Posted 09 November 2005 - 7:48 PM
my fav games are:
- Zelda ALTTP and OOT
- Mario World
- Eternal Darkness (which is a great survival horror by Nintendo)
- Resident Evil
- Silent Hill 2
- the first Unreal Tournament
as you can see I like both kind of games: Nintendo and horror/gore
Posted 09 November 2005 - 7:53 PM
toomuch'stash Escribi�:
I want to be able to tell which digital chunks are his spleen from which chunks are his kidneys. THAT is quality, IMO.
Whirly you should definitely be careful X-D
Nintendo isn't great if you are 11, Nintendo is great if you want to play differently, have many fun with friends. There's nothing to challenge Mario Kart or Mario Party or other multiplayer games. If I want to see blood and screaming people, I'll go in the street and kill someone, it's cheaper than a computer :)
Posted 09 November 2005 - 7:56 PM
Ben_j Escribi�:
I don't like the controller S... It's not intuitive at all IMO. The buttons are not pleasant (IMO again).
I'm waiting for Nintendo Revolution cause it's really going to innovate in terms of gameplay. I don't care about graphics and all that, because now, the innovations on the graphisms are no longer as hitting and impressive as btw SuperNES and N64 for example...
I'm glad too see that someone shares my opinion in console gaming :D.
However in PC gaming i'm quite happy as it is ;)
Btw, have any of you guys tried Fahrenheit?! It's a real cool game wich plays just like a movie. Almost all you're actions has an consequense later on in the game, it's really inutive imo. Allthough the game thechnic is most about hitting the right button at the right time, the story elements are so cool that it's worth a look.
Posted 09 November 2005 - 8:02 PM
Zelda Ocarina of Time (THE BEST !)
Mario 64
Perfect Dark
TimeSplitters 2 & 3
Eternal Darkness (great game)
Resident Evil 4 (the 2nd best game)
Metroid Prime
Golden Sun
Mario Kart 64
Final Fantasy 7
Marble Madness (probably my pre-1995 favourite game)
Super Mario Bros.
And so many others...
Posted 09 November 2005 - 8:04 PM
egil Escribi�:
Btw, have any of you guys tried Fahrenheit?! It's a real cool game wich plays just like a movie. Almost all you're actions has an consequense later on in the game, it's really inutive imo. Allthough the game thechnic is most about hitting the right button at the right time, the story elements are so cool that it's worth a look.
I took a drink with 2 friends of my sister, who are programmers at Quantic Dreams, the studio which made Farenheit :D But i haven't tried the game yet ...
Posted 09 November 2005 - 8:11 PM
You should try the game and see what you think of it.
Btw you have good taste in games too :D
My absolute favourite game is:
Quake III Arena
Posted 09 November 2005 - 8:21 PM
Ben_j Escribi�:
My favourite games :
Zelda Ocarina of Time (THE BEST !)
Mario 64
Perfect Dark
TimeSplitters 2 & 3
Eternal Darkness (great game)
Resident Evil 4 (the 2nd best game)
Metroid Prime
Golden Sun
Mario Kart 64
Final Fantasy 7
Marble Madness (probably my pre-1995 favourite game)
Super Mario Bros.
And so many others...
OMFG! That�s my all time favs!! only add smash bros to the list !!!
I�m with you OOT and RE4 are my fav games ever!!! :o
#89 toomuchstash
Posted 09 November 2005 - 8:29 PM
egil Escribi�:
Ooh cool, I saw an interview with the lead designer of the game (or something) wich made me interested in it at first. And when I look back I think he had an french accent ;)
You should try the game and see what you think of it.
Btw you have good taste in games too :D
My absolute favourite game is:
Quake III Arena
I saw a picture from Quake 4, they remade DM17 with the Q4 engine, it looked sweet.
Posted 09 November 2005 - 10:57 PM
Ben_j Escribi�:
Nintendo isn't great if you are 11, Nintendo is great if you want to play differently, have many fun with friends. There's nothing to challenge Mario Kart or Mario Party or other multiplayer games. If I want to see blood and screaming people, I'll go in the street and kill someone, it's cheaper than a computer :)
its sooo true.......not that i would know anything about killing someone 8O
one of my favs from back in the day:

Posted 09 November 2005 - 11:16 PM
.......on second thought I wouldn?t want you to satisfy any republican by joining the army, so just freak out like michael douglas in "falling down"
Posted 14 November 2005 - 4:01 AM
Megaman Battle Network
Armored Core
Resident Evil 4
Probably some more stand-out series, but I'm blanking now... :x