so into it and ready to party!
As always meeting up with the forum people is the best - KNE it was great to meet you and glad to have you with us!
OK, need to stop because i can't focus on everything running in my head...
Mad props to the Glowruption people on the Coachella board! We were directly in front of the glow meetup and when it started going off, it literally rained skinny glow sticks! They wouldn't stop. It was like "incoming!!!!!!!" and there were consistent showers of glow sticks pretty much for the duration of the show. There must have been thousands and thousands of these glow stcks - the skinny kind you can make into bracelets. People (like Bosco) were scrambling to pick them up, and when a song would peak or a massive beat would drop, there would be another glow shower. I have never seen anything like it!
When that first beat (with the vocal)dropped on the Galvanize, It was literally raining glowsticks for like a minute! It kept raining and raining and raining.
There was other tracks where mini glowruptions happened as well, but the main one was freaking huge though!
I was totally in the moment when Star Guitar came on! Probably one of my best memories while hugging and dancing with you guys!
And for the first time, I met Darkstar and KNE! A tremendous pleasure meeting them both!
Crap! we forgot to do the group photo! lets try to get it today maybe!
Sorry to hear about the short set guys. I shouldn't be the one complaining bout an encore....
Not blaming tom or ed but i feel like they have a lot of issues with their set in the states, right? Like the K+D+B meltdown at electric zoo, escape velocity visual issues at ultra and now this? Do American festivals have something against the brothers????
This was our point of view, these vids tells u everything. rather dark but u can see us throwing glowsticks aswell!
The Chemical-cam
Sounds is crappy, shows how beautifully loud it was...
It was an amazing experience, soon as the music started nothing else mattered... n I thought i wasn't gonna really have energy after quite a long day, but that dose of Chemical goodness got us dancing and jumping for joy. Sorry I wasn't able to say bye to some of u, the group really scattered and wasn't able to spot u guys... Thanks again Mia for getting in touch and letting be part of the meet up. U have a nice family, Pleasure to meet Stash and Connor! glad your sons a fan and was introduced to awesome music u cant really find in other artists these days.. Biff, Darkstar, Pooter, Inchem. U guys were all amazing people! They Played for us and thats all that matters, I sure cant wait till next time!
Tom and Ed, you guys Roccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkked!!!!!!!!!
shotglass75, on 27 January 2012 - 2:45 PM, said:
"Everyone should have an hbhg button to press at some point in their lives. Walk through a door, press the hbhg button. Don't agree with something someone says, press the hbhg button."
I feel heartbroken for you guys didnt get to see the whole set.
I feel even more grateful than before when I saw them. The first half of the set is all systems go anyway so at least you got a good hit of it. Better to have the sound perfect than the visuals if anything unfortunate is gonna happen in those circumstances. Could feel the love and enthusiasm from that coachella crowd from those vids!
Come out from the cold and into the setting sun. It's where it all began for me (not in Afrika), like it was out of control. Then after that life was sweet. So dream on into the pioneer skies of the fourteenth century and rise from the sunshine underground.
It was an amazing experience, soon as the music started nothing else mattered... n I thought i wasn't gonna really have energy after quite a long day, but that dose of Chemical goodness got us dancing and jumping for joy. Sorry I wasn't able to say bye to some of u, the group really scattered and wasn't able to spot u guys... Thanks again Mia for getting in touch and letting be part of the meet up. U have a nice family, Pleasure to meet Stash and Connor! glad your sons a fan and was introduced to awesome music u cant really find in other artists these days.. Biff, Darkstar, Pooter, Inchem. U guys were all amazing people! They Played for us and thats all that matters, I sure cant wait till next time!
Tom and Ed, you guys Roccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkked!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for those vids KNE! I just got back from day 2 over here and saw you posted them! I will give my 'thank you's' tommorrow! I'm trying to figure what to write! Long day today!
Krisper, on 16 April 2011 - 7:16 PM, said:
Cool vids KNE. Such a shame about the screen problems. It is good to hear that you guys loved it, regardless. You are all true fans.
True! But there was this guy who was working on the screens while the Chems were perfoming. You see, there this LED screen in the front,which is made of all these smaller squares that are connected all together (see pic for an example)
Before the show started, they were testing the screen, and we realized that some of these 'squares' weren't coming on, but some were! That's what you saw on KNE vids! But the chems went on anyway,and they still showed the visualizations even though all the squares weren't working. I'd say around 25 percent of the screen was visible. But when galvanize was playing, we some some guy holding a flashlight and climbing up and down behind the screen ( you could tell because on our point of view, we saw some sqaures that weren't lit up but we saw a little light moving around behind it, The screen is like a see-through) and fixing each and everyone of those screens! He kept working on it for the whole show.
These LED squares look like this!
So imagine this guy trying to get each and everyone of these to work, going up and down to get to these squares, when the show was over, he got around 92-95 percent completed! GREAT JOB!
mikl, on 17 April 2011 - 2:52 AM, said:
I feel heartbroken for you guys didnt get to see the whole set.
I feel even more grateful than before when I saw them. The first half of the set is all systems go anyway so at least you got a good hit of it. Better to have the sound perfect than the visuals if anything unfortunate is gonna happen in those circumstances. Could feel the love and enthusiasm from that coachella crowd from those vids!
The crowd was into it big time. look at the first glowruption....Insane!
But there was this guy who was working on the screens while the Chems were perfoming. So imagine this guy trying to get each and everyone of these to work, going up and down to get to these squares, when the show was over, he got around 92-95 percent completed! GREAT JOB!
I don't doubt he did a good job getting them working, he was probably the guy who was supposed to have them all working before the show started.
inchemwetrust, on 17 April 2011 - 10:08 PM, said:
The crowd was into it big time. look at the first glowruption....Insane!
That is a lot of glowsticks, looks like a lot of fun.
I don't think it was any one person's fault. I think inchem described what happened with the screen issue (from where we stood, anyway - we will never know the full technical malfunction or understand fully what happened) Honestly when it was 5 past midnight, stash and were concerned they wouldn't be able to come on because of curfew and tech issues. But they endured, the crew were amazing and the Chems were total pros for going on and giving us a show. They could have gone all diva and shitty like some other bands at Coachella that day, but they didn't, and it reinforces why I love this band as much as I do. What they gave us was amazing and not disappoint at all! I'm so lucky to have seen Tom and Ed for 3 years in a row and so fortunate they have come to Southern California those times. I'm still at my hotel but am packing up and will be heading home today. I'm walking away from this weekend feeling thankful. Now I am in serious babble fangirl mode, so I'll stop now!
Well said. Though I bet Tom & Er got a well deserved apology from Coachella management.
I wasn't at the gig but what I don't understand is why the powers that be at Coachella didn't just pull the plug on Kings of Leon the moment it looked like they wouldn't leave the stage. Its fair enough if bands over run at festivals for reasons outwith their control, as does happen for technical reasons, but when bands do it willfully it should just be game over for them with the flick of a switch. Bruce Springsteen massively over ran at Glastonbury but that didn't really matter because he was the headline act and the last act on, his over running wasn't doing any harm. Bands further down the line up don't and shouldn't have that liberty.
looks like it just might of been a wiring problem. Glad the tube worked though, it was very nice...
I dont see how people would expect this set to work at the sahara.. No No.
shotglass75, on 27 January 2012 - 2:45 PM, said:
"Everyone should have an hbhg button to press at some point in their lives. Walk through a door, press the hbhg button. Don't agree with something someone says, press the hbhg button."
With all that gear to hook up I am amazed their aren't problems more often. And you did have the screens at the sides. I am sad for Inchem though, dare I say it ..... superflash
@inchem: Holy shit, love it at about 1:13 when a whole volcano erupts of them a bit further back! (Pity they didnt go up higher but what an effort in one throw!)
Also: Just watched Kanye's live performance that was streamed live on the Coachella You Tube live channel. Great idea! Would've been nice to see the chems on there but given what happened maybe not. Still would've been good though with the crowd really getting into it.
Come out from the cold and into the setting sun. It's where it all began for me (not in Afrika), like it was out of control. Then after that life was sweet. So dream on into the pioneer skies of the fourteenth century and rise from the sunshine underground.